I found this video, below, mildly entertaining in a weird way. I suppose I’m not feeling very productive. I’m still in a funk about the residency problem from Univ of Alaska, and meanwhile the stormy weather and my flu-thing are also keeping me from doing much useful otherwise. Recovering from my trip, I guess, and feeling like I shouldn’t have taken the trip in the first place – spending money I don’t really have and accomplishing very little.

Mildly entertaining? It cracked me up. Although one does wonder what inspires people to spend the time necessary to compile a videos like this. Hopefully a large circle of friends with similar humor that rewards them with hours of laughter.
Strange how the “foreign” title of the video immediately brought up a sense of home in me. I don’t speak Czech, but I live along the train line that connects Munich and Prague. I thus often travel in Czech trains emblazoned on the indoor LED signage with the destination “hlavní nádraží Praha”. The first time I saw that phrase years ago, my knowledge of Russian told me right off that “hlavní” must be Czech for “main”, from which I discerned that “nádraží” must be train station. Hlavní nádraží Praha. Prague Central Station.