Caveat: Tree #963

This tree saw a shell on the railing that a raven had left behind.

picture[daily log: walking, 2km; boating, 15km]

Caveat: Fishing Report #(n + 29)

We left the dock at 7:30.


The sea was calm when we started out. Based on the marine forecasts, I was trying to hit a “hole” between two fronts of the storms we’ve been having, and it seems like I did it right. Tomorrow is supposed to see “gale” conditions on Bucarelli Bay.

We went out and started trolling along Cemetery Island, just outside the north entrance to Port Saint Nicholas.

In fact, it felt like Arthur’s heart wasn’t in it. He didn’t want to go out farther, so we turned around and trolled southward, back past the north entrance, along the Coronados to the south entrance. And having caught nothing, Arthur started pulling in the lines without even commenting. It was like the whole fishing trip was just “going through the motions.”

We returned to the dock at around 9:45.

“Skunked” – though I’d call this a self-goal, to a certain extent.

With so much of the day still remaining, I decided it was a good time to check the running condition of the GDC (my RV camper). Its battery was dead. So I’ve been charging it.


Year-to-date totals:

  • Coho: 15
  • Kings: 0
  • Halibut: 10
  • Muy Grande Halibut (> 50lbs): 2
  • Other: 3
  • Too-small fish sent home to mama: 28
  • Downrigger weights left on the bottom of the sea: 1


Caveat: Tree #962

This tree saw the well-drillers who drilled our well two years ago return, to drill a well on the neighbor’s lot to the east (Lot 75).

picture[daily log: walking, 2km]

Caveat: Tree #961

This tree saw my little colorful plastic windmill-thingy spinning in the rain.
I had a lot of greenhouse tomatoes.
I used several of them, and some elk meat Joe gave us, to make spaghetti.

picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

Caveat: Tree #958

This tree is a young cedar tree that appeared in the driveway on Lot 73.

picture[daily log: walking, 3.5km; retailing, 6hr]

Caveat: Every Penny Counts

While Jan was cleaning a small corner of the store yesterday, I looked down and said, “Oh, look, a penny!”

There had been a penny lying on the floor there, under a merchandise display. I picked it up and looked at the penny. I was surprised.

“I think we need to clean the store more often,” I said to Jan.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

I showed her the penny. The mint date on the penny was “1925.”

“That penny’s been lying there for a long time, maybe.” We laughed about it.

I mean, the store’s building is at most 40 years old. I think younger than that, even. And the gift store has only occupied the space for about 10 years, I think. Maybe 12. So someone must have dropped the penny there more recently than 1925. It was just amusing to imagine it lying there for 96 years.



Caveat: Tree #952

This tree is under an elevated metro station from my past. Ten years ago this month I visited the Oksu station in Seoul, and took this picture. I don’t think the tree was the focus or subject of the picture, but nevertheless, there is a tree down there.

picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

Caveat: Tree #951

This tree disappears off the top of the photo’s frame.

picture[daily log: walking, 3.5km; retailing, 6hr]

Caveat: Tree #949

This tree saw a salmon jumping up out of the water. Can you see it? (bottom just left of center).

picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km; boating, 40km]

Caveat: Fishing Report #(n + 28)

Joe and Arthur and I went out fishing today. Joe’s stepson had intended to accompany us, but bowed out.

We got a very late start. That’s because the batteries were dead in the boat. And then, even when we charged them up, the big motor wouldn’t start. It was an electrical problem. Troubleshooting revealed that one of the connectors to the battery was so corroded it had broken through (picture).


We had to repair the electrical connectors to the battery.

We finally left the dock at 9:15. We went to Black Beach, at the north end of San Juan, and trolled for salmon. Nothing.

We went to the north end of San Ignacio and trolled southward along the eastern side. We saw my boss Wayne in another boat. Maybe he was catching a fish – it was hard to tell from the distance. But we caught nothing.

We were skunked for salmon for the day. At about 12:30 we put in for halibut on the southwest corner of San Ignacio (Cocos Point).

Joe caught one humongous halibut. About 70 pounds, 56 inches long.

It didn’t fit in the fish-holding tank at the back of the boat – its tail stuck out.


Arthur and I were satisfied to have assisted, and we headed back. The sea, that had been flat in the morning, was whipped into a frenzy by increasing wind, going home, and we were slapping 3-4 foot waves all the way until we got inside Port Saint Nicholas.

