Caveat: Add Snow, Smile

Adding a layer of snow to the world makes me smile. That’s good.

Here’s a view down the Juyeop Esplanade at lunchtime, today, looking southwest. There’s a giant ROK flag on a flagpole, at the subway station in the distance. Kids were driving sleds down the ramps of the pedestrian overpasses.


 RE xmas, I’ll reiterate an old standard: “bah humbug.”

Apparently my uncle really achieved a new level of xmas-avoidance this year – he booked a flight from the US to Australia that departs on the 24th and arrives on the 26th (because of the international date line). Now that takes xmas-avoidance to a completely new level. I’m impressed!

What I’m listening to right now.

Kray Van Kirk, “A Medicine for Melancholy.” I went to grade school with Kray. And middle school. And high school. He lived three blocks from the house I grew up in. Really.

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Caveat: Helicopters, Dictators, Kids, Snow, Life.

I live about 10 miles from the North Korean border. Mostly, I can totally ignore this fact. Today, while I was walking to work, I was reminded, as I saw not one but two Korean military helicopters passing overhead, in the cold blue sky. Understandably, the Korean military is probably doing things.

The Onion conveyed the hereditary Stalinist, Kim Jeong-eun’s insecurities.

Meanwhile, yesterday I had fun with first-graders. Three of my phonics kids drew self-portraits on the blackboard, during the break. I thought it was cute. They also drew Christmas trees for me, later.


What I’m listening to right now.

The Youngsters, “Smile (Sasha Remix from Involver).”  Euroelectronica, I guess.

Walking home in the dark, it was snowing. First real snow, I would say – the other was a false alarm. This is the real stuff.

Side observation (or trivial pondering of the day): why do Koreans with foreign cars (like BMW’s and Chevys) drive worse than Koreans with local marques?

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Caveat: The Thing With Having a Buddhist Boss at Christmastime

The thing with having a Buddhist boss at Christmastime is that it doesn't mean anything that it's Christmastime. It seems like a lot of work is "ramping up" these days. Keeping me busy.

Actually, I'm just perfectly fine with that. I have nothing to do with Christmas, anyway. I'm a "grinch" as the family parlance would put it. So I'm happy to work some extra around Christmas, to be honest. I put in a very long day today. And we go in early on Christmas Eve.

A coworker asked me if I had a special plan for Christmas. I said, "No, I'm a Buddhist at Christmastime." I was joking. Or half-joking.

She said, "So what do you do for Buddha's Birthday?"

I said, "Well, then, I'm a Christian." She laughed, getting my joke.

Caveat: 첫눈

I awoke this morning and looked out my window, speculatively… facing the day, as it were.

There was snow.
“엄ㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁ… 첫눈”
So I leaned out my window and took a picture of the buses in the middle bus-lanes of 중앙로 (Central Avenue, the street I used to call Broadway because I couldn’t figure out its name, before they put up helpful western-style signs).
“First snow.”

Caveat: That Chlorinated Water Smell

When I was a child, I had not one but several traumatic experiences around learning to swim. There was the rather unenlightened “throw them in the deep end and they’ll figure it out” approach that I got around age 7 or 8 at the Humboldt State University pool for some community-based children’s swimming class. And there was an event a few years later, I think, at the pool at College of the Redwoods, where some people in my extended family had taken me, where I ended up cracking my face open and filling the pool with blood and getting stitches later. Finally, feeling the deficit of my swimming ability, I enrolled, on my own initiative, in a private beginning swimming class one summer at the Arcata community pool. After 8 weeks of flailing around, my instructor pronounced me that most unusual of cases: I was, apparently, “unteachable.” Though this last was just a wounding of my ego, it was perhaps the most traumatic of all.

The consequences of these experiences were twofold. The first, obviously, is that I retain some anxiety around swimming, to this day. I did manage, in fact, to pass a “tread water” test while in the Army, and I feel confident that I could perhaps manage to get across a short stretch of water if I had to, in an emergency. But I’ve never enjoyed swimming recreationally, and I’m not a confident swimmer. The second is less obvious: whenever I feel anxiety, that smell of chlorinated pool water makes an appearance, like an olefactory memory but just as vivid as any visual or aural one, if not more so.

