Yesterday was a holiday. And I had an interesting experience.
A person who had been one of my best friends when I was in high school, over 30 years ago, had reached out to me to let me know that he just happened to be in Korea. Chris is quite busy – he's here on work, and they've filled up his schedule of course. But he had a few hours free, so I took the train into Seoul, and after some confusion about where to meet, I met up with him and his wife. We talked for a few hours and went across the street from the convention center where he was for his work to visit a temple called Bongeunsa.
He is essentially unchanged, to my perception. He still seems to be the same person I knew in high school. It was interesting talking to him, after so long – the last time I had seen him was 28 years ago, when I was a guest at his wedding. After that we had lost touch.
The picture quality is poor, I know. Nevertheless, perhaps if you knew us in high school, you'd figure out who he is?
Today there was this huge downpour, but it was rather short. It's August, now – was that the monsoon's last hurrah?
[daily log: walking, 2km]