Caveat: Poem #3143 “A pi-day triolet”

The number is like three, but more.
 It's calculated, goes around,
but doesn't quite add up to four.

The number is like three, but more.
 A circle's edge, some mathy lore,
its science uses quite renowned.

The number is like three, but more
 it's calculated, goes around.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #3082 “The obstruction”

The beast was standing, quite aloof,
 it issued challenge to my path.
And birds were squacking, giving proof. 

The beast was standing, quite aloof.
 It lowered head and moved its hoof.
But then it bored. It felt no wrath.

The beast was standing, quite aloof,
 it issued challenge to my path.

– a triolet. Events which took place in my mom’s driveway yesterday.


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Caveat: Poem #3061 “Small town gift shop”

These last few days, there's lots of sales,
 procrastinators rule the town:
they come out now, with cries and wails.

These last few days, there's lots of sales,
 their shopping plans were made by snails...
they grimly throw their money down.

These last few days, there's lots of sales,
 procrastinators rule the town.

– a triolet, summarizing life working in retail this time of year.

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Caveat: Poem #3040 “Events down the driveway”

Some chickens came and grazed the yard,
 the dog became excited, then.
He lunged, but all the birds stood guard.

Some chickens came and grazed the yard,
 the night was coming, sky was starred.
The dog returned to where he'd been.

Some chickens came and grazed the yard,
 the dog became excited, then.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #3019 “The peregrination”

The plan was: travel southward, fast.
 So airplanes did their thing, and cars.
The crowds were large; the city's vast.
The plan was: travel southward, fast.
 The traffic's not to be outclassed:
so many headlights - rushing stars.

The plan was: travel southward, fast.
 So airplanes did their thing, and cars.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #3012 “Unbelievable savings!”

The light was saved for half a year
 the sun, it goes along, it seems:
we play with clocks, quite cavalier.

The light was saved for half a year
 with so much light, things will be clear:
no more of those annoying dreams.

The light was saved for half a year
 the sun, it goes along, it seems.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2998 “Fall’s flight”

The seagull sat, observing things.
 The tide, the rocks, a swimming fish.
A duck that ducked, some rippling rings.

The seagull sat, observing things.
 I wonder if the bird might wish
that Fall was slower with its wings.

The seagull sat, observing things.
 The tide, the rocks, a swimming fish.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2991 “Submission”

The wind whipped rain, and caused a feeling:
 a vague, pathetic fallacy
took hold of me, and left me reeling.

The storm pushed rain, and gave a feeling:
 nostalgia gripped, my soul was dealing,
bowed down to nature's papacy.

The storm pushed rain, and gave a feeling:
 a vague, pathetic fallacy.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2985 “Antumnos”

The otherworld unleashed its dogs;
 they chased us through the timeless trees.
We fled and jumped those ancient logs.

The otherworld unleashed its dogs.
 We fell and tasted moss and bogs.
The murky water grasped our knees.
The otherworld unleashed its dogs;
 they chased us through the timeless trees.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2971 “A minor gladness”

The summer's nearly ended: yay.
 I'm glad when summer's mandate's done.
You know: you see the shortened day.

The summer's nearly ended: yay.
 The endless tasks have gone away.
The night, its moon, that's now the one.

The summer's nearly ended: yay.
 I'm glad when summer's mandate's done.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2950 “The detaching”

I think the silence isn't there.
 Instead, the world is random sound,
but all inside, a constant blare.

I think the silence isn't there.
 A buzzing rules the inner air,
all meaning's lost, like sailors drowned. 

I think the silence isn't there.
 Instead, the world is random sound.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2929 “When the storms come”

I love it when the storms pull in,
 they swing around the point and park
their blowy winds, like ghostly grin...

I love it when the storms pull in,
 the trees' broad branches dance and spin
and whitecaps thrash the predawn's dark...

I love it when the storms pull in,
 they swing around the point and park.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2922 “A dawn in early August”

A Sunday came, all wan and dull,
 the sky was clear, the ridge turned gold.
The dawn assaulted winds at lull. 

A Sunday came, all wan and dull,
 the tide was in, the bay was full.
The sea was still and, always, cold.

A Sunday came, all wan and dull,
 the sky was clear, the ridge turned gold.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2894 “No”

Regrets pile up like drifts of snow
 and nothing's ever gonna change.
I burn through time by saying "No."

Regrets pile up like drifts of snow
 denying things to make them go...
As strategy it's rather strange.

Regrets pile up like drifts of snow
 and nothing's ever gonna change.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2880 “A Sunday stroll”

The sky was gray, the mist hung low.
 I walked the road and saw the trees.
Some rocks recalled the winter's snow.

The sky was gray, the mist hung low.
 The water, distant, seemed to glow.
The bits of light, waves touched by breeze.

The sky was gray, the mist hung low.
 I walked the road and saw the trees.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2874 “The great journey”

I start my journey up the stairs,
 my outlook bold: I'm upward bound.
The sun's not shining - no one cares.

I start my journey up the stairs:
 the steps, they lurk, like little snares.
I stumble then, a frightening sound.

I start my journey up the stairs,
 my outlook bold: I'm upward bound.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2867 “Being another”

The silence deafens, coats the world,
 as if the head's been filled with earth.
The clouds above are curly, pearled.

The silence deafens, coats the world,
 as if, all round, broad wings unfurled -
all covering - a whole sky's worth.

The silence deafens, coats the world,
 as if the head's been filled with earth.

– a triolet.

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Caveat: Poem #2860 “Gazing out from my window at the sea”

A morning's drizzle paints the sea
 with spots and roundish dapples, green.
The gray, cold sky confounds, unfree.

A morning's drizzle paints the sea,
 while trees absorb the gray - that's key -
and fish and whales swim deep, unseen,

A morning's drizzle paints the sea
 with spots and roundish dapples, green.

– a triolet. This is something new – I’ve never tried this particular genre of short poem before. It’s pretty highly constrained, which I tend to like, but also repetitive by design, which I tend not to like.

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