This tree is a guest tree from my past. I took this picture of a tree-trunk and adjacent magpie while walking to or from work one day in June, 2011, in Goyang, Gyeonggi, South Korea (경기도 고양시 일산서구).
Category: My Photos
Caveat: Tree #1673 “In a ditch”
Caveat: Tree #1672 “Labor”
This tree was there as we labored to start placing the piers that will support the new utility shed on lot 73.
Caveat: Tree #1671 “Pipes”
This tree was beside the new trench where up the hill service pipes go: water, future propane, electricity.
Caveat: Tree #1670 “Due to the fires”
This tree caught some morning sunlight stained yellow by smoke from Canadian wildfires.
These days I am quite exhausted at the end of the day. Too much going on, too much emotional energy getting used up. I’ve been in burnout mode.
Caveat: Tree #1669 “On edge”
This tree was alarmed by an interloping excavator.
Richard, the excavatorer, seemed a bit on edge yesterday.
Richard does excellent work and is highly competent – he knows the “right way” to do things and works efficiently – but he is difficult to communicate with, because he has very strong opinions which he believes to be facts. Sometimes you just have to let him do it “his way” and adapt to what he’s done afterward, similar to dealing with natural disasters.
Caveat: Tree #1668 “A shift in the weather”
This tree thought there might be a shift in the weather. The last few days the nights have been slightly cooler, and I noticed today that the fireweed was changing color.
Caveat: Tree #1667 “A lack of awareness”
Caveat: Tree #1665 “Not fishing”
This tree was on the shore while Arthur and Wayne went out in the boat to try to catch fish.
It was nice to have a break. As I’ve mentioned before, fishing with Arthur, for me, is not actually fun at all. Arthur has strong feelings about how fishing should happen, and he doesn’t have any confidence in my ability to navigate or assist. I’m still a 12-year-old kid in his eyes, often times. But with his cognitive and physical challenges, these days, he isn’t really equipped to actually be the captain of the boat. So going out in the boat with him is a huge emotional challenge. He gets mad and has tantrums, or he just gives up and sulks. Or he gets obsessed about one issue or another, like the time we spent 40 minutes circling a spot in the water because we’d dropped a bucket in the water and he insisted we try to get it back.
Anyway, I expect the dynamic with him in the boat with Wayne would go differently. Art and Wayne are peers, firstly, and secondly, Wayne is the person who actually taught Arthur much of his fishing skills and boat-craft, many years ago. So Arthur will not distrust Wayne’s suggestions or skills.
Regardless, I could tell Wayne was tired from their half day out on the water together. Simply communicating with Arthur is exhausting – the combination of incipient deafness and difficulty with language processing combine to make it a slog to interact with him.
I haven’t been avoiding going out in the boat with Arthur – if anything, he’s been avoiding going out in the boat at all. He seems vaguely aware of his issues and limitations, at some level, and so he spends a lot of time making up excuses for why we don’t need to go out fishing. And I’ve been happy to enable him. And I was happy, today, to let Wayne take it on. I feel guilty that I was happy about that. Living up here, it’s very hard to explain to the people around me that I have come to actually rather strongly dislike fishing. But that’s what’s happened. I’m sorry.
They caught a few salmon, and a ling-cod.
Caveat: Tree #1664 “Bright red leaves”
This tree is a guest tree from my past. I took this picture while walking to work in Goyang City, South Korea, in November, 2015. The route was frequent enough that I know exactly where this tree is, even 8 years later.
Caveat: Tree #1663 “The bear”
Caveat: Tree #1662 “Beside a runway”
This tree was beside a runway at an airport where a friend coming to visit landed earlier today. The plane that Wayne was in is the one on the far left of the photo – it had just touched down. It was raining. It’s been raining a lot. You can click the pic to see it bigger.
Caveat: Tree #1661 “Cypress”
This tree is about one inch tall. I think I germinated a cypress tree seed in my greenhouse. I’m not completely sure on the identity, but it’s the only thing I planted in that bucket. I will try to grow a cypress tree.
