I spent some time in my very old haunts around Dinkytown, the neighborhood on the northeastern edge of the University of Minnesota campus. Some things change — there's the appalling new stadium on which the University clearly spent a vast sum of money, and new parking ramps and buildings and roads. And the Student Book Store where I worked for 3-odd years has changed management and shrunk a bit, while the "Dinkydome" where it's located is under humongous renovation — it looks like they're going to put a giant building behind it where the parking lot and the Starbucks used to be. The "Expresso22" (the cafe with the punk-gothy vibe that I used to escape to) is closed because of the renovations.
But some things stay the same. Down on 14th Street, the Expresso Royale is still going strong and has the same feel to it. I used to study many hours there, way back into the 80's, when it was called something else and was open 24 hours a day. I even saw some of the same dysfunctional Dinkydenizens loitering along 14th street… faces familiar from 10 and even 20 years ago.
Then I saw Minneapolis police officers on horseback. That was weird. What's that about? In Dinkytown? It's always been rather bohemian (Bob Dylan started his folk career there), but horse-mounted police was a rather excessively Manhattennish touch, I thought.
Overall, I guess I was just reminiscing, though I stopped in the U's bookstore, as it's a good place for the obscure sorts of things I tend to like to browse.