ㅁ the world, like a lung expands impulsively out and then shrinks again
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ Some snow fell last night. You can see moonlight reflect. It might change to rain.
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ the wind was quite strong it blew through town all day long and the building creaked
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ I sought out some words. They failed to appear as hoped. So instead: these words.
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ The two-by-fours fell, and they tried to bonk my head... bruised both hands badly.
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ It was a heat map, showing where the cells died first... better known as "leaf".
ㅁ a GPT-3 writing better poetry appeared in my dream
– a pseudo-haiku. GPT-3 is a recent type of AI (artificial intelligence). It’s “an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text” – per wikipedia.