Caveat: building something

I have mentioned a few times that I have this kind of slow-moving “treehouse” project. For a long time, I had settled on a location up the hillside near the southern boundary of lot 73. However, over the past winter I came to realize that siting it there was perhaps one reason why I worked on it so little. And in any event, I like the idea of a treehouse near the water.
So I made the decision to move the treehouse location to a set of trees down near the northeast corner of lot 73, near the tide line. There are two Sitka Spruce there that I think will work well.
And I have been working on it.
I set up a kind of “guide beam” between the two trees today.
This beam is not part of the eventual structure. It’s merely something to use to make sure I’m at the same level on both trees, as I attach the main supports. And it’ll be something to lean against or hoist things up with.
I am making use of a pair of 4″x12″x8′ beams left over from the construction of Arthur’s dock many years ago. They are treated to be rot resistant, and quite hefty. I am unable to lift one of them, but I dragged them along the ground down to the treehouse site. I’ll have to work out some kind of pulley arrangement when I’m ready to lift them into place. I am installing attachment loops on them currently. One down, three to go.
I also saw a red bug enjoying a rock.

Caveat: Tree #494

Here is another tree from my past, because I forgot to take a picture of a tree today. The tree is somewhat overshadowed by General Macarthur’s statue, at Incheon, South Korea. I took the picture in August, 2009.
picture[daily log: walking, 2.5km]

Caveat: and the sea

Arthur and I went out in the boat today. It was the first time of the season.
The water was flat. The sky was partly overcast, but it was not unpleasant. Arthur decided to go out because he heard our neighbor Joe was going to be out – on a different boat. I think Arthur is a bit of a “go with what others are doing” on matters of seeking to catch fish. So if Joe was going to go try, well then he damn well better go try too.
I’ve observed before, that Arthur’s engagement in and interest in fishing is surprisingly social in nature. He’s always looking at other boats, speculating what and if they are catching, asking other people what they’ve caught and where, etc. And of course he is motivated by the catching more than the sport of it, too – he likes to have the fish caught and in the freezer. They are a currency that he uses to lubricate his social relationships with his far-flung friends and family down in the lower 48.
In fact, I often feel that with respect to the act of fishing in itself, Arthur doesn’t really enjoy it. He lacked the patience even when he was at the height of his faculties, and he quickly becomes frustrated with every single little mishap or unexpected complication in his procedures.
We never made it past Craig, today. First we had problems with the small motor (the “kicker,” used for trolling). That turned out to be an idiot-move on my part. The motor has a “lock” such that if it is in gear, it won’t start. And I was trying to start it in gear. And we were starting to take the motor apart. I can only blame Arthur in that it didn’t occur to him to check my efforts to turn over the motor with the starter using the ignition – where he might have noticed it was in gear.
Well, that got us off to a bad start. Arthur was grumpy.
And we had no end of difficulties with the downriggers. One simply wouldn’t work at all. The other seemed intermittent, and then he was fiddling with it and went and disconnected the coupling at the end of the wire. That had to be reassembled, which is detail-oriented work requiring fine motor skills. Arthur doesn’t have much of a supply of those, but the situation is rendered much, much worse by his lack of patience and very short temper. Soon he was cussing and throwing things.
When he gets like this in the house, I just leave. I go outside, or I hide in my attic. It passes – he doesn’t stew in it. But on the boat, there is no escape. And my very presence was one of the annoyances driving him mad. He sees me as barely competent even at the best of times, and the incident with motor before leaving the dock had only reinforced his utter distrust of my competence in the current moment. He found my efforts to help almost completely unacceptable.
He found uncountable ways to criticize things. Small things. “Aren’t you watching the shore? We’re getting too close.” No, I was trying to insert the wire in the end-assembly, I thought you were watching it. Et cetera.
To be honest, going out in the boat with Arthur has almost always been one of the most stressful aspects of my time here with him. He wants to be in charge, sees me as a hindrance half the time and an incompetent but tolerable neer-do-well the other half.
Days like today, I feel tempted to just let him go out by himself, and if that’s the end of it, so be it.

