Caveat: Tree #1359 “The new shed”

This tree was nearby when I did some more work on my little storage-shed-slash-greenhouse thingy (“studio 3.0”).


Art was feeling a bit better today, and so I felt comfortable walking with the dog and then later working outside a bit. He’s completely past nausea as far as I can tell, but he’s struggling (and staggering) with the dizziness/vertigo, still.

picture[daily log: walking, 4km; dogwalking, 3km]

Caveat: Tree #1349 “황사”

This tree is a guest-tree from my past. It is a tree under the yellow smog-dust-fog thing the Koreans call hwangsa (황사) – a meteorological phenomenon in which dust from the Gobi desert in Mongolia gets swept up and blown over points eastward. It is an unpleasant thing. I took this picture in March, 2010.

picture[daily log: walking, 5km; retailing, 5hr]

Caveat: Tree #1347 “With red flower”

This tree was near a red flower.
The boat has been uploaded into the barn. Art and I took the last step, running some anti-corrosion goop through the motors, put it the rest of the way in, and shut the door. The boat is trapped for the winter.

Also, too, happy Foundation Day – a type of Korean holiday.

picture[daily log: walking, 5km; dogwalking, 3km]

Caveat: Tree #1345 “Board”

This tree was cut into boards by Fred, one of our neighbors-down-the-road. I acquired them from Fred and drove them home hanging out the back of the Blueberry (Chevy Tahoe). I will use them for some project. It was raining a lot.

Here is the pile of ex-tree, somewhat blurry.

Meanwhile, Arthur and I ended a week-long saga of trying to get the boat out of the water, finally with success, helped by another neighbor, Brant (the new owner of the house-that-burned-down, next door, up visiting his property briefly). We had several different mechanical problems on trying to pull the boat out. Monday we had wheels that wouldn’t turn. Thursday we fixed the wheels, but then on Friday, we had problems with too much wind, and a broken tie-down rope. I fixed the tie-down ropes this morning, and we got it out, with an extra pair of eyes/hands to make sure things went right.

The boat, before and after.


picture[daily log: walking, 4.5km;]

Caveat: Tree #1327 “First, a square platform”

This tree saw me finally make progress on my new storage shed structure thingy, which replaces the one crushed by the giant snowball last winter.
First I got a level and square platform on Sunday. Then I put up a first wall yesterday. The stuff on the platform in front of that wall-frame is just a way of stacking my materials so things stay more-or-less dry as the rain is slated to return tomorrow.

picture[daily log: walking, 4km;]

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