This is perhaps interesting – it’s like a sort of special-case synesthesia that comes to me in moments of despair and high anxiety, which, thankfully, don’t hit me that often these days. In high school during exams, I would smell chlorine. In university, while struggling to write papers during all-nighters, I would smell chlorine. Once, when I asked a certain someone on a date, I smelled chlorine.

Today, I had a weird experience. It was what you might call a case of empathetic anxiety-related synesthesia.

We are giving all the students at the hagwon special year-end “level tests,” which is because, effective with the new year, they technically move up a grade level. So the hagwon needs to re-place them in their appropriate ability level. This is especially important for the students moving up from the elementary curriculum to the middle-school curriculum.

The level test, being a level test, is astoundingly difficult. I’d say it’s almost SAT-ish. These are Korean kids who sometimes struggle to emit a coherent English sentence about how they feel, under relaxed conditions. For these… well, it’s basically just gobbledygook to some of them. Specifically, the PN반. PN is the lowest ability middle-school level at Karma. Don’t ask me what PN stands for – something involving “Pioneers,” I think.

When I went in to monitor their test-taking experience, already in progress, I swear several of them were in tears. Others had long given up and were sleeping, face-planted at their desks, with more than an hour still remaining of test time.

I tried to rouse their enthusiasm, and few of the more communicative ones just said, “oh. very, very hard.” Heavy sighs all around.

Several of the students were drawing pictures on the test paper. One was using his pencil as a random number generator (to give him the answers), by spinning it and seeing which point of the compass it indicated (this is a near-universal test-taking strategy in Korea, The Land of the Morning Multiple-Choice Test).

I had this moment of deep, deep empathy. I realized that if I were confronted with a test of the Korean Language at the same rough level as the test these kids were facing (and given that I long ago concluded that I was a PN반-type student of Korean, and not one of the more advanced ones), I would, even at 46 years of age, be in tears, too. And I don’t even have to worry about getting into a good high-school so I can get into a good university so I can get a good job so I can be successful so I can fulfill my obligations to my family and, most importantly, to my ancestors.

Watching my students tugging at their hair, playing with their pencils, making red sleep-marks on their cheeks by sleeping against the corner of the desk, I felt rising up in me the most profound empathy. It wasn’t fair!

And then I smelled that chlorinated water smell. Perhaps for one of the few times in my life, it came to me not because of my own anxiety and pain and despair but because of an awareness of those feelings in those around me.

Maybe… it’s like being the kind of person who cries at the movies. Maybe.

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Caveat: Mission Improbable

I went to a movie last night after work. Curt spontaneously invited me because he wanted to see the new Mission Impossible release and no one wanted to go with him. So I went – after work means going to something starting at 11 and running very late. We went to this suburban-looking theater complex that is more like American suburbanism than almost anything you can see in Korea, out on the northwestern edge of Goyang beyond the stadium. Walking back to his car in the bitter cold, I thought, except for the Korean signage, this could pass for somewhere in exurban Connecticut – parking lots, fakey cobblestone walking areas between stores fronting on parking lots, the whole deal.

The movie itself? Meh. Honestly, the best part for me was hearing the different languages that go with the exotic locales. Lots of Russian, which is interesting because I can actually understand fragments of it having studied it all those years ago. But the plot was annoyingly obsessed with trying to replay some half-hearted cold-war plot, but minus the cold war it just reads like paranoia. The action itself is, of course, thrilling. Climbing around on the outside of Burj Dubai, crashing cars straight down 30 meters and walking away because the airbags worked. It all keeps you on the edge of your seat, of course. But the acting – not really.

Afterward, Curt said to me, "Tom Cruise got old. I remember he used to be young."

"Just like us," I joked. We laughed.

Caveat: When the clean up is easy…

I have a new theory about how to know when what you've cooked is healthy. When the clean up from something you've made is so easy you can almost get away with not using soap, it means what you made is probably pretty healthy. There aren't any fats or sugars or burnt carbs to make it unhealthy, maybe.

I made a kind of mushroom, pepper, onion and tomato sauce and added rice –  I guess it's vaguely what some Americans call Spanish Rice. It was delicious.

I  talked to my mom, my uncle, my sister, my nephews on skype this morning. I don't like using skype… I'm not sure why. The call got dropped 3 times in less than an hour. Not reliable.

