Caveat: Cause for Optimism

I ran across this quote. I suppose it summarizes my own reasoning as to why I am optimistic about the whole concept of development – in the sense that peoples and nations have no predestination in matters of whether their society develops or not, and to what degree, because policy decisions actually matter. You can't be pessimistic about improving the lives of people in the world, when there is proof that it is more than just random chance, and that decisions taken in a society, by individuals, can lead to substantial differences in outcomes.

"I’m not convinced with these arguments about some nations being predetermined in their development and alien to the concept of democracy and the rule of law.

"The reason I’m quite comfortable with this denial . . . We can move from theory to practice. While we can talk about history and certain influence of historical events to modernity, we can look at the places like Korean Peninsula. The same nation, not even cousins but brothers and sisters, divided in 1950, so that’s, by historical standards, yesterday." – Garry Kasparov, in interview with economist Tyler Cowen.

I guess Kasparov is responding to the idea that Russia is somehow predestined to be authoritarian. Clearly he is rejecting that notion. And I agree. I live within the most stunning example of this line of reasoning. Indeed, it is probably one of the reasons I choose to live here – it imbues me with optimism about human character and destiny. 

[daily log: walking, 6.5km]

Caveat: a sufficiently obfuscated version of the UBI

I have long thought that the direction we should be going, in terms of social welfare policy, is what is called a "Universal Basic Income." Switzerland recently flirted with the idea, via its referendum process – my recollection is that it didn't pass (but I'm to lazy to find out if I'm wrong about this).

This strikes me as something we need to talk more about, in the context of cultural sustainability and US politics. I saw this on the marginalrevolution blog a while back (great blog, but for your sanity, don't read the comments). The quote that drew my attention:

[Patrick] COLLISON: Do we just need a sufficiently obfuscated version of the UBI [Universal Basic Income] and then we’re fine?

[Tyler] COWEN: We call it "disability insurance."

In fact, this thought had occurred to me, almost exactly as Cowen phrases it, many years ago when I was still living in the US. It is flattering to have a world-class economist validate my idea – not that I would try to take credit – I only have my own memory of thinking this.

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: People Forget About Luck

This cartoon is philosophically interesting.


The "hover text" (a feature of XKCD cartoons), says, "They say you can't argue with results, but what kind of defeatist attitude is that? If you stick with it, you can argue with ANYTHING."

Somehow, this quite seems like it could easily be attributed to certain prominent politicians.

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: リンダリンダ

What I'm listening to right now.

Paranmaum, "Linda Linda." This is a cover of a song originally by the Japanese band Blue Hearts. The group singing, Paranmaum, is a kind of "in character" band created specifically for a Japanese movie, Linda Linda Linda (note that the title of the song and movie are, uh, different). Nevertheless, the band members aren't lip-syncing – they're really performing and their music had some success outside of the movie context. Also worth noting, the lead singer of the band is Korean. The role was an early one played by the prodigious and talented actress 배두나 [Bae Doona]. I guess "in character," Bae here is playing a Korean exchange student at a Japanese high school, where she forms a band. Hence the band's name is Korean, too (Paranmaum [파란마음] = "Blue Heart").

가사 (Lyrics – Japanese with transcription and translation in Korean).

도부네즈미미타이니 우츠시쿠나리타이
생쥐처럼 멋져지고 싶어-

샤신니와우츠라나이 우츠쿠시사가아루카라
사진에는 없는 멋이 있으니까-

リンダリンダ リンダリンダリンダ
린다린다- 린다린다린다-

リンダリンダ リンダリンダリンダ
린다린다- 린다린다린다-

모시모보쿠가이츠카 키미토데아이하나시아우나라
만약 내가 언젠가 너와 만나서 이야기하게 되면-

손나도키와 도우카아이노이미오 싯테쿠다사이
그럴 때는 부디 사랑의 의미를 알아줬으면 해-

リンダリンダ リンダリンダリンダ
린다린다- 린다린다린다-

リンダリンダ リンダリンダリンダ
린다린다- 린다린다린다-

도부네즈미미타이니 다레요리모야사시이
생쥐처럼 누구보다도 상냥하게-

도부네즈미미타이니 나니요리모아타타카쿠
생쥐처럼 무엇보다도 따뜻하게-

아이쟈나쿠테모 코이쟈나쿠테모 키미오하나시와시나이
애정이 아니더라도 연애가 아니더라도 너와 이야기하고 싶어-

켓시테마케나이 츠요이치카라오 보쿠와 히토츠아케모츠
절대 지지않는 강한 힘을 나는 유일하게 가지고 있어-

リンダリンダ リンダリンダリンダ
린다린다- 린다린다린다-

リンダリンダ リンダリンダリンダ
린다린다- 린다린다린다-

リンダリンダ リンダリンダリンダ
린다린다- 린다린다린다-

リンダリンダ リンダリンダリンダ
린다린다- 린다린다린다-

[daily log: walking, 1km]

