ㅁ Starting, the day feels good: there's an optimism, and the future feels full of plans... but then
– a cinquain.
ㅁ Starting, the day feels good: there's an optimism, and the future feels full of plans... but then
– a cinquain.
ㅁ And then these aliens returned to their spaceship, fired up the rockets, gave a wave, and left.
– a cinquain.
ㅁ long drive rest areas stores and their parking lots fast food places with their drive-thrus same same
– a cinquain.
ㅁ inside my failing dreams i lurked hidden and dead a ghost trapped in some twist of time watching
– a cinquain.
ㅁ more snow... well actually a whole bunch of snow fell during the winter night... so: shovel
– a cinquain.
ㅁ Some wind and driving snow illustrated the purplish dawn, which then washes the trees.
– a cinquain.
ㅁ no words just images but wait these are some words i seem to be doing it wrong bad poem
– a cinquain.
ㅁ dark dawn littered with rain caressed by blowing wind and devoid of warmth or comfort begins
– a cinquain.
ㅁ labor attached to land real-life geofiction machines to move the stones and dirt change things
– a cinquain.
ㅁ Summer in rainforest: still quite a bit of rain, with a few dry days here and there; trees' smile.
– an cinquain.
ㅁ greenhouse with cucumbers and exactly two beets also there is some nice lettuce that's all
– a cinquain.
ㅁ the world is very small like a tiny pebble found lying there beside the road ignored
– a cinquain.
ㅁ Dryness is relative: here in our rainforest, a "drought" involves lots of drizzle, damp days.
– a cinquain.
ㅁ the words failed to engage and instead just hung there like a poorly wrought metaphor: banal
– a cinquain.
ㅁ cut off from convenience from civilization from banal madness -- here on this island
– a cinquain.
ㅁ A slug made quick progress across the gravel road, but "quick" is a relative term: time passed.
– a cinquain.
ㅁ Never reconsider impulsive decisions; you might end up feeling there'd been... mistakes.
– a cinquain.
ㅁ drizzle flavored the day, like a mist so heavy that it was drawn to the earth's stones: strong clouds
– a cinquain.
ㅁ some wind caressed the sea motivated the trees caused the birds to alter their plans made waves
– a cinquain.
ㅁ Some days when I wake up, I feel anti-social. I don't want to deal with people. No words.
– a cinquain.
ㅁ some books on my bookshelves have not in fact been read they represent aspirations vague plans
– a cinquain.
ㅁ spruce tips pale green needles bunched up, like tree-fingers each one pointing outward, groundward, from trees
– a cinquain.
ㅁ some birds log in, mornings, and make declarations, many repetitive statements, all day
– a cinquain.
ㅁ in dreams there's a soundtrack fragments of ancient songs incoherent intrumentals which fade
– a cinquain.
ㅁ short words can seem easy but longer words stretch out unexpectedly extensive precise
– a cinquain.
ㅁ sudden summer-like temps and a bold, glaring sun wilted my young broccoli plants... life's hard
– a cinquain.
ㅁ the trees made a bargain with the chthonic powers: you'll feed us well, and then later, we'll die
– a cinquain.