I've been feeling guilty about how little and how ineffectively I communicate with my family, which of course leads me to put off communicating with them. Vicious circle. I've retreated into a rather hermetic existence, lately. I'm not even unhappy with it. But I'm carrying an awareness that I'm sort of leaving people behind, not staying in touch with them… dropping long-maintained threads of communication and community.

I'm not content, I guess. A bit cut loose, existentially, by my terminal frustration with what had been the two chiefest, most important goals of my current life – learning Korean and becoming a better teacher. Neither are moving forward. They are simply … there. Static, unhappening projects.

What I'm listening to right now.

William Shatner (with Lemon Jelly), "Together." Really.

No kidding? Who'd have thought that William Shatner, even collaboration, could do something so… earwormy?

Caveat: “Maude Sanders”

I awoke from a strange, very vivid dream, this morning.

Sometimes my dreams offer up details that seem amazingly realistic, and I have no idea where my subconscious might have dredged up such details. Case in point, this dream was almost like a short story, or the beginning to a novel, or a scene from a Wim Wenders movie. There was a main character, who was named Maude Sanders. Really.

When I woke up, I wondered, who in the world is Maude Sanders? Why is she in my dream? I googled the name, but nothing popped out as being the kind of thing that might have lodged in my subconscious. Maude Sanders appears to be an entirely fictional person that decided to make an appearance in my dream. But somehow, her name was clearly known and repeatedly stated in the dream – it was somehow important.

The dream.  Or the story. Or whatever it was.

Maude Sanders

I am walking around some dusty Korean town – the sort that’s so rural, and so forgotten by the last 20 or 30 years of economic miracles, that it has an atmosphere vaguely reminiscent of Mexico: there are chickens being carried around and clucking in vacant lots, men smoking while squatting on street corners, old women carting bags vegetables on their heads. There is a woman selling knives laid out on a blanket on the sidewalk, but she seems to be dozing under her broad-brimmed hat. It’s summer or early fall, the air is clear and unhumid. The sun is beating down.

It’s not actually clear to me why I’m there. I’m really hungry, and I’m looking at the posted menus of the various restaurants strung out along the street leading from the bus station. I’m trying to work up the nerve to go into one of the restaurants and negotiate the Korean language, so I can order some food. I’m craving kimchi bokkeumbap, but none of the menus that I can see have it.

I finally walk into a cavernous place that is largely empty. There is a large television playing Korean pop music videos, but no one is watching. There are some men chatting with a waitress in by the back counter, leading to the kitchen area.

There’s a thin, frail-looking Western woman, with dusty blond hair, sitting at a table alone in the center of the room. Some Korean men are regarding her speculatively, and when I walk in – yet another “foreigner” – they look up in surprise, and maybe assume she and I must know each other.

She introduces herself by the unusual method of showing her discharge papers from a psychiatric facility. But that’s getting ahead of the story.

I sit down along one of the walls, not anywhere near the young woman. The waitress comes and takes my order, and for some reason I order jjajangmyeon (noodles in black bean sauce), even though I don’t actually like jjajangmyeon.

Right from the start, I could see that she is really, clearly, a very strange person. But she is young and attractive, and shortly after I have sat down, I see her go over and begin chatting with several middle-aged Korean men. This is before I have yet spoken with her.

I am surprised and jealous to see that she is speaking stunningly good Korean – clearly with a foreign accent, but fluent and effective. The men seem more taken with that aspect of her than her gaunt beauty or her bizarre proposition.

What is the bizarre proposition? I gathered, early on, that she is talking about something illicit or unexpected with the men – I can see their shocked, uncomfortable reactions. It is unclear what it might be. These men she is talking to seem more stunned by it than genuinely interested in whatever it is she is saying. Perhaps they are put off by the introduction – the frank announcement that she has recently exited a mental hospital. That is probably a bit overwhelming for a typical Korean man of limited world-view and provincial mentality.

By the time I get my food, she has returned to her table in the center of the room and is again sitting alone, toying with, but not eating, some jjambbong – a spicy noodle and seafood concoction that goes under the rubric of “Chinese food” in Korea, but which no self-respecting Chinese person would cook. It is “Chinese” in kind of the same way “Chinese food” in rural America doesn’t seem very Chinese to Chinese people, either. Although it’s quite different, jjambbong always reminds me of Chilean curanto  – I think it’s the combination of pork and seafood in a stew.