Caveat: respect and brotherly love

I learned that the essential character of a nation is determined not by the upper classes, but by the common people, and that the common people of all nations are truly brothers in the great family of mankind. … And even as I grew to feel more Negro in spirit, or African as a I put it then, I also came to feel a sense of oneness with the white working people whom I came to know and love.

This belief in the oneness of humankind, about which I have often spoken in concerts and elsewhere, has existed within me side by side with my deep attachment to the cause of my own race. Some people have seen a contradiction in this duality. … I do not think however, that my sentiments are contradictory. … I learned that there truly is a kinship among us all, a basis for mutual respect and brotherly love.  - Paul Robeson

What I'm listening to right now.

Paul Robeson, "Joe Hill." Song by Phil Ochs.


I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,
Alive as you and me
Says I But Joe, you're ten years dead
I never died said he,
I never died said he.
The Copper Bosses killed you Joe,
They shot you Joe says I

Takes more than guns to kill a man
Says Joe I didn't die
Says Joe I didn't die
And standing there as big as life
And smiling with his eyes

Says Joe What they can never kill
Went on to organize,
Went on to organize
From San Diego up to Maine,
In every mine and mill,
Where working-men defend there rights,
It's there you find Joe Hill,
It's there you find Joe Hill
I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night,
Alive as you and me.

Says I But Joe, you're ten years dead
I never died said he,
I never died said he

I think the Joan Baez rendition of this song is the one I heard in childhood. 

[daily log: walking, 6.5km]

Caveat: Амьдрал гэдэг там л байна

Mongolian hip-hop is a real thing. 

What I'm listening to right now.

Дайн ба энх, "76." Although my Mongolian-language googling skills are quite poor, I even managed to find the lyrics.


Зөөлөн суудлаасаа тэд *** өндийлгүй өдөржин хэлэлцэж
Зөв буруу хууль дүрэм баахан юм баталцгааж
Цөөхөн хэдэн ард бидэндээ зурагтаар л бараагаа харуулж
Хийж бүтээх нь багадсан
Хэлэх амлалт нь ихэдсэн 76-д зориуллаа
Тэд өөрсдөө Монгол хүн чи хүн би хүн бид адил хүмүүс
Эртнээс эхэлсэн энэ цус Монгол цус
Халуун биеэр минь халх цус
Эрэлхэг хүчирхэг Монгол түмний дуу хоолойг ойлгож сонс одоо цагт
Төрийн суудалд үхэн хатан мөнгө цацан хаян тэмцэхийг бодоход
Түүнээс илүү ашиг хонжоог хайж байна гэсэн үг биш үү
Үүнээс цаашгүй түүнээс цаашгүй
Хэрэлдэж уралдсан 76
Үнэндээ чанартай маньдаа хамаагүй хий дэмий амны зугаа
Ууж идэж хахаж цацаж бүгдийг авлаа болоо юм биш үү
Улсаа хөгжүүлэхийн төлөө та нар одоо юм хийх болсон юм биш үү
Хүний төлөө энэ нийгмийн бохирдлыг устгая
Улс орны сайхны төлөө санаа тавь тавь тавь
Тавьсан санаа хаана л байна л гэж л хэлмээр байна л
Ард л олон л тэр л амла мөр л хөтөлбөр л гэдэг үлгэр домог болдог
Тэр л том том дарга руу байгаа чиглүүлэв үгээр чичрүүлэв би


