Arthur and I sought some fish, but this first post-storm sojourn was fishless.
I saw this tree – specifically, the one right in the center of the photo.
[daily log: walking, 2km; chainsawing, 1hr]
Category: A Daily Tree
Caveat: Tree #234
I believe I have featured this specific tree before – it’s along the road near the 8 mile bridge, and has that distinctive fork in its silhouette. But I thought the light was interesting, so the tree will be featured again.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km; chainsawing, 1hr]
Caveat: Tree #233
A tree that is now retired from treeness, and moving into a life of loghood.
[daily log: walking, 3km]
Caveat: Tree #232
Caveat: Tree #231
Oh deer, another tree – at the southwest corner of Lot 73.
Here is the view standing on a stump nearby, looking the other direction. I was trying to sight the utility pole.
[daily log: walking, 3km]
Caveat: Tree #230
Caveat: Tree #229
This tree includes, below it, the newly completed (roughly) house-pad where a house might go on lot 73.
[daily log: walking, 1km]
Caveat: Tree #228
I spent a long day trying to finish up the “patio” – really more of a sidewalk – along the south side of the kitchen shed. Here it is – with a tree (or several) in the background, so I’ll call it tree #228.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km; loads of gravel down the hill, 5; loads of sand up the hill, 4]
Caveat: Tree #227
Caveat: Tree #226
This tree just barely survived Richard’s treepocalypse on Lot 73. Now that Richard’s work has stopped, there, it has a chance! Fight for it, tree…
[daily log: walking, 1.5km]
Caveat: Tree #225
Tree: archival in origin, looking out from entrance of apartment building #2 in Yeonggwang, Korea, 2010.
[daily log: walking, 2km]
Caveat: Tree #224
I caught these trees trying to escape the planet. Fortunately they move very slowly, so I don’t think they’re leaving anytime soon.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km; catching, 9salmon]
Caveat: Tree #223
I forgot to take a picture of a tree today. You’d think, with so many of them around, I’d get around to it. But some days, I get busy with one thing or another, and I forget. Good thing I was taking pictures of trees long before I started the daily tree thing, right? So here is a tree from my archives.
I’ve probably posted this picture more than once before, but not as a “tree” yet, so here it is. This is one of my favorite photos that I’ve taken, at an overlook above Millaa Millaa, Queensland, January 2011.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km; catching, 5salmon]
Caveat: Tree #222
This tree (at left below) stands at the exit to Craig Harbor.
[daily log: walking, 2km; catching, 10salmon]
Caveat: Tree #221
Caveat: Tree #220
I took a big long test this morning. Over 5 hours staring at a screen and answering a-b-c-d questions, and writing two essays in boxes. I felt like one of my poor Korean students.
Then I collected my bag from the motel and walked back to the ferry. Here is a tree.
I rode the ferry, feeling mentally exhausted. We arrived at Hollis.
I drove home.
[daily log: walking, 4.5km]
Caveat: Tree #219
I am in Ketchikan to take my test tomorrow morning, bright and early.
I walked up to the tiny UA-Southeast, Ketchikan Campus (really just an annex behind the high school, though architecturally pleasant enough).
I saw this tree, looking down past one of the buildings.
This was the view in the other direction standing in the same spot.
This is the sign marking the campus.
This is the view from behind the same sign.
And I walked down to my motel.
I walked all over Ketchikan, as it seems better than figuring out buses for what is, actually, a pretty small city. Ketchikan is having a heat wave: it was 72°F (22°C).
[daily log: walking, 8.5km]
Caveat: Tree #218
Caveat: Tree #217
We went out fishing at the south end of San Ignacio again. We caught a lot of fish, though Arthur also managed to hook his finger with a fishhook, which was stressful. This eagle in a seaside tree was unimpressed by our antics.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km; catching, 13salmon]
Caveat: Tree #216
Here is a tree from my archives, dated March, 2010, taken on Sakurajima (an island with an active volcano located just off shore from city of Kagoshima, Japan).
[daily log: walking, 2km; chainsawing, 1hr; catching, 6salmon]
Caveat: Tree #215
I must face the fact that I have become a paparazzo to botanic beings.
But later the sun sets, at 9:15 pm.
[daily log: walking, 2.5km]
Caveat: Tree #214
A tree was seen recently. I read a headline for an article that alleged that researchers have found that living near trees increases well-being. Science!
[daily log: walking, 2km; chainsawing, 2hr]
Caveat: Tree #213
This picture of this tree was taken while standing on top of the new septic system drain field on lot 73.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km; catching, 1salmon]
Caveat: Tree #212
Tree #212 is having a bad day (note it has been flagged for removal and that I am halfway through removing it – see the chainsaw cut?).
Earlier, Arthur and I went out in the boat. It was sunny but VERY windy, and we caught no fish and had adventures, including a lost downrigger weight and an engine problem (happily resolved).
Here is the boat tucked back into the dock.
[daily log: walking, 2km]
Caveat: Tree #211
Tree #211 faced a major inflection point in its life trajectory today.
EDIT – A point of clarification on the above photos: they show a before-and-after of the same tree, which I cut down because it is in the way of the new utility pole that will go on lot 73.
[daily log: walking, 2km]
Caveat: Tree #210
Arthur and I went fishing, so here is a tree from my archives. Pay no attention to the man, the tree is what matters, for now. Picture taken not far from the DMZ, South Korea, 2007.
[daily log: walking, 3km; catching, 5salmon]
Caveat: Tree #209
We went out and caught three salmon today.
The picture below is where we caught them – off the east side of San Ignacio, after trying several other spots.
I think this could pass for a “daily tree” picture although I’d be hard pressed to single out one of the trees for salience… perhaps the one on the right? I think actually the clouds are more interesting than the trees in this picture.
[daily log: walking, 2.5km; catching, 3salmon]
Caveat: Tree #208
Caveat: Tree #207
The stream that runs down the hillside, and that roughly divides lots 73 and 74, was muddied by Richard’s dogged pursuit of rocks. The trees were witnesses.
[daily log: walking, 2km; tromping, 500m]
Caveat: Tree #206
Arthur and I went out seeking fish today. It was disappointing. But I’m still somewhat befuddled by what seems to me Arthur’s tendency to give up too fast when the fish don’t bite. I had always understood fishing to be a waiting game. Well, such as it is. He’s not really open to any input from me, so I just drive the boat around as he instructs.
Here is a tree from my archives: a tree on the beach at Duluth, Minnesota, 2009 – I was living in Korea by 2009, but I was on a visit back to the US.
[daily log: walking, 2.5km]
Caveat: Tree #205
The Blueberry (the Chevy Tahoe vehicle) went to the shop. Because of this, I rode with Richard out of town in the morning after dropping off the car, and back with him in the afternoon to pick it up again – which works out because Richard lives in town but is currently working at our place here.
Richard stopped by Tyler – a local hardware selling and equipment rental conglomerate. He was shopping for a piece of metal for his landing craft project (which I blogged some about last fall).
I took this picture of a tree with forklift in the foreground. Incidentally, the shed on the hillside in the background is part of the Elementary School campus.
[daily log: walking, 3km]