Caveat: Tree #851

This tree saw that I have attached a sail to my treehouse. Nah – just kidding. It’s a temporary tarp roof, because it was sprinkling rain while I was working on it, but it was partly sunny today, too. I made good progress.
picture[daily log: walking, 3.5km; banging and sawing, 8hr]

Caveat: Tree #846

This tree joined its generational cohort to attempt to repopulate the gravel of the driveway on lot 73.
picture[daily log: walking, 3km; retailing, 7hr]

Caveat: Tree #843

This tree (well, group of trees) is merely a group of seeds in a baggie. I purchased some exotic tree “seed kits” to try to grow here. It’s too difficult and expensive to get saplings delivered, so I thought trying to grow a few interesting trees from seeds was the best, inexpensive option. The seed kits include the seeds, a little mini greenhouse thing, some specialized soil and such, and detailed instructions. I got 2 coast redwood trees and 2 eastern maple trees. The seeds in the picture are redwood trees. We’ll see if I can grow actual trees.
We had some cessation to the rain, so I worked outside on my treehouse while Art got reoriented to life-at-Rockpit.
picture[daily log: walking, 2km; banging and sawing, 6hr]

Caveat: Tree #842

This tree is now committed to summer’s eventual arrival.
Speaking of arrivals, Arthur arrived safe and sound at Klawock airport. He declares that he is “done with traveling” for a long time.
picture[daily log: walking, 2.5km]

Caveat: Tree #840

This tree saw the boat once again exit the barn, and perch at the top of the ramp in what seems a slightly precarious way. There’s a strong rope around the back of the boat, so it doesn’t go sliding off into the sea in the event that there is a failure of the trolley cable – something I like to worry about but which has only occurred once (last fall).
picture[daily log: walking, 2km; wood-chopping, 2hr]

Caveat: Currying Favor With Myself

Arthur is adamantly opposed to curries. Because of this, and since he’ll be back soon (Saturday), I decided to make a fish curry for myself while it’s still just me alone here. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever made a fish curry. I’ve made chicken curry many times, and veggie curries of various kinds, and once I think I even attempted a spam curry, because living in Korea, one sometimes suffers a surfeit of spam (spam “collections” are often given as a gift). Anyway, I decided to make a Goan-style fish curry.
I made my curry paste first – using my stylish pre-war Korean blender.
Then I put it all together. It came out very deliciously.
In other news, I parked the boat on the ramp, so I could clean out the boathouse a little bit, and also assuming Arthur will want to take the power-washer to the bottom of the boat – though personally I’m skeptical that will make any difference with respect to the crusty barnacle-footprints that remain all over now that it’s mostly scraped.
What I’m listening to right now.

BAND-MAID, “Thrill (スリル).”

Hey you 聴かせるわ

いつだってそうこの世界 は Faulty
立ち止またっら out of control
I don’t care 踏み出せ

I’ve gotta be on my way (HEY!!)
真っ平らな道に 興味は見当たないの
Just breakin’ new gate (HEY!!)
“後悔” という陰謀の魔の手 かいくぐって
この上ない快感はスリルと共に 生き続けって

見たくもない光景 ばかり
四角 に閉じ込める
Who are you, 見上げるは

もがいたってそう リアルは Steady
自己暗示しても out of control
もう Enjoy 味わえ!

I’ve gotta be on my way (HEY!!)
答えのない 恐怖は狂気に変えれば いい
Just breakin’ new gate (HEY!!)
真っ白 に 消し去ったページ は 破り捨てろ
覚悟 の 先 へとスリル と共に 身を捧げて

いつだってそうこ の世界 は Faulty
立ち止ま たっら out off control
I don’t care 踏み出せ

I’ve gotta be on my way (HEY!!)
真っ平らな道に 興味は見当たないの
Just breakin’ new gate (HEY!!)
後悔 という陰謀の魔の手 かいくぐて
この上ない快感が あたしを走らせる
覚悟 の 先 へとスリル と共に 身を捧げて


