ㅁ So I went outside. Got set up to do some work. It started snowing.
Category: Book 3
Caveat: Poem #1673 “It failed to answer”
Caveat: Poem #1672 “Reliability”
Caveat: Poem #1671 “The elder gods”
ㅁ antisocial potholes vagrant potholes migratory potholes geologic potholes random potholes unexpected potholes cowardly potholes illusory potholes amoebic potholes epistemic potholes inchoate potholes abyssal potholes the car's tires roll and dodge across, up, through, around, among, between... and fail lurking potholes somnolent potholes narcotic potholes welcoming potholes
Caveat: Poem #1670 “How it works in a rainforest”
Caveat: Poem #1669 “Phenomenology”
Caveat: Poem #1668 “Synecdoche”
ㅁ Symbols of weather distribute themselves like clouds... well, in fact, they're clouds.
Caveat: Poem #1667 “The continent’s defeat at its edge”
Caveat: Poem #1666 “Events in a darkroom”
ㅁ Wind, purple clouds hanging, spots of blackness, patches of white snow, something greenish, or brown, inchoate shapes emerging, gravel on the gray road, waiting, the sky's first light rendering the world.
Caveat: Poem #1665 “The bucket”
ㅁ I overturned the bucket, gave a thunk, a big, round chunk of ice hit the cold ground, to sit.
Caveat: Poem #1664 “Their ghosts are there watching”
Caveat: Poem #1663 “Social media”
Caveat: Poem #1662 “Serious business”
Caveat: Poem #1661 “Not so innocent”
Caveat: Poem #1660 “Traffic patterns”
Caveat: Poem #1659 “The parable of the washer(s)”
ㅁ I found a washer in my pocket, and... my thought was that I should remove it quick. Because in fact to leave it lurking there would make for problems when I washed my pants. The washer would escape and bang around, a fearsome thing would then occur, no doubt: the thing would bounce and dance across the floor... a washer wrecked by washers getting washed.
Caveat: Poem #1658 “Yawning doom”
ㅁ The water accumulates in great piles, and all the while, something waits, the culvert fills, knowing fate.
Caveat: Poem #1657 “God’s spirograph”
ㅁ The wind pulled out curls of snow, and they streamed, the air dreamed of where to go, the gusts spun and kept their flow.
Caveat: Poem #1656 “Duty”
Caveat: Poem #1655 “And everything just stops”
ㅁ Dark days of dull light cooled to a cold that's so cold that the birds might fall.
Caveat: Poem #1654 “The world is a map of itself”
ㅁ The stones hold the earth or are they some kind of map drawn out from there, then?
Caveat: Poem #1653 “Monosyllables”
ㅁ Small words are the best. In the end they serve my needs. They come down like frost.
Caveat: Poem #1652 “The small”
ㅁ The words are so short, They fall and spin and lose speed, at last they just stop.
Caveat: Poem #1651 “The spoon”
Caveat: Poem #1650 “The sky”
ㅁ The sky was not dark. It could have been, but dawn came. So it turned pale gray.
Caveat: Poem #1649 “The stones”
ㅁ No words can be found out on the slopes strewn with stone all that's there is time.
Caveat: Poem #1648 “Stuff”
ㅁ Bits of the world, framed: fern, shell, stone, glass, leaf, seed, bolt. Things dwell in their spots.
Caveat: Poem #1647 “Propagation”
Caveat: Poem #1646 “Chthonic constraints”
ㅁ I was digging a hole in the earth that would lie beneath my new shed but I ran into problems: some twisted buried roots, a gigantic rock, matted branches, unlevel ground, frozen mud.
Caveat: Poem #1645 “Craig”
ㅁ I looked up at Sunnahae Mountain. The moon rose over the west flank. A raven was on a truck. Another rose, flying. The parking lot dwelt among buildings by the streets in cold Craig.
Caveat: Poem #1644 “It’s fun to go to the DMV in a snowstorm”
ㅁ We drove off to town through falling snow intent to see the DMV to enjoy bureaucracy and renew a license. On our return drive, Snow lay blankets across things, obscured all.
Caveat: Poem #1643 “The back end”
ㅁ The machine wore the map as numbers. On the inside, rows of data preserved the points of the globe. Other algorithms Evaluated These abstractions, Drew pixels, Rendered Lines.
Caveat: Poem #1642 “The duck”
ㅁ I step out onto the north balcony. The railing is covered with rime. The sun had set hours ago. Clear nights here mean cold nights. They mean scattered frost. I see a duck: Floating, there; Above, Stars.