Caveat: Birria

Sometimes I get weird food cravings. I have moved in the direction of ignoring them, because every time I go to satisfy one of those food cravings, I’m deeply disappointed. My food memory is intact, but my actual taste and “mouth-feel” mechanisms are essentially permanently rearranged since my surgery.
Today, for whatever strange reason, I found myself remembering and craving the birria that I used to buy as a lunchtime snack at one of the puestos on San Cosme (in front of the subway station) where I lived in Mexico City. I suppose that birria (a kind of goat-meat soup or stew – which it is depends on consistency, and the kind I got was always more brothy than stewy) would be hard to come by in Korea in any event. So it’s just as well that I mostly let these cravings just pass by. But it’s a fond memory in any event.
Here’s to birria – the picture is a random picture found online that matches what I used to get pretty closely.
It’s strange…  the random stuff that pops into one’s mind.
[daily log: walking, 5.5 km]

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