Caveat: Tree #839

This tree was seen from the deck of the Fireweed Lodge, a resort and restaurant in Klawock. I had breakfast there this morning with my coworkers – they tend to schedule full-staff work get-togethers for breakfasts, before the store opens. I had never been at Fireweed before, but it’s pretty famous hereabouts.
picture[daily log: walking, 3km; retailing, 7hr]

Caveat: Tree #837

This tree oversaw the greening of a huckleberry bush.
Meanwhile, in my garden, there was some critter that had been breaking into the greenhouse at night and eating all my newly-planted radish seeds. So I borrowed a couple of Art’s mousetraps and set them in the planters. And lo, this morning, a very fat-looking dead mouse was caught in one of the traps.
Meanwhile, what with it raining today, I went down a kind of rabbit-hole on my server stuff. I built an email server. I’m not sure it will really work, or even prove useful. But it might – a lot of the problems I’ve run into with developing my own websites has been a lack of an email system that I fully control. So maybe it will work out.
picture[daily log: walking, 2km]

Caveat: Tree #835

This tree is a guest from the ancient past. And actually, as you can see, the tree is not the focus of the photo. But there are trees in the background, witnessing things, so I think it counts.
I don’t remember the exact date, but around Christmas of 1994, right after my having returned from 6 months in Chile, Michelle, Jeffrey and I traveled to Los Angeles from Minneapolis, to visit my father, brother and stepmother. This was one day when I think we got into my dad’s 1928 Model A Ford and drove to the beach. In the picture you can see me and Jeffrey with the car in the driveway of the house in Temple City, where my dad was living at that time, which happened to be right next door to the house that he grew up in.
picture[daily log: walking, 4km]

Caveat: Tree #829

This tree saw some flowers appearing on a blueberry bush.
I resumed some work on the treehouse today, but it was a frustrating day. I kept banging my arms against things, and I had a lot of trouble securing one of the “caps” to the ends of my floor joists. I confirmed that my treehouse deck is definitely not a rectangle, but rather a parallelogram. This is not a fatal problem, but requires a lot of careful work with a tape measure and some extra cuts on my plywood to get the deck to “fit” properly.
picture[daily log: walking, 3km; hammering and sawing, 5hr]

Caveat: Tree #828

This tree saw me perform my monthly maintenance oblations to the GDC (RV).
I took things farther than usual, airing it out, making sure the engine ran well, opening up the canopy. Rain is expected soon, so I’ll leave it open and hopefully let the rain “wash” things off a bit before wrapping the thing back up in its cocoon. I still need to replace the “house” battery – the secondary battery that is connected to the generator. But I’ve decided that’s not a priority – I am able to start the generator by jump-starting it, but the house battery doesn’t hold a charge.
Later, I did some more work in the deck of my treehouse. But I have run out of brackets. I’ll have to go into town on Monday and buy more, I guess.
picture[daily log: walking, 2.5km; banging and sawing and untarping and such, 6hr]

Caveat: Tree #827

This tree witnessed the boat trying to make an abortive attempt to escape the barn.
I got the cable problem under the trolley repaired, and tested the winch to move the boat out of the barn and back in again – I did this at low tide, so I could periodically run down and monitor the new pulley and anchor at the bottom of the boat rail.
Things seem to be working.
There were a lot of dried-out barnacles under the boat. I scraped barnacles for a while.
picture[daily log: walking, 3.5km; wrenching and banging and scraping, 7hr]

Caveat: Tree #826

This tree saw the lower two sections of the boat rail re-installed.
picture[daily log: walking, 4km; banging and lifting and wrenching, 8hr]

Caveat: Tree #825

This tree is near my treehouse – I’m standing at the base of my new stairway for this view.
I had a really hard day at work. I broke a piece of glass which in turn damaged a customer’s artwork (not irrecoverably, but enough that it’s un-hideable and embarrassing).
picture[daily log: walking, 4km; retailing, 6hr]

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