тэнгэрт найдахаас Монголчууд аа
Тэдэнд найдаж болохгүй шүү молигодуулваа
Чааваас даа миний цөөхөн халх ардаа
Хаанаас даа ийм зүйл байж боломгүй юм даа
Тэд бол их л хуурдаг ардад бурдаг худлаа бурдаг
Нөхөд л гардаг хуралдаж хуралдаж хувьдаа ашигласан
Зүйлээ хуваалцаж байж л тардаг явдаг даа
Санаа нь амарч харьдаг даа 76 нь ийм юм бол Монгол улс мөхжээ
Монголд төрсөн хүн л мөн болдоо
Мангар тэнэг биш л байх боддоо өө
Улс орноо гэдэг бодол байдаг юмуу даа
Амьдрал ер нь тамуу даа сүйрэлд хүрэх замууд
Энэ л олон намууд аа тэд нийлээд чадах уу даа
Ээ хар малнуудаа рад түмэнлүүгээ эргэн нэг хараач
Тэр олон гахайд найдаад хэрэг байхгүй за байз яая даа
Хараал идэг чөтгөр аваг
Энэ муу новшийн нийгмийг хар хар
Хар дарсан зүүднээсээ тэр сэр сэр сэр
Ертөнц хорвоод баян ядуу баян ядуу
Мөнгөтэй төгрөгтэй мөнгөгүй төгрөггүй
Мэдэлтэй мэдэлгүй нь хосолсоор хосолсоор
Хэн нь сайтар хэн нь муутар амьдрах хүн бүрээс хамаарах болж
Энэ л үед ийм үед мөрөн дээрхээ тэр толгойгоо
Энэ нийгмийн толгойлогчдод буруу бий буруу бий
Хямралд оруулж байгаа хүмүүс эд нар мөн эд нар мөн


Чи бол Монгол би бол Монгол хүн
Бидэнд бие биенээ харйлах сэтгэл зүрх байх л ёстой гэж л бодно
Миний бодсон нэг л худлаа бас л худлаа болоод байх шиг байдаг
Ер нь яадаг тэнэг нөхөд гэхээр улс төр л мөр л гэж явдаг байна л
Ард л олон яана л шал худлаа
Тэр л сайхан нам л байна
Амьдрал гэдэг там л байна
Тэр л 76- гаа л сандал суудал зулгаа л
Энэ л төрийн нүүр л царай л гэвэл энэ ээ
Нэг хоёр гурван жил 76 нам жим
Ингэсээр сүүлийн дөрвөн жил гэнэт гарч ирэн намайг дэмж
Энэ миний мөрийн хөтөлбөр энэ чиний сургалтын төлбөр
Энэ бүгдийг чиний төлө харин чи тууштай миний төлөө
Гэж хэлээд суудалд суухдаа тэр маш их мөнгө зарсан
Тэр гарсан зарсан мөнгөө хэд хэд нугалж олсон
Ард бид чинь та нарт итгэн суудалд суулган залсан
Ахисан даварсан тэд нар харин гарсан хойноо мартсан

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: Meow meow, I’m a cow

I found this song online. I find its simplicity and humor appealing, but my students were unimpressed when I showed it to them. Finding things that appeal to kids among the detritus of pop culture is very much a hit-or-miss proposition.

What I'm listening to right now.

LilDeuceDeuce, "Beep Beep I'm A Sheep."


Beep beep, I'm a sheep.
I said …
Beep beep, I'm a sheep.

Yeah. Now some of you might be wondering
How exactly does one beep beep like a sheep?
Take it away, Gabe.

Step One.
Throw your hands up,
Then point them to the floor.

Step Two.
Here's what to do,
Now get down on the floor

Step Three.
Just bounce around,
It's easy, follow me.

Step Four.
Go crazy now, and
Beep beep like a sheep.

Beep beep, I'm a sheep.
I said …
Beep beep, I'm a sheep.

You've got to, you've got to…
Beep beep like a sheep.

Beep beep, I'm a sheep.
I said …
Beep beep, I'm a sheep.

Yeah. So. You know how to
Beep beep like a sheep, I see.
But, is that all you can do?

Step One.
Throw your hands up,
Then point them to the sky.

Step Two.
Drop to the floor,
And move from side to side.

Step Three.
Just bounce around,
C'mon I'll show you how.

Step Four.
Go crazy now, and
Meow meow like a cow.

Meow meow, I'm a cow.
I said …
Meow meow, I'm a cow.

Beep beep, I'm a sheep.
I said …
Beep beep, I'm a sheep.

You've got to, you've got to…
Beep beep like a sheep.

Beep beep, I'm a sheep.
I said …
Beep beep, I'm a sheep.

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: On Expertise

"Certified skydiving instructors know way more about safely falling from planes than I do, and are way more likely to die that way." – Randall Munroe, author of the comic xkcd. This quote is the "hovertext" accompanying this cartoon.


[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: A very clever Brexit

A very clever Brexit that would leave everyone happy.

