This tree was there as I added wall section 7 of 10 to the treehouse’s south wall.
I moved toward developing a kind of assembly line of parts for my wall sections, finally. That means the next sections after this one should go together faster – but I stopped today because it was quite chilly, overcast, and the rain started again at around 1 PM.
Here is a view of the south wall from the inside.
Category: My Photos
Caveat: Tree #994
Caveat: Tree #993
This tree saw my drive past on the expressway, in the direction of a newly snow-covered Harris Peak.
Caveat: Tree #992
Caveat: Tree #991
This tree saw me making very slow progress on the roof of my treehouse. It was a clear but chilly day – first taste of Fall.
Fred and Pat stopped by and took their boat back home.
Caveat: Tree #990
Caveat: Tree #989
Caveat: Tree #988
Caveat: Storms Material and Virtual
A somewhat stressful day.
I had a crisis on the map server last night and this morning, with the tool called “certbot” – a tool we use on the server to make sure the OGF webpages are secure (“https”). And that also caused problems with our automated emailing from the server, which supports functions like new user sign up, lost password recovery, and replication monitoring (making sure data goes over to the render and to overpass correctly). I had to shut down the server without much advance notice – I was worried the problem was worse than it was, and so I was trying to solve it quickly. So that was an issue for the users.
Meanwhile, we’re having a big storm here, weather-wise. The marine forecast was calling for 40-foot swells on the open ocean here, and up to 10-foot swells right on Bucareli Bay, at the mouth of Port Saint Nick.
Our neighbors-down-the-road, Fred and Pat, were concerned about the impact of high seas and wind on their boat, so they asked Art if they could park their commercial fishing craft at our dock. Of course we are happy to help – they’ve done it before – Arthur has the most sheltered dock of all of Port Saint Nick, because we are the farthest inland, at the head of the fjord. Anyway, it’s turnabout – Pat’s the one who rescued me when I got the blueberry (Art’s Chevy Tahoe) stuck in a snowbank a while back.
So Fred and Pat parked their big boat at the dock, after we moved Art’s smaller boat off to one side.
It’s very windy and rainy and blowy, right now.
Caveat: Tree #987
Caveat: Tree #986 “Rough-hewn towtruck”
This tree (or these trees – mounted to the back of the pickup truck) has been granted a new role as a hand-crafted tow-truck boom.
This is pure “Alaska Gothic” in my opinion, and I enjoyed seeing this.
Caveat: Tree #985
Caveat: Tree #984
Caveat: Tree #983
This tree saw the addition of a sixth wall panel to my treehouse, and then I lifted the first roof-rafter into place.
Caveat: Tree #982
Caveat: Tree #981
Caveat: Tree #980
Caveat: Tree #979
Caveat: Tree #978
Caveat: Tree #977
Caveat: Tree #976
Caveat: Tree #975
This tree was foregrounded by part of my treehouse-in-progress.
Meanwhile, I found a few vegetables in my mold-garden (aka greenhouse).
Caveat: Tree #974
Caveat: Tree #973
This tree is from my past. It grows amid some buddhist statuary I visited on the Korean island called Ulleungdo in September, 2009 – one of my favorite places in Korea. I took the photo with my old flip-phone, and you can see the time-stamp in the lower right.
Caveat: Tree #972
Caveat: Tree #971
Caveat: Tree #970
Caveat: Tree #969
This tree saw wall section 3 of 10 installed on the treehouse.
Here’s another angle. I had seen a hole in the rain, and jumped in.
Meanwhile, a pair of young deer visited the driveway.
Caveat: Tree #968
Caveat: Tree #967
Caveat: Tree #966
This tree saw me adding a second wall-section to my treehouse. I plan a total of 10 semi-pre-fab wall sections, five on the south side, five on the north side.
Here are some other views of it.