I distinctly remember thinking about curanto, and Chile, in the dream. That’s always strange, when there are reflective moments of just thinking, inside of a dream-memory.

The woman, seeing me alone, and having been not-so-politely brushed off by the bewildered Korean men, comes over and bluntly introduces herself, now, to me. This is when I come to understand that the papers she’s showing are the discharge papers from the psychiatric hospital.

“I’m Maude Sanders,” she explains. She has a non-North American accent, but not British. Perhaps Australian, or Irish. It’s not clear. It’s another of those moments of inside-the-dream just thinking, as I meditate on this.

“You speak very good Korean,” I answer, noncommittally. I am fascinated by her unusual mode of introduction.

“It’s not hard to pick up when you spend a few years in mental hospital in Korea,” she explains, with a shrug. This does, indeed, make sense. But how is it that she came to spend a few years in a Korean nut house? I feel afraid to ask. There is a short, awkward silence, then. I look at the TV. She looks over at the Korean men, as if wishing they’d cooperated with her proposition, earlier.

She lowers her voice and leans in close. I am drawn in by her attractiveness, but I can tell I am not going to like what she has to say. It’s a kind of inside-the-dream premonition.

“Wanna watch me kill myself?”

There are some disconnected images of me actually agreeing to this, right at the end: signing some kind of waiver.

But that was so shocking, that I woke up.

Dreams are so very strange. Except for the name, this dream isn’t really that hard for me to interpret, actually. If you know me well, you will understand what I mean. 

But the name has me puzzled. Why “Maude Sanders”? Why did the dream emphasize it, almost giving it as a title? Was it trying to help me make it into a short story?

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Caveat: Oh! It’s not Jared!


Pretty much self-explanatory – assuming you know what pikachu and aquajet are (they’re cartoon-based things, highly relevant and meaningful to the seven-year-old set).

The forlorn figure at the bottom left is, obviously, Jared.

Walking home from work, there was a thermometer that said -10 C (about 15 F). It’s windy. It would appear Siberia has dropped by for a visit.

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Caveat: Aristotle, the other hand…

pictureAs a weird follow-up to my previous post, in my 7th grade debate class, we keep ending up mentioning Aristotle. Seriously – it’s not really me who’s bringing him up, either.

Somehow, after having established the fact that the English alphabet wasn’t invented by King Sejong, and having established that it wasn’t invented in England, and having hinted that it was several thousand years old, someone suggested it was invented by Aristotle. Perhaps he stands in for “famous Western philosopher from really really long ago.” A Greek Sejong, if you will.

The funny moment was when, upon hearing the name Aristotle, Jiwon shakes her head, looking down, and mutters, “아아, 아리스토텔레스! 어려운 남자…” [Ah, Aristoteles! Difficult man…]. But the phrase “difficult man” was more like a complaint about a boyfriend than a philosopher. That’s the connotation, I think, of “어려운 남자.” Or rather, it’s just as ambiguous in Korean as it is in English, and her tone conveyed this strange familiarity.

It made me laugh very hard.

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Caveat: Korean sixth graders don’t quote Deleuze

Last night I dreamed I was giving students tests. Somehow, this shouldn't be surprising. But they were math tests.

It was mostly to my elementary students from Karma, including, especially, the highly talkative and distracting sixth graders from the ET2 cohort – these kids, among all my students, are the ones who have best figured out how to get me "off track" by asking random questions of intellectual curiosity, and who exercise this ability quite regulary to ensure we do the minimum amount of textbook work possible in a given class.

The same thing was going on during these math tests. The students kept trying to change the subject. The location was odd – it wasn't Karma, it was more like a midwestern American school, maybe. I don't even have much familiarity with midwestern American schools, so I'm not sure why I say that. Actually, if I recognized the building, it was the place where I started fourth grade in Oklahoma City, during that traumatic year that started with the 4 months in Oklahoma City and ended with my parents' divorce.

I have no idea what the symbolism is, of giving math tests to my Korean English students in a setting from my own childhood.

During the dream, when I collected the tests, I sat around scoring the tests with coworkers. The coworkers included fellow teachers from Karma, from Hongnong, and even from LBridge. And then the strangest part of the dream: one of the students, I think it was a girl named Hyewon from the ET2 class, got up and gave a presentation on why she got a bad score on the math test. As an English language speech, it was quite well-done and coherent and even interesting. As an excuse for doing badly on a math test, it was unlikely. She quoted the French philosopher Deleuze.

