ㅁ Those goddamn ravens carrying on like gossips rioting in trees.
Category: Book 3
Caveat: Poem #1838 “A difficult life”
ㅁ The bear shuffled, unwary, and lonesome, among some huckleberries, and scary.
Caveat: Poem #1837 “A stray thought”
ㅁ The deer on the road walked by and paused, looking down, then jumped and ran off.
Caveat: Poem #1836 “A bold move”
ㅁ Suicide's a bold move, like rage-quitting from the world. And there's no backsies. Waking from that dream, you're surprised to be alive. You sit up, startled.
Caveat: Poem #1835 “Summer’s hour”
ㅁ The summer here refrains from lasting long. Instead it stays some hours, and then moves on. Interpolated clouds extend their damp and dull suggestions lowered down to earth.
Caveat: Poem #1834 “The semiotic dare”
ㅁ I was walking here and there, and searching for some meaning, in the air, on some semiotic dare.
Caveat: Poem #1833 “Temporary sunshine”
Caveat: Poem #1832 “Look where you’re going”
Caveat: Poem #1831 “The forest floor”
ㅁ Walking along my small trail, I saw a slug's spotted tail, a far mountain's tiny scale.
Caveat: Poem #1830 “Summer’s winter”
Caveat: Poem #1829 “Thirty-ninth stanza”
ㅁ Kiamon dwelt in her house by the lake built by her grandmothers' hands long ago. Daily she walked the two blocks up the street, rode on the streetcar downtown to her work.
Caveat: Poem #1828 “Not sure what this means”
ㅁ I dreamed the states became balkanized. Nevada was divided up. The senator from Elko believed he was a god. The Las Vegas one was ten years old. She asked me to try too.
Caveat: Poem #1827 “Colloquy”
ㅁ Still hours till morning sun nevertheless I'm already up and my window's open so I hear the world outside the purposeful discourse of birds and the crunch of deer's feet on gravel.
Caveat: Poem #1826 “Quick! He’s not looking!”
ㅁ I like to watch tomatoes grow but mostly they just wait and only when I turn away do they increase their weight.
Caveat: Poem #1825 “Advocacy”
Caveat: Poem #1824 “Adrift”
Caveat: Poem #1823 “A full agenda”
Caveat: Poem #1822 “One last, pitiable beep”
Caveat: Poem #1821 “Physical phenomena”
ㅁ The one cloud is pink. That's the nature of dawnlight. The wavelengths are spread.
Caveat: Poem #1820 “Thirty-eighth stanza”
ㅁ Kiamon wanders the dreams of the dead, questing through mythical stories, she said. Then she awakes with a start, and she thought "moonlight's cold hands are alive!" - but they're not.
Caveat: Poem #1819 “The nature of time”
Caveat: Poem #1818 “Better than darkness”
Caveat: Poem #1817 “Better than light”
ㅁ The dark dwells, uncurious. It lurks darkly, unconscious. It fills spaces, serious.
Caveat: Poem #1816 “Opportunism among clouds”
Caveat: Poem #1815 “Phantom”
ㅁ In dreams my daughter comes to visit me: a fictive being made of memories. She speaks Korean, tells me things she's seen: I try to listen, offer short replies.
Caveat: Poem #1814 “Chiaroscuro”
ㅁ The sun will sometimes make a try at shining and draw fantastic shapes on all the hills until at last a cloud occludes its glory with brooding landscapes made of pure ennui.
Caveat: Poem #1813 “I did not answer”
Caveat: Poem #1812 “Nighttime conversation”
ㅁ The demon made suggestions. I listened, asked no questions. Instead, I gave confessions.
Caveat: Poem #1811 “Gently”
ㅁ A deer walked by on the road. Then another passed, and slowed. And the dawning gray sky glowed.