ㅁ Kiamon looked at the city, its lights: flickering images limning her nights. Quietly brooding, she pondered her pain, but, in the end, she just sat in the rain.
Category: Book 3
Caveat: Poem #1607 “Clutter”
Caveat: Poem #1606 “Raven, crow”
ㅁ The raven wheeled near the road, and landed... watched and waited as I slowed. Could it be... the raven crowed?
Caveat: Poem #1605 “Spin, tilt”
ㅁ Just at the ridge, the half moon, hovering, it hung, waiting, and then soon, behind clouds, like stones unhewn.
Caveat: Poem #1604 “Ode to Hole Pot”
ㅁ Most potholes could not be compared to you: the greatest obstacle I had yet seen. So stealthily did you lie there, it's true, awaiting my car's tires - you were quite mean. The way to deal with creatures of your sort involves a dodging kind of driving skill. In fact it can resemble healthy sport, but doubts and worries lurk beyond each hill. Perhaps I sped along a bit too fast. It seems I could have slowed down just a bit. The luck I'd had in swerving could not last. My god, that thing looked like a giant pit! But in the end I simply hit the brake. Behold, a pothole like unto a lake.
Caveat: Poem #1603 “A diagram of a tree”
ㅁ spinning leaves yellow leaves vibrant leaves green leaves wind-blown branches wandering branches smooth branches attenuated branches forking branches lazy branches rough branches strong branches the tree's trunk raises the tree's leaves journeys from earth to sky inevitably twisted roots spiraling roots vagrant roots still roots
Caveat: Poem #1602 “Life’s trajectory”
ㅁ tree poem tree poem tree poem tree poem tree
Caveat: Poem #1601 “Back and forth”
ㅁ We drove into town, to the stores there. Also, there was an appointment, at the clinic in Klawock. We had the time wrong, though. We had to leave then... come back later. We drove south and north... and...
Caveat: Poem #1600 “Free bird”
ㅁ I watched the cormorant watching me. It can be easily alarmed. And then it will launch itself serenading the sea, squawking and flapping, highly annoyed, dismissive, aloof, free.
Caveat: Poem #1599 “The anti-navigational manifesto”
ㅁ A small white moth caught some sunset light, dodging raindrops along the road. There's not much navigation taking place in its brain, it seems, as I watch: hanging in there, drop to drop, swoop up, down.
Caveat: Poem #1598 “Cheaper than radar speed enforcement”
ㅁ Potholes proliferate in the road. They become gravel-based life forms. In slow-motion, they merge, swirl: mudpuddle amoebas, tasting your truck's tires, eating stray stones, lying there, slowing all.
Caveat: Poem #1597 “East wind”
ㅁ If it's from the east we get some wind. Then the tree-branches wave outside. Whitecaps appear on the sea. Clouds struggle to stay gray. Shadows play around. Bushes convulse. The dock creaks. Birds swoop. Sighs.
Caveat: Poem #1596 “The curmudgeonly elf”
ㅁ In my role as curmudgeonly elf, I tried hard to keep the mood light. It's all just a performance. But sometimes convincing. I make a few puns and awkward jokes. People laugh. I shrug. Smile.
Caveat: Poem #1595 “Groping along”
ㅁ I rarely walk outside after dark. So when I did, last night, I saw: a faded reddish planet, a wheeling dome of stars, the deepest shadows of looming trees: no edges, but just dark.
Caveat: Poem #1594 “Thursday is shopping day”
ㅁ We went to town for Thursday shopping. Our first stop was the library - had to refresh DVDs. Next was the post-office. And then, groceries. A cold wind blew. But no snow. So far. Soon.
Caveat: Poem #1593 “Retail tales”
ㅁ The woman comes in regularly. Sometimes she just wants to visit. She has crossstitches to frame. There are things to be bought. Yesterday she told me she'd once worked here. Long ago, she'd stood, too.
Caveat: Poem #1592 “Legends from the islands hereabout”
ㅁ The native man came into the store. He often comes in to converse, which is hard because he's deaf. He talked about a girl who fell in a creek in Ketchikan... almost drowned, but then, saved.
Caveat: Poem #1591 “A magic incantation”
Caveat: Poem #1590 “Default poem”
Caveat: Poem #1589 “In southeast Alaska”
ㅁ Yes it's true: the rain falls, lashes trees, more than a breeze, hits the walls, sea-biting, rock-eating squalls.
Caveat: Poem #1588 “The skeptic’s gaze”
Caveat: Poem #1587 “Phantastic assertions”
Caveat: Poem #1586 “Affirmations while walking”
Caveat: Poem #1585 “Erosion”
Caveat: Poem #1584 “As darkness tends to do”
Caveat: Poem #1583 “Dry”
Caveat: Poem #1582 “Flat”
Caveat: Poem #1581 “Winterscape”
Caveat: Poem #1580 “Only today, though”
ㅁ they gave thanks broadly to the trees and stones and sea their minds thanked the world
Caveat: Poem #1579 “Transitory”
ㅁ headlights evoke memory, as cars pass... the flowing grass, silver sea, night falling... heading home, free.
Caveat: Poem #1578 “White”
Caveat: Poem #1577 “Banal undarkness”
Caveat: Poem #1576 “Unreadable signs”
ㅁ Freezing rain attacked the road. Or was it frozen, moonlit flakes that snowed, mapped a hieroglyphic code.