ㅁ I set my feet to walk west - I thought that path would be best; and then I'd come back and rest.
Category: Book 4
Caveat: Poem #2194 “Clear day”
ㅁ and what's to fear in the seas? and why not enjoy the breeze? and what memories are these?
Caveat: Poem #2193 “The 3-hour drought”
ㅁ The sun made a small effort to make the road a desert, but hours passed and rain met dirt.
Caveat: Poem #2192 “Optimistic pessimism”
ㅁ The world's awaiting time's end, "Apocalypse 'round the bend!" But each time, instead, things mend.
Caveat: Poem #2191 “Retail ennui”
Caveat: Poem #2190 “Chinese room”
ㅁ ephemeral droplets of unending rain pattered the window and underscored pain fading to background, another event overtook consciousness, charged the brain rent
Caveat: Poem #2189 “Genuflection”
ㅁ The trees made gestures, showing exaltation, and clearly hoping they could fly away. The slugs were tasting stones on lower paths, that clouds prepared with frequent irrigation.
Caveat: Poem #2188 “Routine”
ㅁ The sun appeared for just a day, or two. Enough to dry the rocks but not the trees. The streams became a little slower then, but rain and fog returned to hurry them.
Caveat: Poem #2187 “Survivor”
ㅁ my mouth's full of mush some mornings nothing feels right my tongue's still half dead
Caveat: Poem #2186 “Best of worlds”
Caveat: Poem #2185 “Not so much a polyglot”
Caveat: Poem #2184 “Neighborly”
Caveat: Poem #2183 “Sixty-first stanza”
ㅁ Kiamon sat and considered her slump: nothing moved forward, she just was a lump. Nevertheless things would brighten, she thought. Then she would finally find what she sought.
Caveat: Poem #2182 “What’s important”
Caveat: Poem #2181 “Mute”
Caveat: Poem #2180 “Dominance”
Caveat: Poem #2179 “In the dream, I woke up”
Caveat: Poem #2178 “No so smart”
ㅁ I dreamed that I was Elon Musk, in jail for doing fraud; a silly judge passed sentence then: "He'll go to space, abroad!" They put me on my rocket ship along with certain staff; I'd brought my markers and a mug, I knew I'd have last laugh. We set course for my favorite spot, that planet over there; "To Mars!" I said, "we'll start anew!" But I'd forgot: no air.
Caveat: Poem #2177 “Just look out the window”
Caveat: Poem #2176 “Down’s definition”
ㅁ There's a rule for all the stones: "gravity" is how it goes and so they will fill the holes.
Caveat: Poem #2175 “What a pane”
ㅁ Yesterday, I made my first window for my many-angled treehouse. Of course it is imperfect. But I put in some glass, applied some putty quite messily, and looked out at blue sea.
Caveat: Poem #2174 “Recipe”
ㅁ Yesterday, I made some fish curry. I started making curry paste, with the mortar and pestle I'd bought in Korea; then I fry onion with zucchini, tomato, last, add fish.
Caveat: Poem #2173 “Snufflebeast”
ㅁ dog snuffles down the road smelling flowers... gotta smell that tree! oh, here's a piece of trash! nice, a mud puddle to drink! oh, look, a bee to try to eat! yikes! ouch. that bee is not so tasty.
Caveat: Poem #2172 “Unprecedented”
ㅁ rain comes down continues and then pauses you get used to it then when a patch of blue appears between parting clouds strange clarity amid gray whisps you feel somewhat disoriented
Caveat: Poem #2171 “R. Jeffers”
ㅁ I feel happiest just watching things, external to interactions: the struggle of living things trees, bees, birds, fish, eagles... a theodicy of small creatures, if you will, fighting death.
Caveat: Poem #2170 “Planning ahead”
ㅁ The day is done. I go out. A remainder of daylight and the drizzle invoke doubt with regard to coming night. Night is not a time to walk: rather, it's when I'll try sleep, check my handcrafted door's lock, and rest. And maybe dream, deep.
Caveat: Poem #2169 “Chance of rain”
ㅁ drip, drop, drip, drop, drip... drop, drop, drip, drop, drop, drip, drop... drip, drop. Just sayin'.
– a pseudo-haiku. Subject: