Caveat: Poem #1743 “El vaquero de Gojangú”

 Como estamos descansando
 quisiera en este canzó
 contarles lo que pasó
 allá en el llano a un vaquero,
 nombre de Che Quim el fiero,
 p'acá de Gojangú andó.

– un fragmento poético en métrica romance.
I wrote this bit of poetry in around 2015. It’s a bit complex in terms of what it’s meant to be – it’s a fragment of a poem embedded in a fiction, so it has its own “author” within that fiction. I had been quite involved in creating fictional “wiki articles” about one of my imaginary countries, at the time, and this poem occupies that space. I still have some of those wiki articles hosted on my own wiki – here is the article about this poem. Note that the poem’s protagonist, Che Quim, is a “fictional character” within the broader fiction that is the enclosing wiki article – if that makes sense. He’s doubly fictional.

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