Caveat: Tree #491

I would recommend the tree in the upper left of the photo.
picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km; tromping, 500m]

Caveat: Tree #490

This tree is from my past. It was at a little historical park on the northern tip of Ganghwa Island, about 30 km northwest from my home in Ilsan, South Korea. I’d gone there when my mother was visiting me in Korea. I took the picture in October, 2013.
From the promontory at the little fortress there, you can see directly into North Korea, across the river – this is the part of the DMZ where the border runs in the river. A few hundred meters away from that tree, this is a view across the river. Those mountains in the distance are in North Korea. There are little coin-operated binoculars and you can look into the North Korean town over there.

Caveat: Tree #489

This alder tree is one inch tall. I spotted it near my greenhouse.
picture[daily log: walking, 2.5km]

Caveat: Tree #488

Occasionally it would be nice to have an actual, optical telephoto lens instead of just the digital zoom on my phone’s camera. I wanted to capture this small orange and gray hummingbird atop this tree. It’s blurry. But you can sorta make it out.
picture[daily log: walking, 2km]

Caveat: Sneaking Meeses

Arthur and I have been having problems with mice. Arthur calls them meeses – I think this is an old wordplay/joke of his.
They seem to be entering the house via the boathouse garage door – it’s not well sealed at the bottom where it fits over the boat trolley railing. Then they must come up the stairs and get into the kitchen. They ate half a bag of split peas I was storing in a drawer, and several corners of several of Arthur’s infinite stash of chocolate bars. They also got into the chocolate chips and under the stove, where they ate some cardboard in the drawer down there where the frying pans are stored.
Arthur has been putting out traps baited with peanut butter. We’ve caught at least 7 mice in the last 2 weeks.

Caveat: Tree #484

This tree on the left foregrounds a view of Gobong, a prominent hill in Ilsan, my former Korean home. You can see the distinctive radio tower on the mountain. Nestled at the foot of the radio tower is the Yeochan Temple, which I often visited. I took this picture in Jeongbalsan Park a few blocks from my apartment in October, 2015.

Caveat: Tree #480

This is a redwood tree. In fact, it is what is called metasequoia, or “dawn redwood,” a strange variety of redwood that loses its needles in winter. They are planted all over Seoul, though not native there.
I took this picture in January, 2009, in Goyang, Korea, a few blocks from my apartment.
picture[daily log: walking, 1km]

Caveat: Tree #473

This is a tiny pine tree. These types of trees are quite common in the muskeg, between 7 mile and 8 mile along the road out here. But on these two lots here at 8.6 mile, I have only ever found one of them, lurking gloomily up the hill a hundred feet or so among many alders and sitka spruce.
I uprooted this baby from along the road at 7.5 mile and planted it in front of my greenhouse.
picture[daily log: walking, 2km; chainsawing and woodsplitting, 2hr]

Caveat: Tree #471

This tree is from my past. I took this picture in April, 2015. I’m standing on the foot bridge that goes over Ilsan-no (Ilsan Road) in Ilsan, right in front of my place of employment, the Karma Language Academy (which is the orange and white sign on the building on the left). Spring in Korea was always kind of smoggy and horrible, but the blooming trees were sometimes beautiful.
picture[daily log: walking, 1km; chainsawing & woodsplitting, 1.5hr]

Caveat: on the ranch

I tend to put a lot of salad dressing on my salads.

That wasn’t always the case. But ever since my mouth surgery, I like my foods to have a more “squishy” character – easier to chew with my “handicapped” tongue (shortened, limited in range-of-motion, and without a sense of touch, due to the cancer surgery). So I pour on the salad dressing and then the salads don’t create the problems I can sometimes have, especially with pieces of lettuce adhering to the roof of my mouth where my tongue can’t find them.

Arthur, however, always looks on disapprovingly as I slather on my creamy dressings – blue cheese or ranch being my preferred ones. I suspect he just feels aware of how much money is spent on bottles of dressing, and it seems exorbitant to him. I’m really not sure why he has a right to disapprove – given his chocolate and ice cream habits. Or maybe it’s just not appealing to him, in that he would not enjoy a salad so adorned. But… anyway.

I decided to try to save some money and make my own ranch dressing. It’s not that hard – some milk, sour cream, mayo, some spices. I added some finely chopped onion.

My homemade ranch dressing was better than I had expected – better than store bought.
Meanwhile, in the morning, I did some more maintenance on our back-up heating system. So to speak. I had bought a new, bigger maul for pounding the wedge into the log-rounds to split them. The result was pleasing.

Caveat: Tree #470

Sometimes you must choose your own tree, from among many that present themselves, each with their respective merits.
picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

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