ㅁ The eagle swooped past. Then the raven zoomed on by. Meanwhile a jay sat.
Category: Book 3
Caveat: Poem #1772 “The goal is more rust”
ㅁ A day of rain seemed just the thing to wash away the dust, but then the clouds decided that more days would make more rust.
Caveat: Poem #1771 “Expressed preferences”
ㅁ So, sometimes out on waters still, at dawn, I'll see a boat. They park there when the sea is rough: they'd rather stay afloat.
Caveat: Poem #1770 “Ancient wisdom”
ㅁ I wonder if there's a mouse. I run up to the greenhouse. But no. Like a quote from Lao-tse.
Caveat: Poem #1769 “A green theme”
ㅁ With late spring, all became green... all under rain, but still green... clean, luxuriant, bright green...
– an englyn milwr, just repeating the rhyme-word rather than rhyming.
Caveat: Poem #1768 “Working in retail”
ㅁ Some days in the store are slow. Other days are hectic - no, just very busy, you know.
Caveat: Poem #1767 “Because clouds”
Caveat: Poem #1766 “Approaching solstice”
ㅁ This time of year, the nearing solstice makes it light when I go to sleep and light when I wake up too. With eyes shut in between, I start believing that the night's gone; the day left running things.
Caveat: Poem #1765 “Anti-mouse”
ㅁ I planted a bunch of radish seeds in my greenhouse, in a planter. A mouse came and dug them up. I planted them again. This time with mouse traps. I caught a mouse. Yesterday, I saw sprouts.
Caveat: Poem #1764 “Prasophagy”
Caveat: Poem #1763 “Taking charge”
Caveat: Poem #1762 “Regret”
Caveat: Poem #1761 “Retreat”
Caveat: Poem #1760 “Just like real life”
Caveat: Poem #1759 “Peep”
Caveat: Poem #1758 “Synapses”
ㅁ My past appears in fragments in my brain but fades like ghosts the moment I look close.
Caveat: Poem #1757 “A diagram of heaven and earth”
ㅁ infinite sky cerulean sky arching sky sky-blue heavens lurking cloud cobalt cloud obscure cloud cloud-gray shrouds forested island green island upthrust island tree-green temples holds up pushes down goes through stretches out lies over connects between universally dancing sea sapphire sea windswept sea sea-blue deeps
– a quennet.
Caveat: Poem #1756 “Advancement”
ㅁ A nonnet done backwards starts out quite small but quickly widens stretching subsequent lines stacking up the syllables adding in more complex syntax until at last something can be said.
Caveat: Poem #1755 “Undercover”
Caveat: Poem #1754 “Buddhamas”
ㅁ So. Buddha's birthday happened. The Buddha died, in the end. I think maybe that's a trend.
– an englyn milwr. Yesterday, May 19, was Buddha’s birthday on the lunar calendar, as celebrated in my esrtwhile home, South Korea.
Caveat: Poem #1753 “The geologic origins of the weather”
ㅁ The sun was bright yesterday. Our damp island slid away, southward. I doubt it will stay.
Caveat: Poem #1752 “Gotta serve somebody”
Caveat: Poem #1751 “Staying active”
ㅁ Two robins perched on the dock. One hopped to the rail, to walk. The other flew to a rock.
Caveat: Poem #1750 “Brought low to earth”
ㅁ The slug proceeded down the forest path. It was a leisurely, one-footed stroll. The sky attempted rain. But nature's math miscalculated, missed that hoped-for goal. Instead the damp air licked at leaves, and clouds just hovered low and ominous, like ghouls. In trees the birds made plots in secret crowds, and droplets hung, undried, from leaves like jewels. I took a walk, then, clearing out my mind. The patterns shifted. "That's quite strange," I mused. The randomness of things seemed all designed. These apophenic turns kept me confused. And meditating thus, a hole I'd dug appeared. And so I fell. "Well! Hi there, slug."
Caveat: Poem #1749 “Thirty-fifth stanza”
ㅁ Kiamon stared at her coffee and stirred, watching the tendrils of cream spin around. Nothing had happened in line with her hopes. Patterns emerged but the picture was vague.
Caveat: Poem #1748 “I saw it see me”
Caveat: Poem #1747 “Asemia concretized”
ㅁ And slowly the short words stretched themselves out, becoming longer, unfurling, banner-like, propagating, asemic, distorting unconsciousnesses, controversially cartographic.
Caveat: Poem #1746 “Only a blur of branches”
ㅁ In the morning, with coffee, I look out the window, see the world obscured by a tree.
Caveat: Poem #1745 “The temple”
ㅁ The last few days, I head out, in the morning, muck about with my treehouse, so devout.
Caveat: Poem #1744 “Howdy neighbor”
Caveat: Poem #1743 “El vaquero de Gojangú”
ㅁ Como estamos descansando quisiera en este canzó contarles lo que pasó allá en el llano a un vaquero, nombre de Che Quim el fiero, p'acá de Gojangú andó.
– un fragmento poético en métrica romance.
I wrote this bit of poetry in around 2015. It’s a bit complex in terms of what it’s meant to be – it’s a fragment of a poem embedded in a fiction, so it has its own “author” within that fiction. I had been quite involved in creating fictional “wiki articles” about one of my imaginary countries, at the time, and this poem occupies that space. I still have some of those wiki articles hosted on my own wiki – here is the article about this poem. Note that the poem’s protagonist, Che Quim, is a “fictional character” within the broader fiction that is the enclosing wiki article – if that makes sense. He’s doubly fictional.
Caveat: Poem #1742 “Fate”
ㅁ A seagull ponders fate - but pondering, for such a bird, is little more than sleep. Instead, it tastes the sea-thick, rainy air, and cleans its feathers, witnessing dull dawn.