That's surreal, of course – Korean sixth graders don't quote Deleuze.

I looked down at the copy of her test that I'd scored. It was covered in red marks that I couldn't remember making. I couldn't understand the math, either. There were some computers next to me, like the ones in the staff room at Hongnong. I looked up and the vice principal was glaring incomprehendingly at the student's speech.

I woke up. I'd slept the longest I've slept uninterruptedly in a very long time – just over 8 hours. I've been struggling with my "wake up too early and can't get back to sleep" insomnia, lately, so I felt very good about this.

I thought about my dream, and had some rice and coffee (not mixed together) for breakfast.

Caveat: What happened…

…to 2011? It's almost over.

Since leaving the infinitely unpredictable Hongnong experience and returning to comfortable, easy Ilsan, time has been flying along. I feel like I just got here, and my contract is more than half over. Unless something unexpected happens, I intend to renew with Karma. But what is happening to time, lately? What am I doing?


Caveat: Gravestones cheer the living

Sometimes I cook things completely off program.

Sometimes it even works out.

Yesterday I went to the foreign grocery store across the street, mostly to resupply myself with the Brazilian brand of instant coffee that I like (“Iguaçu”), and I saw a giant bottle of dill spice. It seemed too big, but it was the only size they had, and I’ve never seen dill spice before in Korea. I decided to buy it – it was only 8 bucks.

So I got home thinking, gee, I have a lifetime’s supply of dill spice, what should I make? The main thing I have used dill spice for, in the past, is borsht – but I still haven’t found any beets (admittedly I haven’t looked that hard).

I had some nice tomatoes, and I had my pea soup. What could I make? I made fried tomatoes, with a breading that included corn flour, dill spice, nutmeg, black pepper. I literally invented the recipe from my crazy imagination – I had no plan or idea beforehand. Then I ate them with my pea soup and some toast. They were delicious.

What I’m listening to right now.

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, “Buy for me the rain.”

The video is very interesting – it’s a cheesy anti-war-themed music video from the 1960’s! I didn’t even know such a thing existed until I found it when finding a youtube of the song [UPDATE: old video link rotted, new video link is just the soundtrack – so the video is lost].

I grew up with this music – it’s very nostalgic, for me. Here are the lyrics.

Buy for me the rain, my darling, buy for me the rain;
Buy for me the crystal pools that fall upon the plain.
And I’ll buy for you a rainbow and a million pots of gold.
Buy it for me now, babe, before I am too old.

Buy for me the sun, my darling, buy for me the sun;
Buy for me the light that falls when day has just begun.
And I’ll buy for you a shadow to protect you from the day.
Buy it for me now, babe, before I go away.

Buy for me the robin, darling, buy for me the wing;
Buy for me a sparrow, almost any flying thing.
And I’ll buy for you a tree, my love, where a robin’s nest may grow.
Buy it for me now, babe, the years all hurry so.

I cannot buy you happiness, I cannot buy you years;
I cannot buy you happiness, in place of all the tears.
But I can buy for you a gravestone, to lay behind your head.
Gravestones cheer the living, dear, they’re no use to the dead.

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Caveat: 코딱지!

Yesterday, in my youngest Phonics class, made up of mostly 1st graders, Yunho announced he had a booger.
He was speaking Korean (“코딱지!” [kottakji = booger]), and I had a weird moment when I reflected on my strange plateau of Korean language knowledge. It can’t be normal for someone to understand a child’s discourse on boogers but not be able to understand an adult’s request for a suggestion (which also occured yesterday).
Yunho wasn’t finished with his booger. He grabbed scotch tape out of my basket of classroom supplies and taped his booger to his finger. The other boys in the class thought this was the grandest achievement in recent human  memory, and promptly set out to replicate it. I had to confiscate the tape and forcefully insist that everything end up in the trash.
The one girl in the class (who is also a year or two older) shook her head and clucked her tongue disapprovingly at the whole proceeding. Understandably.

Caveat: Issitoq

Issitoq is an Inuit deity of surveillance and stern warnings. He is a giant eye that makes sure you don’t break the rules, like some kind of proto-Foucauldian panopticon-creature.

