Caveat: Tree #1542 “The illumination”

This tree was infested by a treehouse – I haven’t posted a picture of the treehouse in a while. Not that much has changed – I’ve left it dormant all winter. But the sun touched it this afternoon.


CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 4km; dogwalking, 3km]

Caveat: Tree #1538 “A bluing sky”

This tree experienced puffy clouds in a bluing sky.


Chad was sick so I did a half-day at work today – not a normal Thursday occurrence. Then I went home, got Arthur, and drove back to town to do our normal Thursday shopping thing. This twice-to-town day reminded me that in fact the most tiring thing about my job is the commute – for whatever reason, I find the 8-mile, 30 minute drive fairly exhausting. Something about dodging some potholes and hitting others.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5km; retailing, 4hr]

Caveat: Tree #1534 “Wet”

This tree was wet, down at the beach on lot 73.


I felt like my cold came back, after having gone into slight remission. So I didn’t get much done today. The sun came out for about 30 minutes and I went and planted some radishes in my greenhouse. But total rain for the day was nearly 2 inches. We’re getting a lot of rain.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 1.5km;]

Caveat: Tree #1533 “A stream”

This tree was flanking a small stream.


We’ve been getting a lot of rain. Not that that’s so strange – this is the Alaskan Rainforest. Over an inch just today (so far – there are still some hours left in the day).

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 4km; dogwalking, 3km]

Caveat: Tree #1532 “The mechanic”

This tree is beside a guy’s auto shop in Klawock, where I took the Blueberry (Art’s Chevy Tahoe) in for some mechanicking.


We had to replace the starter, and we did an oil change and switched out the winter wheels for summer wheels. This guarantees a little more additional snow, given some subsidiary of Murphy’s Law.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5km;]

Caveat: Tree #1529 “A plum tree from a past place”

This tree is a guest-tree from my past. This tree is in front of my childhood home, looking toward the front porch. I wasn’t sure when I took this picture. I figured it wasn’t on my last visit there, last Fall. I thought it might have been in either 2018 or 2009 – one of my two previous visits there. But then I checked the picture’s metadata, and lo, it was taken in August of 2007, which was definitely a time I visited there (I suspect I took this photo at the same time as the one in this blog post). I wonder how I managed to run across it now in one of my rather random “let’s organize my computer a little bit” moments?


Work at the gift store was more tedious than usual today – probably because I’m still not feeling well.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 4km; retailing, 8hr]

Caveat: Tree #1528 “Endogenous success”

This tree (small, foreground) was a tree I planted two years ago, I think. Unlike most of the trees I’ve planted on my lot, it seems to be doing fine through our long, vague winter – it probably helps that it’s not an exotic but a local species, just not on my lot: some kind of pine that is mostly found in the muskeg areas.


CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 1km;]

Caveat: Tree #1526 “Staying put”

This tree stayed behind a barrier of rocks.

I’ve been feeling quite “under the weather” the last few days: sore throat, congestion, more sneezing than usual, feverish. I was sufficiently worried that I did a home Covid test – it says I don’t have it. I didn’t think so, but it’s prudent to check, I guess. Probably just some kind of flu or cold. But I’ve been feeling lousy and not terribly productive, though I continue to make progress on trying to lessen the footprint of my various servers (blogs and map servers).

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 1.5km;]

Caveat: Tree #1521 “A northbound duck”

This tree stood by while a duck swam northward (small light-colored speck on the water near the exact center is duck).

Since the sun was shining and the snow was melting, I decided I should do some work in my greenhouse.

I planted some spinach and lettuce, moved my pot with my california bay laurel trees out there.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 4km; dogwalking, 3km]

Caveat: Tree #1516 “An arch”

This tree noticed the neighbor’s dock pilings had received an arch on top.


I’m not sure when this happened – it was done somewhat sneakily. One day, no arch. Another day, arch. I guess it was done via boat – that’d be necessary to get access to the pillars. So they left no trace and I guess it happened when I wasn’t around or wasn’t paying attention, and Art, of course, is deaf enough these days that he probably wouldn’t have heard or noticed unless he happened to look out.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5km; retailing, 8hr]

Caveat: Tree #1513 “A misty, melty day”

This tree had a misty, melty day.

A gravel road with areas of ice, snow along sides but melting, trees and mist in the distance.
After walking the neighbors’ dog this morning, I stayed in and rebuilt my blog and messed with data and made my Chilean-style fish chowder for dinner.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 4km; dogwalking, 3km]

Caveat: Tree #1511 “Wearing green”

This tree wore green.

I’m very tired today. Either I’m coming down with something, or I’m just burned out after a long (-er than normal) week. There was Arthur’s doctor’s appointment, yesterday. But we also had (another) water system crisis at home last night. Our water cistern (3000 gallons) had become surprisingly empty. It turns out there was a massive leak down at the dock – there’s a water pipe that runs out to the spigot on the dock, and it had burst. So basically our water was running out directly into the sea, under the dock where no one could notice. I was up late finding the leak and then finding the spigot that turned off the water line to the dock (it was literally buried in several inches of dirt in a hole beside the boat shed). Then I was setting up and refilling the cistern – a 7 hour process, in total, using water from the new well and a garden hose.

CaveatDumpTruck Logo[daily log: walking, 5.5km; dogwalking, 3.5km]

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