Recently Nicola Sturgeon announced that Scotland would re-vote on the matter of Scotland's independence, given the Brexit context that had not existed during prior vote, in 2014. The motivating factor is that the citizens of Scotland overwhelmingly wish to stay in the EU. I was reading in the comments section on a certain brilliant blog (slatestarcodex) that there is a problem here: the EU might not want to easily welcome a newly independent Scotland as a member – because certain countries, most notably Spain, don't want to encourage their own separatist regions (e.g. Catalonia). Thus a country like Spain might essentially block an independent Scotland's effort to join the EU.

So then this one commenter on that blog reports a very clever solution, which is attributed (without specificity) to Alex Salmond. If Westminster is amenable to a "friendly divorce", then there is a simple legal solution for a Scotland wishing to remain in the EU, and and "Rest-of-the-UK" wishing to exit. The solution not only solves Scotland's problem but also allows Westminster to avoid negotiating with the EU per Article 50.

This solution is, frankly, brilliant. England, Wales, and North Ireland can secede from the UK. The remaining "Rump UK" in this case is Scotland, which thus remains in the EU. England, Wales, and Northern Ireland are at that point de jure independent countries which Spain (among others) would, of course, not want to allow into the EU anyway (on principle, right?). So they're out, and they're out only on the terms of their secession from the UK – essentially an "internal matter" and EU terms don't need to be negotiated. Then they can reunite at their own convenience, the day after their secession from the UK. Then everyone can just "coincidentally" rename their countries, and the problem is solved.

Corporations do things like this all the time. I once worked at a corporation that underwent a "reverse merger," which seems conceptually similar in some ways. So why can't countries?

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: Aan­ga­jaar­naq­tu­li­uq­tu­qa­qat­ta­li­lauq­si­mann­git­ti­am­ma­ri­ru­lung­niq­pal­lii­la­in­nau­ja­qa­tau­na­su­&&­an­naaq­tum­ma­ri­a­luu­va­li­lauq­si­ma­&&a­pik­ka­lu­ar­mi­jun­ga­lit­t

This satirical article at SpeculativeGrammarian explains why twitter is not a good idea for the fine residents of Nunavut. I actually have no idea if the Inuit phrases cited are authentic or instead just satirical inventions. The word/sentence “Aan­ga­jaar­naq­tu­li­uq­tu­qa­qat­ta­li­lauq­si­mann­git­ti­am­ma­ri­ru­lung­niq­pal­lii­la­in­nau­ja­qa­tau­na­su­&&­an­naaq­tum­ma­ri­a­luu­va­li­lauq­si­ma­&&a­pik­ka­lu­ar­mi­jun­ga­lit­tau­ruuq” has 199 characters, and allegedly means, “At a younger age it is said that I had also been saying that I wished drugs were never made!” Which might very well be something some anti-drugs Nunavutian politician might want to send out on twitter. So, indeed, it seems a linguistic injustice on the part of the twitterverse.
Relatedly (perhaps), I recently learned that Greenland’s 18th largest city, Ittoqqortoormiit, has 452 residents. South Korea’s 18th largest city is Namyangju, in Gyeonggi province (not far from my own home in Goyang, which happens to be South Korea’s 10th largest city, although, really, both cities are just politically autonomous suburbs of Seoul). According to the wiki thing, Namyangju has 629,061 residents.
Here is a picture of Ittoqqortoormiit.
Possible spurious correlation of the day (?): The smaller the town, the longer the words.
[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: What, Exactly, Is Cuteness?

I don't know what cuteness is, exactly. But it seems like a real – if subjective - perception that is shared by most humans. Probably, the perception of cuteness is linked to the evolution of the parent-child bond.

Regardless, I think many would agree that this robot is cute.

Others might feel it's creepy – I guess it might be creepy, too. But the creepiness is something that dawns on you slowly, only as you think more deeply about what this little robot represents: human capacity to create a wholly autonomous, life-like being.

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: Last Night In Sweden

I'm actually pretty sure that the new Space Emperor's reference to an incident (presumably "terrorist incident") in Sweden last week was just a syntactic mutilation such as routinely emerges from his mouth, rather than any kind of premeditated prevarication.

Nevertheless, the media reaction has been entertaining. One thing I ran across, that was amusing, was this cartoon originally posted at a site called The Postillon (although the cartoon predates the reference made to Sweden at the news conference):


I wonder if the numbers of pieces listed (e.g. 3,772,896 connector screws) is accurate, or if the cartoonist just made the numbers up. 