We tied up at the dock at 2:45.


Year-to-date totals:

  • Coho: 15
  • Kings: 0
  • Halibut: 10
  • Mongo Halibut (> 50lbs): 2
  • Other: 3
  • Too-small fish sent home to mama: 28
  • Downrigger weights left on the bottom of the sea: 1


Caveat: Tree #948

This tree saw me raise my first wall-section for my treehouse.

Here are some other angles on the same object.


picture[daily log: walking, 2.5km; hammering and sawing, 5hr]

Caveat: Tree #947

This tree has been chopped up and turned into parts of a sort of pre-fab modular section of treehouse wall. This is my first try for my plan, but I ran into an issue so I didn’t install it. I think I’m on the right track, though. It got windy in the afternoon so I stopped.

picture[daily log: walking, 2km; hammering and sawing, 3hr]

Caveat: Tree #946

This tree saw me arrive with a trailerload of new ingredients for my treehouse, including the roofing material and rafters. This is the biggest single purchase I have made for this project.

picture[daily log: walking, 3km; carrying and moving heavy things, 2hr]

Caveat: Tree #945

This tree is not very photogenic, frankly.

On the other hand, this tomato in my greenhouse is more photogenic.

picture[daily log: walking, 2km]

Caveat: Tree #943

This tree is from my past. Though I took this picture in 2018, the time I remember this tree from is 1983. It is a tree in front of my freshman dorm (Turck Hall) at Macalester College in Saint Paul.

picture[daily log: walking, 3.5km; retailing, 6hr]

Caveat: Tree #942

This tree is in front of the clinic in Klawock.

I went to the dentist today, there.

Just to be clear, as I’ve said before, in general, I preferred having cancer to certain dentist visits I’ve experienced, and would make the same choice again. That said, this visit was relatively harmless – just a checkup and xrays and exam, preliminary to cleaning. I was also pleased to hear that I have no evident problems (i.e. caries). The dentist agreed that with my complex medical history in and around my mouth, dental work would be arduous.

picture[daily log: walking, 2km]

Caveat: Tree #941

This tree decided to start out near this pile of rocks.

Meanwhile I added some greenhouse-fresh green poblano peppers to a batch of fish curry.

picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

Caveat: Tree #938

This tree is from my past. I took this picture not far from Hongnong, South Korea (where I was living at that time), in December, 2010.

Today was a bit of a milestone in Arthur’s post-stroke evolution / recovery. Lately he’s been becoming increasingly self-aware that some of the limitations he’s lived with are, in a sense, self-imposed: a kind of affective inertia. He had a consultation / annual follow-up with the headshrinkers at the Portland VA, the other day (via video call), while I was at work. And they planted in his mind the idea that he could or should be doing more – staying more active.

Of course, this has been suggested before. But this time, for whatever reason, the advice stuck. I suspect that it being someone new and different making the suggestion, and not the same old voices, helped.

One thing that came up as Arthur and I discussed the call later was that he wanted to drive to town. That, in turn, brought us around to what I’ve told him many times before: his driving, specifically, makes me feel unsafe. This is not because of lack of skill, but rather because of his seemingly stroke-related attentional issues: twice that I remember, when I let him drive a few times two years ago, he got distracted while attempting to multi-task and essentially forgot that he was driving. Once, he was trying to adjust his iPod that he was using for listening to an audiobook, and another time, he was trying to break off a piece of chocolate that he was trying to eat. And those times were scary. So my point being: it’s not his driving that makes me feel unsafe, it’s his refusal to avoid trying to multi-task while driving that makes me feel unsafe, because these days, his ability to multi-task frankly sucks.

But I don’t want to limit him. So I said that while I wouldn’t ride with him, I wasn’t going to prevent him from driving somewhere if he wanted to. It’s the same thing I’ve said about his going out in the boat: while it makes me somewhat worried or uncomfortable, I’m not going to try to prevent him. I’ve essentially given up on my supposed role as “safety officer.”

I really don’t want to be a “control freak” – Arthur actually used that term about my behavior, which wounded me pretty deeply. And that’s not to say the term is entirely inaccurate. But then, he’s been wounding me a lot, lately. I suppose that’s his way of taking back control of his own life to a greater degree. It is not my intent or desire to begrudge him that.

