Caveat: 너무 많은 기침

Wow what a horrible flu this is that I have right now.
I woke up at around 4 am because I was coughing. I took some cough suppressant, drank some tea, and after a few hours, I went back to sleep again.
I had very strange dream-snippets.
In one memorable dream fragment, a student was following me around, poking me and invading my space and being generally annoying. I had this weird lucid-dreaming insight: I thought to myself, in the dream, “well, this is a dream, so it doesn’t matter what I do…” I spun around and punched the student. There, that took care of that. Actually, I don’t normally harbor impulses like that, but I think I know what it’s about.
I woke up with a kind of spasmodic turn and the sun was shining into my eyes.
I spent the day watching Korean documentaries and sneezing and dozing. I finished that Tolkien book I’ve been reading, but didn’t have the gumption to start something new.

Unrelated quote of the day:

“If I owned a dam and decided to donate it to charity, would I be giving a dam? I’m sure that might be a first because no one really gives a dam.” – the internet

What I’m listening to right now.

Junip, “Always.”

Droning chords and distant bells
Humming over empty shells
Holding on tight onto a dead sky

Nomadic moves across a lawn
Inch by inch into the dawn
Holding on tight onto a dead sky

Turn a deaf ear no matter what they might say
Turn a deaf ear pushing you further away

Droning chords and distant bells
To what’s been over since the fall
Holding tight to what’s been felt
Holding on tight onto a dead sky

Turn a deaf ear no matter what they might say
Turn a deaf ear pushing you further away

[daily log: coughing, 6k]

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