ㅁ Kiamon traveled to worlds beyond ken using her mind to find meaning again. Body in place, like a somnolent monk, worlds coalesced out of cognitive junk.
Category: Kiamonic Quatrains
Caveat: Poem #1380 “Seventeenth stanza”
ㅁ Kiamon thought about ancestry then, counting back mothers and fathers to ten. How did her elders perform at these tasks? When at last death took them, what did they ask?
Caveat: Poem #1361 “Sixteenth stanza”
ㅁ Not-a-Wolf found out a path for his hopes, walked up and down the cold shore. Misanthropes told him their lies but his dream opened out, showing his ancestors dancing about.
– a quatrain in a defective dactylic tetrameter. Not-a-Wolf is a fictional character in the alternate-universe place called Makaska.
Caveat: Poem #1358 “Fifteenth stanza”
ㅁ Kiamon tried to retrieve her lost soul, searching the forest and hunting a role. Slowly her hope drained away, till at last, Only a ghost trod the earth. She had passed.
Caveat: Poem #1355 “Fourteenth stanza”
ㅁ Kiamon went on refusing to fight, peering around in an eerie half-light, kicking at dirt and escaping her friends: heartless and actually seeking her end.
Caveat: Poem #1352 “Thirteenth stanza”
ㅁ Kiamon drifted, as drifters will drift, taking in scenery, hoping for lift. Nothing appeared, though, and life carried on. Sighing, she wandered... evading the dawn.
Caveat: Poem #1296 “Twelfth stanza”
Kiamon never once thought on her fate, seeking instead to descend to debate topics that really could not set her free, causing her anguish and hiding the key.
Caveat: Poem #1268 “Eleventh stanza (bis)”
"Great," he said - demons will talk in such ways, staking out claims on precarious days. Trust isn't easy with creatures like that. Souls are in question, beliefs are at bat.
Caveat: Poem #1199 “Eleventh stanza”
Kiamon sometimes would ponder her fate, doubtless compelled by her path not quite straight, zigging and zagging through storm and through dust, barely aware of her growing disgust.
– a rhymed pair of tetrameter couplets, continuing the introspections of Kiamon, a fictional being.
Caveat: Poem #1198 “Tenth stanza”
Kiamon never paid heed to her fate, still it caught up to her, blanking her slate: sands of the desert, they cradled her head, fallen and hurt, the sun left her for dead.
– a rhymed pair of tetrameter couplets, continuing the introspections of Kiamon, a fictional being.
Caveat: Poem #1195 “Ninth stanza”
Kiamon never paid heed to her fate, battling through time was her gods-given trait, battles were all waged against demons and saints, ethics neglected, devoid of constraints.
– a rhymed pair of tetrameter couplets, continuing the introspections of Kiamon, a fictional being.
Caveat: Poem #1194 “Eighth stanza”
Kiamon never paid heed to her fate, rather she tended to loiter and wait, loathing decisions she wandered the streets, dreaming solutions, accepting defeats.
– a rhymed pair of tetrameter couplets, continuing the introspections of Kiamon, a fictional being.
Caveat: Poem #1179 “Seventh stanza”
Kiamon never once thought on her fate Lacking the judgment to enter that gate Wishing her doubts weren't well-founded in life Pushing to find resolution in strife.
– a rhymed pair of tetrameter couplets, continuing the introspections of Kiamon, a fictional being.
Caveat: Poem #1178 “Sixth stanza”
Kiamon never paid heed to her fate Wrecking the present and blanking her slate, Forcing her gaze toward the glowering moon Over the trees. But the end came too soon.
– a rhymed pair of tetrameter couplets, continuing the introspections of Kiamon, a fictional being.
Caveat: Poem #1177 “Fifth stanza”
Kiamon sometimes would ponder her fate Entering into a strange mental state During which everything seemed like a dream Where dreams themselves were the dominant theme.
– a rhymed pair of tetrameter couplets, continuing the introspections of Kiamon, a fictional being.
Caveat: Poem #1176 “Fourth stanza”
Kiamon never once thought on her fate Everyone thought that she ended up late, Actually, though, she'd been merely a ghost, Time healed her wounds. She returned to her post.
– a rhymed pair of tetrameter couplets, on a certain theme first taken up almost two years ago.
Caveat: Poem #623 “Third stanza”
Kiamon never once thought on her fate Episodes happened that sometimes did grate: Cruelty is not something done without need... Cut with a blade, then, the soul can be freed.
[daily log: walking, 7.5km]
Caveat: Poem #618 “Second stanza”
Kiamon never once thought on her fate
Gamely she played along, planning to wait
Patience came easy when dreams were all clear
Doubts never showed themselves; neither did fear.
Caveat: Poem #608 “First stanza”
Kiamon never once thought on her fate
Grimly she battled to push down her hate
Hoping perhaps to at last find her goal
Kiamon willingly gave up her soul.
…Recently I tried something new. As some of you know, I have a rather wide set of “novels in progress,” none of which actually progress, much. I’m bad at these wider, longer-scale projects. So I decided to take this slightly more successful short poem-a-day concept and “hijack” it for the novel thing. I have been writing little “character-building” quatrains, where I try to encapsulate some aspect of a story’s character. This is one of those. In general, don’t be surprised to see the names of fictional beings begin to populate some of my poems.
[daily log: walking, 1km]