I was thinking about Issitoq as I drifted to sleep, the night before last. And so I had a short but vivid dream about Issitoq. It wasn’t really scary, but it was eerie. He was zooming down out of a stormy, sunsetty sky over a strangely colorful but desolate plain, like some kind of disneyfied Sauron.

I drew this picture yesterday, based on that dream.


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Caveat: Up from the muck


I had homemade split pea soup (to which I added tons of carrots and some wasabi paste… very nice).

I’ve been reading Jameson on Marxism (in Valances of the Dialectic, previously mentioned). My question: so what’s with China? The implicit answer is obvious… in the 70’s, the central committee recognized that the revolution couldn’t be a truly Marxist one, because they weren’t an industrialized country. So… logically, they opted for capitalism. Not repudiating Marxism, but because they were true Marxists. Hmm. Just thinking. More on this later… maybe.

What I’m listening to right now.

Marc Romboy & Gui Boratto, “Eurasia.”

What’s with me and techno, anyway? Who’da thunk?

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Caveat: Workahol

Alcoholism involves overconsuming alcohol, so workaholism obviously involves the excessive consumption of workahol, right?

Well, I'm not really working all that much – but given that we're supposedly in a test-prep period, when I should have a reduced schedule, I'm working more than expected.  Curt's given me some extra jobs, and I'm sufficiently unhappy with the rest of my life, that I've taken them.

I've been working on making a "best of student work" bulletin board for our lobby. I've been doing "phone teaching" – which involves having students call me and try to have really basic conversations. The levels of success varies.

I've been working on prepping my next chapters in my self-made debate textbook. And I'm still doing the "CC" classes – basically, "noraebang 101." And because of this last… 

What I'm listening to right now.

Blue, "All Rise."  The kids seem to like this song, but it's hard to sing.

And also… 

Bon Jovi, "It's My Life." I think mainly they like the video for this, but they do well with the chorus, too.


Caveat: Rats


Rats can be made to laugh, apparently. They like to be tickled, according to this article.

I had a pet rat, once. I found a rat to be a surprisingly affectionate and comforting pet. I remember that he would “purr” when he was curled up and I was petting him. My rat was named “Fnugus” – which was some strange, unpronounceable whim of my adolescent mind. I ran across a picture of my long-ago pet rat, recently, in my collection. It’s not a great photo, but it made me nostalgic.

Fnugus RIP – 1979~1982.

Nostalgic for a rat. Rats!

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Caveat: Teachable

Teaching is important. I found this interesting article reflecting on new reasons why.

I've been feeling kind of inadequate as a teacher, lately. And a little bit rudderless as to how to improve. I have good classes and bad ones, good days and bad ones, but how much I plan or prepare for any given day or lesson seems utterly unrelated to whether they go well or badly. So what's going on?

Today, little Jinyong had  paper cup of green tea, to which he had added a square of chocolate – as only an innovative 7 year old can do – he called it "choco-cha." Then, somehow, this concoction ended up on the floor of my classroom. The hectic process of cleaning this up discombubulated the routine, and I never recovered my stride. It was a terrible class.

Well, anyway.

Caveat: Working Through Cultural Differences (Or Not)

Tonight, leaving work, I said to my coworker Danny these exact words:

“수고하세요. Don’t work too hard.”

Then suddenly, I realized this was incredibly funny. You see, each, in their respective languages (Korean and English), is a conventionalized way of saying goodbye to coworkers who are staying – but they must reflect some deep cultural differences, because their meaning is exactly opposite, and combining them was an act of pure cognitive dissonance.

“수고하세요” [sugohaseyo] means, roughly, “take pains, put in an effort, work hard.” It’s a typical thing you tell colleagues when you’re leaving them. “Don’t work too hard” is the sort of phatic, leaving-work phrase that I’ve used with late-staying colleagues during most of my working life, in English.

It’s an interesting cultural difference on display.

What I’m listening to right now.

Basement Jaxx, “Where’s your head at.” The video is freaking awesome, too.

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Caveat: Less Facebooky Than Before

To my facebook-based friends and acquaintances, sorry. I prefer the control having my own webpage and blog give me, so I will continute to post here at caveatdumptruck, daily.

I have stopped logging into facebook on a regular basis. Partly, that’s in protest of the fact that they are so aggressively tracking users’ web activities – did you know that if a page has “Like” button, facebook knows you’ve been there even if you don’t click it?

