Caveat: Art #19

I’m not sure what’s going on in this picture. It looks like that person is getting electrocuted. I drew it when I had that art class in 1992 when I was in Pasadena.

Caveat: Art #18

I drew this old man from a photograph in a magazine in 1993. Michelle liked this one. For a while it was framed and on the wall, but something happened to the frame – it broke, maybe. So it’s unframed.

Caveat: Art #17

I drew this University of Minnesota Transit System bus in 1989. Sorry it’s kind of hard to see – it’s in pencil. It’s the 13W Como Avenue North bus, which I took to my job at the University Press book factory that was located off-campus in Northeast Minneapolis. That’s where I had a job making books. Not writing them… making them. It was actually a pretty interesting job, though it could get very monotonous, running some machine on a bunch of books, one by one, going by on a conveyor.

Caveat: Art #15

This is a drawing of a character in a story I was making, about my imaginary country, Ardesfera. Her name is Victoria Persson, she was a 19th century military persona. I think I drew this about 2 years ago.

Caveat: Art #12

I drew this in around 2014, I think. I’m pretty sure I shared it on my blog, back then, but I can’t find it at the moment, and anyway, this series is supposed to be a (completely unordered) complete collection. I could see it as the cover for a sci-fi book or something.

Caveat: Art #8

This is another one of the architectural series from around 1989. The description at the bottom is in an imaginary language, I guess. I think of this building as being in my imaginary country, Mahhal.

Caveat: Art #6

This is an incomplete sketch in pastels from around 1993. I was working from an old photograph. The people in the picture are my sister, our baby sitter Joe T., and myself, probably around 1970.

Caveat: Art #4

This ink drawing is of the fountain in the backyard of my paternal ancestors’ old home in San Marino, on California Boulevard. I drew this when living there in 1992. The house was torn down a few years later.

Caveat: Art #3

This is one of my many vaguely architectural drawings. I think I drew a whole series of these “imaginary modernist churches” in around 1989 or so. The titles were often quite whimsical: this one is called “Sunshine Sect Church of the Renewable Love of God (Reformed Church of Contractual Christianity of the USA.)”. Note the “future date” I attached to these at the time of composition, which is now in the past.

Caveat: Art #1

It’s become clear to me that I enjoy enumerating things. I have been enumerating poems and trees with some success.

So recently I (re-)discovered the consolidated giant pile of my undifferentiated artwork, dating back to as early as 1971. I had shoved all the “portfolio cases” containing this stuff under one of the many beds Arthur maintains in the attic, and was reminded of them recently when he and I were looking for something and tearing the house apart.

I’ve been hanging on to all this material over the years, and adding to it occasionally, too. I want to make sure I have digital copies of everything. And what better way to catalog it than to blog it?

I’ve therefore decided to introduce a new enumerated topic for this here blog. I enjoy the fact that I’m living here with my uncle Art (Arthur), but that he has nothing to do with this series.
These will be scans (low-tech, i.e. done with my phone camera) of my artwork over the years. Some of it is from my childhood. These are not meant to represent great or even good art. These are mostly just memories. I’ll attempt to estimate a date of composition for each one presented. I will not attempt any kind of system or order of presentation.

There is one specific subset of my artwork that will not be included here under the Caveat: Art heading: my many hand-drawn maps and geofictions. I will post these Paper Geofictions in a different series, over at my other blog, which is specifically – though pseudonymously – dedicated to my geofiction activity.

Here is the first one. It is a picture of my dad’s car. I think I painted this around 1972 (age 7).

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