ㅁ Here are some of the words I have used; they present themselves to you all for your consideration; they might not be so clear, and they might lack flow; in halts and starts, they tumble outward, lost.
Category: Book 3
Caveat: Poem #1640 “A mountain’s moods”
Caveat: Poem #1639 “Splinters”
Caveat: Poem #1638 “Frictionless planet”
Caveat: Poem #1637 “Archeology”
Caveat: Poem #1636 “Wariness”
Caveat: Poem #1635 “Onomatopoeic summary”
ㅁ I commute to town via potholes. Sometimes I can dodge them, swerving. But always, it's bumpiness. Thachunkity roughness. Umpadonkiness. Thunka wunka. Slow-fast-stop. Rattle. Bonk!
Caveat: Poem #1634 “Cooling”
Caveat: Poem #1633 “By feel”
Caveat: Poem #1632 “Visionary”
Caveat: Poem #1631 “Mostly cloudy”
Caveat: Poem #1630 “Winter in the rainforest”
ㅁ Last winter at this time, the cold hummed. It tasted trees and wrought sparkles. It made the road as cool glass. This winter's song's distinct. It sends endless storms. It layers rain upon rain upon rain.
Caveat: Poem #1629 “The song must go on”
Caveat: Poem #1628 “A boatless sail”
Caveat: Poem #1627 “Nope”
Caveat: Poem #1626 “Fragmented reality”
Caveat: Poem #1625 “The recurring maps in my dreams”
ㅁ Dreamed I searched for a book but failed to find wandered cities, towns the tierra caliente in Mexico's humid south a book of hand-drawn maps appeared the man refused to sell it to me
Caveat: Poem #1624 “Parallel”
Caveat: Poem #1623 “Thirty-second stanza”
ㅁ Kiamon struggled to push on alone, lacking the help her ancestors had known. Dancing the stories she'd learned as a child, Ghosts only watched like shy beasts in the wild.
Caveat: Poem #1622 “More than seven”
Caveat: Poem #1621 “Inhumanism”
Caveat: Poem #1620 “Midwestern interlude”
Caveat: Poem #1619 “Each poem reflects its time of composition”
Caveat: Poem #1618 “The air takes action”
ㅁ Wind solid transparent ephemeral touches of cold air damp with the falling rain making the trees' branches wave and lash at the resistant sky until at last it yields to the dawn.
Caveat: Poem #1617 “Teleology”
ㅁ Dark mornings surrounding meditations on the topic of the purpose of living and the vague expectations that arise quotidianly and then fade like a gust of wind.
Caveat: Poem #1616 “The procrastinator’s plan”
Caveat: Poem #1615 “Unchanged”
ㅁ The year rolled over; it seems the same as the last: Trees, rain, rocks, clouds, days.
Caveat: Poem #1614 “But they took the fifth, on the stand”
ㅁ The moon rose, yellow. Its pale disk hovered and glowed. The trees witnessed it.