This tree was about 50 feet from our house, along the trail over to the treehouse.
Category: My Photos
Caveat: Tree #1605 “A migratory tablesaw”
This tree (probably the one kind of barely visible on the right) was there when I finally got the tablesaw moved over from my treehouse to my greenhouse-shed-thing. It was quite difficult to move – too heavy to carry and not able to fit through the treehouse door without extensive disassembly – but I moved it and reassembled it successfully.
You might wonder why I had the tablesaw in the treehouse. I’d put it up there a few years ago because a) I was working on the treehouse a lot and it was handy, but more importantly, b) because I was terrified Arthur would do something with the tablesaw under one of his sudden compulsions to be “handy” but where he doesn’t remember how to operate it safely.
Art and I spent a very long, tedious afternoon at the clinic. He had an appointment – it was just a follow up on the lab tests from before – but the doctor was running behind and so we had to sit around a lot.
Caveat: Tree #1604 “Starting engines”
This tree (the one out across the water, I guess) was there while I got the engines started on the boat for the first time. We’re not going out in the boat yet, I’m just doing maintenance on a sunny day, since those are pretty rare.
Caveat: Tree #1603 “Secret pond”
This tree is hiding.
I ran across an unrelated, but humorous, alarming expression (courtesy of the internet): “Happier than a greased alligator at a family water park.”
Maybe there’s an Alaskan alligator in that pond?
Caveat: Tree #1602 “Abandoned”
This tree was at the top of the 10-mile hill, overseeing an abandoned car. That car has been there for 2 years now.
Caveat: Tree #1601 “광주 무등산”
This tree is a guest tree from my past. I took this picture of a tree just outside of Gwangju, South Korea, in June of 2010, on the flank of Mudeung Mountain (광주 무등산). I had gone there on a day-hiking trip with some colleagues from work. I believe the reservoir is this one (map link).
Caveat: Tree #1600 “Deep in the forest”
Caveat: Tree #1599 “A stroll”
This tree witnessed a small family out for a morning stroll.
Unrelated, here is a quote that I found amusing:
“Never underestimate your fellow man’s lack of initiative.” – Bryan Caplan
To be clear, I take some issue with the author’s use of the gendered “fellow man” – it’s archaic, at this point, and there are plenty of more universalist alternatives that are utterly painless, e.g. simply “fellow human being’s” or even simply “other people’s” as opposed to “your fellow man’s”. That said, and given Caplan’s problematic relation (opposition) to feminism, perhaps we can take him at face value, and understand that he does, indeed, mean only men, here. In fact that might make the quote more amusing.
Caveat: Tree #1598 “Waiting for illumination”
#Photography #SoutheastAlaska
This tree experienced a moment of illumination.
I got some baby lettuce out of my greenhouse, thinning the patch somewhat.
Art had a doctor’s appointment this morning. Just some lab tests, nothing related to changed diagnosis. It took a long time because they wanted a urine sample, and that’s not something Art does on demand these days. I’ve always felt he’s chronically dehydrated, but I simply cannot convince him to drink more fluids.
Caveat: Tree #1597 “Fire”
Caveat: Tree #1596 “Greenery”
Caveat: Tree #1595 “Launchtime”
This tree (maybe one on the nearer shore on the left) witnessed that we managed to get the boat out of the boathouse and into the water. We parked it at our dock, but it has to share the dock with our new neighbors’ boat, since their dock isn’t built yet.
Caveat: Tree #1594 금산사에 갔던 기억이 나요
This tree is a guest tree from my past. I took this picture in February, 2010, at the Geumsan Temple in South Korea (금산사), where I was staying for a 5-day “templestay” – a kind of intensive lay Buddhist monk experience. It’s the entrance area. The temple is one of the more famous ones in the peninsula.
Caveat: Tree #1593 “The fawn”
Caveat: Tree #1592 “Why did it cross the road?”
Caveat: Tree #1591 “The path”
Caveat: Tree #1590 “A drive to Thorne Bay”
This tree was hanging out with some other trees on the outskirts of Thorne Bay, off on the other side of our island.
