… so, a bit of an anticlimax, as usual. Feeling a bit grumpy, this New Years Day.
Already, last Thursday, I knew I was getting sick. I had some stomach flu type symptoms Thursday and Friday. Saturday the stomach stuff cleared up, but it transformed into a more regular flu. I felt feverish Saturday and yesterday, and did even less than usual.
I napped a lot, and experienced some really unpleasant dreams. In one, I was driving on an LA freeway, but I kept missing my exit. Over and over and over and over and over. In another, I was talking to my father, but he'd become a conspiracy theorist, was living on the streets, and was spouting weird, vaguely right-wing nonsense. I was trying to take him to a mental health facility, and he was running away. He had a pet monkey.
I hope I get better. Work is going to be demanding this week, even with today off: all new classes, new curricula, new students.
So that's the not-so-fresh start to 2018, for me.
Plus, tomorrow morning, earlier then I would prefer, I have to get up and go to the hospital. It's time for my scheduled semi-annual anti-cancer scan. So that will be fun.
[daily log: lying around]