ㅁ I opened an eye. My consciousness verified, I lay still a while.
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ Kiamon pondered the point of the game. Seemingly, all of the turns were the same. First she'd get caught, after which she'd escape. Villains would chase, like a repeating tape.
– a quatrain in dactylic tetrameter. Part of the continuing chaotic snapshots from life of the fictional being, Kiamon.
ㅁ Stars stare down at the sea at moonlit hills at swathes of trees arrayed against the cold.
– a tetractys.
ㅁ I start awake to a sudden sound. Well, rather, the sound's memory... the sound was a dreamed event. Still, it made me sit up. Awake, in moonlight. What kind of sound? A plonking. Unknown cause.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ We need to discuss the roadside grass, that grows beside my daily drive. The grass seems unimportant: green, perhaps non-native. But as winter comes, with heavy rains, it turns gold, flaxen, pale.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ "Where have the trees gone?" They told me they missed the trees that I used to blog.
– a pseudo-haiku.
ㅁ The economy can keep growing, even if we run out of stuff. Like a currency unit in, e.g., Zimbabwe, it is unbounded. Reality a canvas for our hopes.
– a nonnet.
ㅁ I shall prefer to take a rest. I'm stressed, from working far too hard. I think a day of nothing's best. I shall prefer to take a rest. I'll sit and meditate, depressed. I'll watch the ravens in the yard. I shall prefer to take a rest. I'm stressed, from working far too hard.
– a triolet.
ㅁ Really I'm just an alien here. The people gathered around me are remote, unknowable. But they all feel the same. At least, I guess so. They, too, wonder: what is this? Why here? Now?
– a nonnet.
ㅁ Some chickens came and grazed the yard, the dog became excited, then. He lunged, but all the birds stood guard. Some chickens came and grazed the yard, the night was coming, sky was starred. The dog returned to where he'd been. Some chickens came and grazed the yard, the dog became excited, then.
– a triolet.
ㅁ The architect was antisocial. She suggested that the problem lay with everyone else. She was arrogant, too. "The people don't know how genius manifests around us."
– a nonnet.
ㅁ The world constructed an architect, placed her beside other beings, awaited her creations. Fantastic towers rose, and deep labyrinths, were then inscribed in waiting, empty fields.
– a nonnet.
#Poetry #Triolet
ㅁ Autonomy has promised much, delivers only loneliness. And also leaves you out of touch. Autonomy has promised much, but solitude can be a crutch. It lurks then, causing grim distress. Autonomy has promised much, delivers only loneliness.
– a triolet.
ㅁ The scene unfolded along the trail: 8 beer cans, and a broken thing (looked like some kind of motor) along the barbed-wire fence. What had happenned here? A mechanic, in despair... drinking, sad.
– a nonnnet.
ㅁ I knew this trip would prove difficult - meaning, on emotional terms. As a trip, it's relaxing. But Arthur's dementia is now foregrounded by circumstance. Denial becomes hard.
– a nonnnet.