[daily log: walkig, 7km]

Caveat: the shining Big-Cheez-Burger

Apparently Longfellow's poem, "The Song of Hiawatha" has been rewritten in a LOLcat version (LOLcat, for those unaware, is a kind of internet 'meme' – i.e. a faddish and famous complex of behaviors, images and what might be called internet text-based dialect slang).

By the shores of Intar-Webbies,
By the shining Big-Cheez-Burger,
Stood the macro of Blue Kitteh,
Pièce de résistance, Blue Kitteh.
Dark behind it rose the sofa,
Rose the roomy gloomy sofa,
Rose the pics with lols upon them;
Bright before it post the comments,
Post the wry and funneh comments,
LOl@shining Big-Cheez-Burger!!

For comparison, here are the first ten lines of the original.

By the shores of Gitche Gumee,
By the shining Big-Sea-Water,
Stood the wigwam of Nokomis,
Daughter of the Moon, Nokomis.
Dark behind it rose the forest,
Rose the black and gloomy pine-trees,
Rose the firs with cones upon them;
Bright before it beat the water,
Beat the clear and sunny water,
Beat the shining Big-Sea-Water.
– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (American poet, 1807-1882)

Credit for finding this belongs to the linguistics blog All Things Linguistic.

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: A primer on international relations

What I'm listening to right now (NSFW).

Run The Jewels, "Nobody Speak." Anyway I found the video entertaining.

Lyrics (NSFW).

Picture this
I'm a bag of dicks
Put me to your lips
I am sick
I will punch a baby bear in his shit
Give me lip
I'ma send you to the yard, get a stick
Make a switch
I can end a conversation real quick

[Killer Mike]
I am crack
I ain't lyin', kick a lion in his crack
I'm the shit, I will fall off in your crib, take a shit
Pinch your momma on the booty
Kick your dog, fuck your bitch
Fat boy dressed up like he's Santa
And took pictures with your kids

We the best
We will cut a frowny face in your chest, little wench
I'm unmentionably fresh, I'm a mensch, get correct
I will walk into a court while erect, screaming "Yes!
I am guilty motherfuckers, I am death"

Hey, you wanna hear a good joke?

Nobody speak, nobody get choked

Get running
Start pumping your bunions, I'm coming
I'm the dumbest, who flamethrow your function to Funyuns
Flame your crew quicker than Trump fucks his youngest
Now face the flame, fuckers, your fame and fate's done with

[Killer Mike]
I rob Charlie Brown, Peppermint Patty, Linus and Lucy
Put coke in the doobie, roll woolies to smoke with Snoopy
I still remain that dick grabbin' slacker that spit a loogie
Cause the toter of the toolie'll murder you friggin' Moolies
Fuck outta here, yeah

Nobody speak, nobody get choked, hey
Nobody speak, nobody get choked, hey, hey
Nobody speak
Nobody speak

Only facts I will shoot a
Baby duck if it quacks, with a Luger
Top billin', come cops some villainous shots is blocked, shipped out, and bought, and y'all feeling it
El-P killin' it, Killer Mike killin' shit

[Killer Mike]
What more can I say? We top billin' it
Valiant without villainy
Viciously foul victory
Burn towns and villages
Burning looting and pillaging

Murderers try to hurt us we curse them and all their children
I just want the bread and bologna bundles to tuck away
I don't work for free, I am barely giving a fuck away

[Killer Mike]
So tell beggin' Johnny and Mommy to get the fuck away
Heyyo here's a gun, son, now run, get it the gutterway
Live to shoot another day

Nobody speak, nobody get choked, hey
Nobody speak, nobody get choked, hey
Nobody speak
Nobody speak
Nobody speak, nobody get choked

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: Con permiso; tengo trabajo que hacer

Aeromexico's new advertising campaign mocks the new Space Emperor's wall. There is some pretty complex messaging going on. 

The final line could be the voice of the typical, hard-working, entirely law-abiding (except for immigration law) Mexican in the US, "al otro lado" for his or her almost culturally obligatory decade of remittances and wealth-building.

No additional comment required.

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: Broke(n) Cities

Urban planning has always fascinated me. I think if I'd felt more confident and more motivated during my college years, I'd have pursued that as a career.

Perhaps it can be attributed to my somewhat countercultural background, but I have always harbored a great deal of skepticism about what might be termed the US's "typical suburban development model." Recently I ran across a rather stunning indictment of this development model, concluding that not only does it produce fragmented and/or insular communities and excessive energy consumption, but it also is, in strictly financial terms, something like a publicly-sponsored pyramid scheme and utterly unsustainable. 

