ㅁ What kind of creature is that, looking back at me? It's nothing ideal.
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ These antipodean roosters crow (anticipate the rising sun), just the same as those back home. Here, wallabies listen (I have to assume). Whereas it's bears who hear them (maybe), there.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ "Dwight was NOT a nice man," she declared. It burst up through her dementia, a complete non sequitur. "Such a horrible man." Dwight was her father - my grandfather. Long ago he'd done wrong.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ Of course the birds make strange noises, here... like in some Hollywood jungle. And the wallabies watch you. They seem quite uncertain. The driveway is rough, with giant humps. I walk down, alone. Dusk.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ The beast was standing, quite aloof, it issued challenge to my path. And birds were squacking, giving proof. The beast was standing, quite aloof. It lowered head and moved its hoof. But then it bored. It felt no wrath. The beast was standing, quite aloof, it issued challenge to my path.
– a triolet. Events which took place in my mom’s driveway yesterday.
ㅁ I wish with all my heart to be a hermit, hid away for good. Perhaps I'd live up in a tree. I wish with all my heart to be somewhere silent, calm and free, Far off in some forsaken wood. I wish with all my heart to be a hermit, hid away for good.
– a triolet.
ㅁ no words just images but wait these are some words i seem to be doing it wrong bad poem
– a cinquain.
ㅁ The sky remains all overcast; the rains have passed, the dampness reigns. Perhaps the ground will dry at last. The sky remains all overcast. The moon is weak, no shadows cast; behind the clouds, its signal wanes. The sky remains all overcast; the rains have passed, the dampness reigns.
– a triolet.
ㅁ dark dawn littered with rain caressed by blowing wind and devoid of warmth or comfort begins
– a cinquain.
ㅁ I start my poems with too many words. A jumble of semantic cruft. In need of painful trimming. Gradually, I cut. They fall down, broken. Bits of meaning, discarded. What's left? Noun.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ Trees. Gray skies. Scattered rain. A distant rock, battered by a surging gunmetal sea.
– a tetractys.
ㅁ The solstice is past. It's a good thing, don't you think? The world's too tilted.
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ These last few days, there's lots of sales, procrastinators rule the town: they come out now, with cries and wails. These last few days, there's lots of sales, their shopping plans were made by snails... they grimly throw their money down. These last few days, there's lots of sales, procrastinators rule the town.
– a triolet, summarizing life working in retail this time of year.
ㅁ Kiamon pondered the point of the game. Seemingly, all of the turns were the same. First she'd get caught, after which she'd escape. Villains would chase, like a repeating tape.
– a quatrain in dactylic tetrameter. Part of the continuing chaotic snapshots from life of the fictional being, Kiamon.
ㅁ Stars stare down at the sea at moonlit hills at swathes of trees arrayed against the cold.
– a tetractys.
ㅁ I start awake to a sudden sound. Well, rather, the sound's memory... the sound was a dreamed event. Still, it made me sit up. Awake, in moonlight. What kind of sound? A plonking. Unknown cause.
– a nonnet.