It’s about an hour and half drive from Rockpit to Thorne Bay. I went there because our new neighbors (who bought the lot where the house burned down in 2019) arrived by boat from down south, and they needed a taxi service over to Thorne Bay to pick up their truck with trailers, which was delivered via barge. All the barges to the island land over there – it’s more convenient on the east side of the island, directly adjacent to the Alaskan “inside passage”.
When I got home, I found a zucchini flower in my greenhouse, despite the persistent rain and obstinately gray skies.
Caveat: Tree #1589 “Down along the shore”
This tree noted there is still some snow on yonder mountains.
Caveat: Tree #1588 “Emergent greenery”
Caveat: Tree #1587 “Recalling fun with photons”
This tree is a guest tree from my past – you should pick one of the trees in the foreground of the cityscape, below. I took this picture from the 10th floor of the National Cancer Center, in Goyang, S. Korea (northwest of Seoul), in July, 2013 (한국 경기 고양시 국립암센터). I was about midway through my month-long, in-patient odyssey there, getting decancerfied (fun with high-energy photons!). The view is eastward, toward downtown Seoul, which is sort of behind the right-hand flank of the mountains in the distance.
Caveat: Tree #1586 “A moment of illumination”
This tree provided emotional support during my morning commute. It was raining as I drove into town on the “expressway”, but then suddenly some sun came out behind me and illuminated all the greenery.
Caveat: Tree #1585 “Sleeping pallets”
This tree lurked with others of its kind, while a feral shipping pallet lumbered on the forest floor.
Caveat: Tree #1584 “Mistiness”
Caveat: Tree #1583 “Near the sea”
This tree was seen off the balcony of my treehouse, among others, near the sea.
Caveat: Tree #1582 “A troller trolling”
Caveat: Tree #1581 “Approaching sunset”
This tree was next to a small greenhouse just before sunset.
Caveat: Tree #1580 “Coniferous density”
This tree was in a forest. I saw it just past the 10 mile hill, along our road, where the dog was walked.
Caveat: Tree #1579 “Supervising the fish in the sea”
This tree stood by while an eagle supervised the fish in the sea.
Caveat: Tree #1578 “전라남 영광군”
This tree is a guest tree from my past. I took this picture from the window of my bus on my morning commute in Yeonggwang County, South Korea, in November, 2010. 이 사진은 2010년 11월 전라남 영광군에서 촬영했습니다.
Caveat: Tree #1577 “Vehicular repositioning”
This tree was there when I moved the GDC (the old RV) up to the parking spot by the greenhouse – preliminary to a project to wash it next weekend. I wanted it close to the water spigot. The day was sunny but rather chilly and windy.
Caveat: Tree #1576 “Awaiting some sun”
This tree is hoping for a bit of sun in through the window. There is a maple tree and two bay laurels, which I got a few months ago via the internet. I don’t want to subject these baby trees to the unending damp of an outdoor life in Southeast Alaska just yet – I have noticed that exotic saplings seem to have a hard time with that aspect of the local climate, more than issues with the lower temperatures or lack of direct sun. Too many of my saplings have died of “too much moisture” – mostly due to concomitant mold / fungus, I suspect.
Caveat: Tree #1575 “A challenge”
This tree confronted overcast skies.
My mental association with me yelling is that I’m angry. Or terrified of something. Of course, this makes sense. I’m not a person to raise his voice without good reason.
The “emotional” problem I have in dealing with Arthur is that – in the context of his increasing deafness – the only way to get through to him in answer to whatever banal, day-to-day questions he asks of me (and always without his hearing aids, because he “forgets” to put in his hearing aids, of course), is to yell: much louder than my accustomed tone of voice. And the mental trick my mind plays, that I can’t seem to overcome, is that by yelling, I become angry – whether or not I really am. And I just can’t seem to bypass this gut-level, emotional reaction.
Arthur asks me “What’s for dinner?”
I answer, in a regular tone, “I thought we’d have a salad.”
“What? Who?”
Louder, I repeat, “I thought we’d have a salad.”
“A palace?”
Louder still, I yell, “No. A salad!” Now I’m angry. My gut is churning.
Meanwhile, “Oh, a salad. I thought you said palace. I was very confused. Why would we have a palace for dinner?”
“Just a @#$% salad!”
Repeat, on different banal topics, 10-20 times a day.
Caveat: Tree #1574 “Up into obscurity”
This tree saw the ridgeline above the house obscured by fog.