[daily log: walking, 5km]

Caveat: Celluloid

Lately, I have been doing something strange. I have been watching 100-year-old movies on youtube.

They intrigue me, although to be honest I don't always follow their plots very well. I think my narrative imagination isn't up to the challenge of the silent film aesthetic. I guess I stick with them mainly because they are historically interesting.

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: I’m sorry, it turns out you were given the placebo

I consider myself an advocate of evidence-based medicine. Generally, I have little patience for people who advocate for unproven medical approaches (or worse, "alternative medicines" that have been specifically proven in repeated studies to be useless). I am a regular reader of science-based medicine blogs such as the excellent (if often monotonous and occasionally strident)

In my role as cancer survivor, I would say I have been subjected to a greater number of these kinds of advocacies than the average person, too.

Nevertheless, any kind of advocacy – even the advocacy for evidence-based medicine – can be taken too far.  The excessive push for the "gold-standard" – randomized controlled trials - in every type of health-focused intervention can certainly be carried too far. I ran across this excellent, short satire that appears, "played straight," at the British Medical Journal website. Here is a sampling.


Objectives: To determine whether parachutes are effective in preventing major trauma related to gravitational challenge.

Design: Systematic review of randomised controlled trials.

Data sources: Medline, Web of Science, Embase, and the Cochrane Library databases; appropriate internet sites and citation lists.

Study selection: Studies showing the effects of using a parachute during free fall.

Main outcome measure: Death or major trauma, defined as an injury severity score > 15.

Results: We were unable to identify any randomised controlled trials of parachute intervention.

Conclusions: As with many interventions intended to prevent ill health, the effectiveness of parachutes has not been subjected to rigorous evaluation by using randomised controlled trials. Advocates of evidence based medicine have criticised the adoption of interventions evaluated by using only observational data. We think that everyone might benefit if the most radical protagonists of evidence based medicine organised and participated in a double blind, randomised, placebo controlled, crossover trial of the parachute.

I like the bit about "trauma related to gravitational challenge."

Addendum: Actually, before someone complains, I think I should clarify that I acknowledge at least a limited understanding that there is an important technical difference between the concepts of "science-based medicine" and "evidence-based medicine," and that, in fact, this satire is essentially a criticism of the latter from the perspective of the former. 

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: +

"Q: What's the best thing about living in Switzerland? A: I don't know but the flag is a big plus." – Anonymous internet humor

[daily log: walking, 7km]

Caveat: Hwæt, Hrodulf readnosa hrandeor

More useful work is being done on the internet, just in time for Christmas! Someone has helpfully translated Rudolf The Red-Nosed Reindeer into Anglo-Saxon. 

Incipit gestis Rudolphi rangifer tarandus

Hwæt, Hrodulf readnosa hrandeor –
Næfde þæt nieten unsciende næsðyrlas!
Glitenode and gladode godlice nosgrisele.
Ða hofberendas mid huscwordum hine gehefigodon;
Nolden þa geneatas Hrodulf næftig
To gomene hraniscum geador ætsomne.
Þa in Cristesmæsseæfne stormigum clommum,
Halga Claus þæt gemunde to him maðelode:
“Neahfreond nihteage nosubeorhtende!
Min hroden hrædwæn gelæd ðu, Hrodulf!”
Ða gelufodon hira laddeor þa lyftflogan –
Wæs glædnes and gliwdream; hornede sum gegieddode
“Hwæt, Hrodulf readnosa hrandeor,
Brad springð þin blæd: breme eart þu!”

… in modern English:

Here begins the deeds of Rudolph, Tundra-Wanderer

Lo, Hrodulf the red-nosed reindeer –
That beast didn’t have unshiny nostrils!
The goodly nose-cartilage glittered and glowed.
The hoof-bearers taunted him with proud words;
The comrades wouldn’t allow wretched Hrodulf
To join the reindeer games.
Then, on Christmas Eve bound in storms
Santa Claus remembered that, spoke formally to him:
“Dear night-sighted friend, nose-bright one!
You, Hrodulf, shall lead my adorned rapid-wagon!”
Then the sky-flyers praised their lead-deer –
There was gladness and music; one of the horned ones sang
“Lo, Hrodulf the red-nosed reindeer,
Your fame spreads broadly, you are renowned!”

This was posted at the All Things Linguistic blog.

[daily log: walking, 7km]

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