So all of this, above, is preamble to the following: he drove to town today on his own, and did his weekly shopping and library visit by himself.

And apparently he survived that. That’s good.

I had the somewhat depressing insight that it made me feel useless. I’m not the safety officer anymore, having abrogated that job in protest, so what, exactly, is my role here, now?

I wish I had more financial independence. I could move out.

picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

Caveat: Tree #937

This tree provided shade to some ripe huckleberries.

picture[daily log: walking, 4km; retailing, 6hr]

Caveat: Tree #934

This tree has a treehouse. You can just see part of it, looking closely.

picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km; boating, 30km]

Caveat: Fishing Report #(n+27)

We went fishing again today. This is because Joe wanted to maximize his friend Jim’s chances to fish, before Jim goes back to Idaho.

We left right before 7 AM. Joe rejected even the possibility of trolling for salmon. My impression is that Joe finds trolling boring, and his fishing dreams focus on catching great big halibuts, battling them with his fishing rod silhouetted against the horizon.

Arthur, on the other hand, seems to find fishing for halibut frustrating and boring. It’s mostly waiting around. There is much more to be done when trolling. The downriggers have to be deployed, depths monitored, and the whole thing takes place while in motion. So Arthur was visibly disconsolate when Joe declared his desire to focus on halibut, but, since Joe and Jim were guests, he hunkered down and decided to just mess with rigging up new hook assemblies for some future trolling excursion.

We motored straight out to Diamond Point and parked there, and fished for halibut. Joe’s instincts worked out, this time, and we caught quite a few. Importantly, Joe got to hook a 60 pound halibut, much bigger than the other small ones, and hauled it in. It was actually impressive.

Arthur actually rejected fishing at all, except a very brief stint at the end. Earlier, I took a third rod and fished instead. I even caught a halibut. I’d never caught one before. It was small. Mostly Jim and Joe did the catching. We did it all at Diamond Point, so from a navigational standpoint, the day was straightforward. The weather started quite calm but it was getting blowy by the time we decided to head in, around noon.

We caught a total of 10 halibut. Here they are, laid out on the deck, with Jim and Joe admiring them.


I have had another depressing insight about why communication with Arthur breaks down for me (and I mean for me, specifically) so frequently.

It goes like this. Arthur’s default belief is that I’m incompetent. This isn’t precisely that he thinks badly of me, but rather, in his mind I’m frozen, developmentally, at around age 11 or so – at least as far as I can figure out. So then when I ask Arthur something, or make a statement, and he misunderstands me (which is the most common result, these days, either because of his hearing loss or his cognitive processing issues), he always misunderstands me in the direction of assuming that my question or statement is coming from the position of incompetence. I am not a particularly thick-skinned person. So of course my feelings get hurt by this insinuation of incompetence, which is further offensive because it’s based on a failure to understand what I’ve said.

It might help to give an example. Arthur prefers to dump the fish carcasses from a big haul far away from the dock, off in the middle of the bay somewhere. This is an established procedure, in which I’ve participated many times. I went to ask Arthur about if he wanted me to take the scraps out in the boat and dump them in the middle of the bay right away, or if he wanted to supervise that undertaking. He didn’t fully hear me, and of course he doesn’t remember ever doing that with me before (I’m still 11 years old, right?), so he immediately gets upset, because he’d already said that the fish carcasses needed to be dumped in the middle of the bay, and he starts explaining, defensively, in excessive detail, why he believes this to be important. All the while, becoming increasingly agitated by what he clearly perceived to be an obvious question that he’d answered before. But remember – I wasn’t questioning the procedure, I was merely trying to take initiative and see if he simply wanted me to do it, or if he didn’t trust me to do it.

Anyway, I walked away. And I did it.

Here is a rather large boat that passed us while we fished.


Year-to-date totals:

  • Coho: 15
  • Kings: 0
  • Halibut: 11
  • Other: 3
  • Too-small fish sent home to mama: 27
  • Downrigger weights left on the bottom of the sea: 1


Caveat: Tree #933

This tree is the same tree as tree #601, which is the same tree as tree #237. I planted (transplanted) it two years ago. It’s still alive, but not really thriving. Perhaps this is a metaphor for something.

picture[daily log: walking, 2km]

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