Caveat: Tree #1660 “The sky”
This tree looked up.
I labored quite a bit today, moving a pile of stored stuff from one spot on my lot to another, in preparation for Richard coming out with his excavator to excavate trenches for plumbing stuff.
Caveat: Tree #1659 “Paused under heavy clouds”
This tree paused under heavy clouds.
It rained a lot today. I stayed inside.
Caveat: Tree #1658 “우림보보”
This tree is a guest tree from my past. I guess I mean one of those barely-visible, scraggly-lookin trees growing out of the sidewalk in front of that building. That building was my first apartment building when I moved to Goyang City, South Korea, in September, 2007. This is possibly the first photo I took there – I was still using a digital camera, then, no such thing as a smart phone. Although I lived in quite a few different buildings and locations in South Korea during my 11 years there, that building was also the last building I lived in before I moved away in July, 2018, and overall the one I occupied the longest, at around a total of 7 1/2 years occupancy. It’s the closest to a sense of “home” that I had there.
Caveat: Tree #1657 “More practical trolleyology”
This tree saw that I had repaired the boat-trolley.
This is the boat trolley that Arthur engineered and built some decades ago, that allows us to put the boat into the boathouse without having to use the boat trailer or a regular boat launch ramp.
I had to fix the bolt-axles for the wheels. They were badly corroded.
Caveat: Tree #1656 “Bear in the river”
Caveat: Tree #1655 “On a hill”
Caveat: Tree #1654 “Dog and road”
Caveat: Tree #1652 “Two ways to do this”
Caveat: Tree #1651 “Fog”
Caveat: Tree #1650 “The blue just beyond”
This tree was unconcerned that the sea lay just beyond, vaguely blue, obscured by other trees.
Caveat: Tree #1649 “A vague structure”
Caveat: Tree #1648 “Between”
Caveat: Tree #1647 “Facing the future”
Caveat: Tree #1646 “Leaning out”
Caveat: Tree #1645 “Ahead of the game”
Caveat: Tree #1644 “Besider”
This tree was beside the road. I’m sure I’ve said that about other trees, in the past. This tree was besider than those.
I’m really struggling these days with Arthur’s argumentativeness. He has his own reality, more and more under the influence of his memory gaps and his cognitive issues, and he wants desperately to argue with me when his reality doesn’t match what I’m saying things are. Sometimes I just give up, but sometimes what he remembers or fails to remember, and it being at odds with what I think to be the objective truth of a given situation, influences decisions we make or things he perceives needing to be done, and impacts what I have to do. I just don’t tolerate that very well.
Caveat: Tree #1643 “One tree island”
This tree was on an island all its own.
I put the new batteries in the boat, and it started fine with that improvement. One problem solved.
We took the boat out for a short spin (not a fishing venture, just a short trip) and found another lurking issue, however. It’s the same problem we’ve always had (since I’ve been up here), though it’s very sporadic and inconsistent enough that it’s hard to reproduce on demand: sometimes when the main outboard engine has been running a while, it begins “hiccupping” – it’s a symptom that resembles the vapor-lock I’d get on my old VW Bug back when I had one. But it’s not vapor-lock, because the engine is not actually running hot. Chet (the boat mechanic in town) has suggested a fuel line or fuel quality problem, which is plausible but unprovable and hard to test or fix.
Caveat: Tree #1642 “Luminous green”
Caveat: Tree #1641 “경복궁앞에”
This tree is a guest tree from my past. It was growing in a row with some other trees along Sejong-ro, in front of the Gyeongbok Palace (under restoration at that time) in downtown Seoul, in July, 2008.
Caveat: Tree #1640 “Out across the water”
This tree (out across the water) saw the clouds clear and the sun come out, while I was down on the dock.
I had a frustrating day. I went to start the boat motors – something I do every few weeks to keep things in order – and found the main outboard wouldn’t start. I worried it was a starter problem but at the moment I’ve decided it might be just that the batteries aren’t holding a full charge and don’t have enough power to turn the starter. It was deceptive because the small outboard started okay. I’m going to shop for a new battery.