Caveat: “The Bullet Train from Tokyo”

This is the other video I made where I started with the song and added the video bits I'd recently taken.  The lyrics to the song ("Hammering in my Head" from Garbage's 1998 Version 2.0 album) include the phrase "the bullet train from Tokyo" and I'd always imagined, someday, I would be on a bullet train from Tokyo, and lo, last Saturday, I was.  So I made this little video, and, fortunately, this time, youtube allowed my "third party copyrighted content" — so you all can see it. 

It's funny, because youtube communicates with me in Korean (not always very successfully, I might add, but I can get the gist).  I can't figure out how to change the setting that makes it do this.  Here's what it told me about this posting: 


회원님의 동영상 "The Bullet Train from Tokyo"에 UMG님이 소유하거나 라이센스 권한을 갖고 있는 콘텐츠가 있을 수 있습니다.

별도의 조치를 취할 필요는 없습니다. 그러나 회원님의 동영상에 미치는 영향에 대해 알고 싶으면 계정의 콘텐츠 ID 일치 섹션을 참조하시기 바랍니다.

– YouTube 고객지원팀

I like the "caveatdumptruck님" [honored caveatdumptruck].  And the "Sincerely" in English — what's with that?  I wonder if it's going through some kind of automatic translation software.

I'm still puzzling about what to do about my other, disabled video.  I'm searching for a different song that I like that I can match to it, that youtube might allow… but, since I deleted the raw source footage that I used to make the video (to make room on my hard drive), my options are limited.  Ah well.  It was no big deal, really.

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