This tree is growing next to a big ol’ rock.
The store is beginning its move into the new location (across the shopping plaza, about 40 meters). I spent a lot of time carrying very heavy and awkward boxes of our stock of spare picture glass. I became tired.
Category: My Photos
Caveat: Tree #1207
This tree is a guest tree from my past. The tree is guarding an entrance to the Samgakji subway station in central Seoul – just southwest of the former Yongsan US military base. The base is “former”, now, but when I took this picture in April, 2008, it was still active. In the haze in the upper background you can see the Namsan Tower.
I went to work today – not a normal thing for a Monday, but I have a somewhat rearranged schedule this week.
Caveat: Tree #1206
At the prompting of my friend Bob, I dug out a “home Covid test” that I’d acquired last year and took the test, just to make sure I don’t have Covid. I don’t, according to the test. I suppose if I’d tested positive, the only behavioral change I’d have adopted would be to wear a mask at work.
Caveat: Tree #1205
This tree framed a visiting boat parked in our sea-yard.
[daily log: walking, 4.5km; dogwalking, 3km; c119067071084s]
Caveat: Tree #1204
This tree was green, by the green sea.
I have been feeling quite “under the weather” the last few days. I think I have a cold. Achey, a bit feverish. Sniffles. No cough – so I doubt it’s covid.
Meanwhile, I filled the cistern from the well (with a simple hose) – despite fairly regular rains, the water off the hillside hasn’t been keeping the cistern full. I checked and cleaned out the incoming wire filter, wondering if that was preventing us getting the full amount from the hillside.
[daily log: walking, 4.5km; dogwalking, 3km; c115061055084s]
Caveat: Tree #1203
Caveat: Tree #1202
This tree is a guest tree from my past. I took this picture in March, 2010, in downtown Fukuoka (Japan).
Caveat: Tree #1201
Caveat: Tree #1200
This tree (there beyond the doorway, I guess) was there as I finished framing-in the east wall of my tree house. There was a severe dearth of right angles involved.
Caveat: Tree #1199
Caveat: Tree #1198
Caveat: Tree #1197
Caveat: Tree #1196
This tree is a guest tree from my past. I don’t even know what year I took it – maybe 2012. But clearly it’s from the time around Buddha’s birthday holiday: the lanterns and temporary statuary in the river (which is the small book that bisects downtown Seoul, 청계천 [cheong-gye-cheon]) give it away.
This year, Buddha’s birthday will be celebrated this coming Sunday, May 8th. It moves around (like Easter), due to the Korean lunar calendar. It used to be annoying when Buddhamas fell on a Sunday, because it would mean no extra day off from work.
Caveat: Tree #1195
Caveat: Tree #1194
Caveat: Tree #1193
This tree stood by while Arthur and I re-installed the bottom rail section and the lower winch pulley for the boat rail, because there was a nice quite sufficiently minus tide this morning. This is a springtime milestone here at Rockpit Resort.
Caveat: Tree #1192
This tree (these three trees) is (are) dead – they are three exotic trees I tried to grow, but I was unwise and let them experience a hard frost last month.
I have other exotic trees that are less dead, including a coast redwood, a dawn redwood, an oak, a flowering cherry, and two douglas fir.
Caveat: Tree #1191
Caveat: Tree #1190
You will note I neglected my “Friday Blogroll” today. I may end up doing every-other-Fridays or something – I don’t read that many new blogs each week such that I can keep adding to the list so consistently. I’ve been running out of new blogs to include that interest me.
Caveat: Tree #1189
This tree had a notch cut in it 10 days ago, but only today did I complete my project to end its life.
I cut some of it into rounds for future burning.
I also went and planted some leeks in my greenhouse garden. Last time I planted leeks they didn’t do that well, but I had some seeds so I decided to try. So far the only thing growing well this year is some carrots.
Caveat: Tree #1188
Caveat: Tree #1187
This tree (the young alder at the right) saw some forget-me-nots (Alaska’s state flower) begin to bloom in front of my greenhouse.
Caveat: Tree #1186
This tree guarded the driveway to lot 73.
[daily log: walking, 3.5km; dogwalking, 4km; c117073056084s]
Caveat: Tree #1185
Caveat: Tree #1184
This tree is a guest tree from my past. I took this picture sometime in 2013.
I’ve been struggling emotionally: feeling incompetent at anything I take on. So today I took on very little, and did badly at what I did.
Caveat: Tree #1183
This tree witnessed a dog drinking seawater (because it was there!).
Actually that picture is from a few days ago. Today, I ended up going to work – not a normal work day for me, but I’ve been suffering through trying to solve a major problem for a customer’s framing job that is largely a problem of my own creation.
Caveat: Tree #1182
Caveat: Tree #1181
Caveat: Tree #1179
This tree (and this tree and this tree and this tree, too) was cut down in the prime of its youth by me to accommodate the fact that it was encroaching on the path of the power line down from the pole to lot 73.
The electrician was out, doing initial work on installing electricity for the lot, using the utility pole I had put in 2 years ago.
I also tried to remove a much larger tree but ran into technical problems with the damn chainsaw and, unable to resolve them, gave up. I’ll have to tackle it another day. I don’t get along well with chainsaws.
[daily log: walking, 8.5km; dogwalking, 3km; c122068061085s]
Caveat: Tree #1178
This tree is a douglas fir I planted. Our neighbor Penny gave us an Easter house, so I tried to put the house in the tree, to make a treehouse. The tree was too small.
[daily log: walking, 4.5km; dogwalking, 3km; c120068065085s]
Caveat: Tree #1177
This tree and its peers lining the steep hillsides failed to resist my efforts at anthropomorphization.
[daily log: walking, 6.5km; dogwalking, 3km; c120072059085s]
Caveat: Tree #1176
This tree (which sticks up through the floor of my treehouse) was there when I installed a new worktable in my treehouse, which I made with some scrap lumber and a used pallet which I acquired from my place of employment.
Caveat: Tree #1175
This tree was there as I pulled the tarp off the GDC (RV) and got it started and moved it 20 feet. It all worked, somewhat to my surprise – I hadn’t started it since January, and I was worried I’d let it sit too long. I also managed to “cure” its fuse problem – though I confess I don’t know quite how I did that. So electrical systems seem okay now (unlike in January).
I was talking to Arthur, as we drove home from the store today. Sometimes I blather on: “I really like this pothole. It’s my favorite. It has plenty of width and depth, so you can drive down into it and not just bounce across it, and it’s as wide as the whole road. It’s the kind of pothole you can talk to your friends about with pride.”
This was Arthur’s reply: “If you say so.”