Caveat: Tree #759

This tree found itself upstaged by an icicle I propped up on some rocks.
picture[daily log: walking, 2km]

Caveat: Tree #758

This tree overlooked a patented pile o’ rocks.
picture[daily log: walking, 2km; disassembling things on a steep hillside in the cold, 5hr]

Caveat: Tree #757

This tree, which has a nascent treehouse attached to it, was making alarming creaking noises in the high winds. The treehouse seemed to remain attached, however.
picture[daily log: walking, 2.5km]

Caveat: Tree #756

This tree caught my storage tent as high winds tried to blow it away.
My pre-fab storage tent (the “studio”) had come unanchored a few weeks ago, on a windy day. It hadn’t been well-anchored in the first place, so I admit that was my fault. I set out on a project to build a proper foundation for it. That project was progressing slowly, partly due to the cold temperatures, which have been making the ground too frozen to dig easily. And meanwhile, the storage tent was even more poorly anchored than before – with pollyannaish optimism I’d placed some 2×4’s on the corners with piles of rocks, to hold it down. The wind today decided that was inadequate. And so now… what will become of this beloved storage tent?
I’ve tied the upside-down and somewhat damaged storage tent to the tree the wind had attached it to. I’ll wait for a less windy day (the wind today was pushing windchills close to 0°F), and begin to disassemble it, as best I can, hoping to be able to salvage and re-build it on the new foundation, once that’s complete. Meanwhile I’ve laid a tarp over the stuff that had been inside it, that was exposed… with many rocks to hold that tarp down.
I went to town today and got my first Covid vaccination. That was without incident. I got the “Moderna” vaccine, same as Arthur received in January.
I’m beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed. I feel the gods are testing me: The server crash; the wind tearing down my storage tent; Arthur’s obstreperousness and denialism (esp. with respect to hearing loss).
picture[daily log: walking, 3.5km]

Caveat: Tree #755

This tree, though a bit blurry due to distance, clearly has an infestation of eagles.
picture[daily log: walking, 3km; retailing, 6hr]

Caveat: Tree #754

This tree is a bit abstract, but there, under CGroup, you see a small “tree” showing the spawned process that is the mysql instance that makes this blog work.
picture[daily log: walking, 3.5km; retailing, 4hr]

Caveat: Tree #751

This tree stood around, refusing to help, while I dug holes in mud and rocks for the piers which will support my rectangle.
picture[daily log: walking, 2km; pickaxing mud and rocks, 2hr]

Caveat: Tree #745

This tree supervised while I created a rectangle with 4×4’s. Now I need to dig little holes under the six pillars so I can make the rectangle level, and then I can mount my “studio” (storage tent) on the rectangle. This will be a much stronger anchor than just boards on the ground, as it had been anchored before.
picture[daily log: walking, 4km]

Caveat: Tree #742

This tree (well, it’s not so much a tree as a small piece of a tree that became detached from a pointy stick of arboreal provenance) spent three days embedded in my thumb, without my realizing it. But it started to hurt and I pulled it out, somewhat painfully. I have placed it next to a dime for scale.
picture[daily log: walking, 2km]

Caveat: Tree #740

This tree watched the sun set off the south end of San Juan Island.
picture[daily log: walking, 3.5km; retailing, 6hr]

Caveat: Tree #739

This tree has also been eclipsed by one of my patented disks of ice.
picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

Caveat: Tree #738

This tree was snowed upon while others were not. Can you see which tree it was?
picture[daily log: walking, 3.5km]

Caveat: Tree #736

This tree has been killed and processed, the better to serve as the flooring (deck) of my treehouse. Also, I bought some wood to frame out a new “foundation” for my storage tent, since it got unmounted by high winds last week.
I hooked up the heavy-duty trailer, and Art and I drove into town on a special trip so I could spend some of my hard-earned gift-store salary on materials for my treehouse project. It was a lot of work, and harder to drive the potholey road with a loaded trailer.
picture[daily log: walking, 3.5km]

Caveat: Tree #735

This tree has been eclipsed by a circlet of ice that I found frozen on the surface of a plastic bucket and placed upon a decorative pile of rocks.
picture[daily log: walking, 3km]

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