A younger tree experiences the forest.
[daily log: walking, 2km]
Category: A Daily Tree
Caveat: Tree #398
Caveat: Tree #397
It’s difficult to see the depth of this photo. The snow-covered “tree” is a down-hanging branch of a tree above. The snowy stream is behind the branch, several meters back.
[daily log: walking, 2.5km]
Caveat: Tree #396
The sun appeared.
This was unprecedented, so I decided to take a walk down the road. Arthur came along.
This tree has appeared before, here. But now it’s been winterized.
Walking along the road, we ran into our neighbor Mike, out walking the dog. He’s a little bit hard to see: center of the road, a bit behind the dog.
Caveat: Tree #395
I like to capture trees in the early morning. They can be caught unawares.
[daily log: walking, 1km]
Caveat: Tree #394
Caveat: Tree #393
This tree got whacked by the power-line maintenance people – it was growing up under the wires. Still. It’s sorta hangin’ in there.
[daily log: walking, 2km]
Caveat: Tree #392
Caveat: Tree #391
This tree is the daily tree. And your appreciation isn’t required.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km; metal-lifting: 200kg]
Caveat: Tree #390
I drove into town today. Just me – Arthur stayed home. I dropped off some paperwork at Klawock City Schools. Hoping to expand my substitute-teaching opportunities. I stopped by Jan’s work and tried to help with a computer problem. It’s good to feel useful and competent. I haven’t had that feeling much, lately.
A tree from my archive-o’-trees. This tree, on a cliff, is at Cape Foulwind, on the west side of New Zealand’s South Island. The cape seemed well-named when I saw it, in February, 2011.
[daily log: walking, 3km]
Caveat: Tree #389
This tree stands in the rain. It’s hard to see the rain, though.
Arthur’s friend and fishing companion, Wayne, a frequent guest here at Rockpit Resort, was apparently inspired by my frequent tree pictures on this here blog to share with me a picture he took during a visit to Prince of Wales Island – a bear on a tree. I like this picture.
[daily log: walking, 2km]
Caveat: Tree #388
This tree has been blogged before. It’s on the neighbor’s property and juts out over the water photogenically when seen from the dock.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km]
Caveat: Tree #387
Caveat: Tree #386
Caveat: Tree #385
Caveat: Tree #384
Here is a tree from my archive of trees. This picture was taken in Ilsan, Korea, along the route of my pedestrian commute to work, in November, 2008.
I can’t decide if the tree I prefer is the red one to the left or the half-bare one to the right.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km]
Caveat: Tree #383
Well, I don’t know what it’s like other places, but here in this little corner of Laniakea, the trees grow upward.
Caveat: Tree #382
Actually it rained last night. A lot of the snow is melting. But a lot of snow was there to begin with.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km]
Caveat: Tree #381
It’s hard to tell, but it was snowing when I took this picture of a tree.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km]
Caveat: Tree #380
Caveat: Tree #379
Caveat: Tree #378
Which tree is the topic-tree of this photo? How can we decide this question?
[daily log: walking, 2km]
Caveat: Tree #377
The three hundred and seventy-seventh tree is accompanied by a peeking, waning moon (left, near the tree line).
[daily log: walking, 1.5km]
Caveat: Tree #376
Caveat: Tree #375
Caveat: Tree #374
And the temperature drops.
Here is a tree from this morning.
[daily log: walking, 1km; snowshoveling, 2hr]
Caveat: Tree #373
There are trees behind the Blueberry (the Chevy Tahoe) in its temporary parking spot removed from the muddy snowdrifts (see previous blog post).
[daily log: walking, 2km; snowshoveling, 4hrs]
Caveat: Tree #372
Caveat: Tree #371
This tree may not be a tree but rather an ambitious shrub. And yet…
[daily log: walking, 2km; snowshoveling: 30min]
Caveat: Tree #370
The philosopher Justin E.H. Smith asks, in his blog, Do Trees Exist?
In my opinion, Smith is one of the best writers on the internet right now.
[daily log: walking, 1km]