Because of that, among other reasons, I only log into facebook once every couple of days. These blog entries still sometimes cross-post, but I’m not trying extra hard to make sure that always happens.

pictureThose of you who know me well, and read between the lines… probably realize I’ve been kind of down, lately. Above all else, I’m so utterly discouraged about my learn-Korean project that I’ve essentially stopped studying. I don’t know how to regain my motivation.

Meanwhile, I’ve been wasting a lot of time reading bad novels and surfing radical politics websites (e.g. Who Is IOZ, whose recent rant was fabulous – most hilariously: “The supercommittee, a sort of homeopathic version of a legislative body, a thing, reduced to its essence and then placed near a vial of water whose molecules were supposed to realign and magically cure what ails us, or, ahem, whatever, failed.”).

I ate very healthy today: I had rice with gim (seasoned dried seaweed) and kimchi for breakfast, and for an early weekend dinner I had tricolor rotini and penne pasta with a simple vegan homemade sauce of onion, garlic, tomatoes, thyme, oregano, rosemary, bayleaf and pepper, with a half-cup of red table wine to give it some character. It’s not really that attractive, nor even deeply delicious, but it was healthy and satisfying. And I saved the leftovers, hopefully I’ll get better at using leftovers.

What I’m listening to, right now.

Stereo MCs, “Step It Up.”

Catchy tune.

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Caveat: Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving.

[UPDATE: the Youtube video I embedded here has disappeared. And I can’t find a replacement. There are an infinite number of other “Gobble gobble” songs to be found, but not the one I remember.]


It’s just a regular working day here in Korea. So…no thanks.

The kids love that song, though.

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Caveat: minus

pictureI guess winter has arrived – it’s almost noon and the official temperature is below freezing. I’m not sure I’m totally happy with the quality of the heating in my apartment… I’m going have to mess with the thermostat.

I like winter, and like cold weather, but I don’t necessarily like the feeling that I can’t get warm. I think part of it is that still not entirely gone flu-like thing I was struggling with.

Ok. Enough griping. More later.

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Caveat: Dem Bones

Teaching first graders is so often an utterly hit-or-miss proposition. I’ll come up with a game or lesson plan that I think is a good idea, and it will be a flop. I’ll be improvising, and suddenly have the best class ever.

Recently, with my Tuesday kids, I found an unexpected hit with the video and song, below. I had showed them a different youtube video, and they saw the icon for the little skeleton down in the corner, and were saying “해골 해골” [“skeleton skeleton”]. So I followed the link – maybe it was a good song?

Maybe they’d seen it in school or something. We watched video (and watched it again, and again, and again, because that’s how it is with first-graders), and the look of concentration as they tried to follow along and say the words to the song was precious.

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Caveat: Is Life Sucking Real?

Since last week, we're back in the 시험대비 (test-prep special schedule for middle-schoolers). So I have taken a bunch of "CC" (I have no idea what CC is supposed to stand for) classes for the elementary kids, since I have more free time in my schedule and the other teachers have less.

This gives me a weird, unexpected exposure to American pop music – the kids demanding things like Justin Bieber or Kelly Clarkson. Yesterday we did Clarkson's "My Life Would Suck Without You." And now it's stuck in my head.

Because of that, I applied an antidote – despite the fact that I sort of like the Clarkson song, to be honest. So…

What I'm listening to right now.

Icon of Coil's "Everything Is Real?"

… mashup in my brain … 

Caveat: the sound of running water

I don’t know the origin of this idea, but I find it singularly fascinating. A commenter at the LanguageLog blog by the handle of “Mark F.” writes (in a comment to a recent entry):

I have read that beavers can’t bear the sound of running water, so much so that they will cover speakers playing that sound with mud, sticks, and rocks until they can’t hear them any more; and that this is what induces them to build dams.

pictureThe implication is that what appears, objectively, to be evolved instinctive behavior is, in fact, subjectively experienced as a profound, even unbearable discomfort with some environmental condition – e.g. the sound of running water. Somehow this jibes quite well with my own subjective experiences with some aspects of my humanness – that things that are really evolved adaptive behaviors are only with immense difficulty perceived as such, because inside the own individual’s mind, they resonate more as various sorts of discomforts or dislikes.

Hmm. Thinking.

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Caveat: Not Traveling

Originally, because I had Saturday off from work, I had planned to travel to Gwangju and Yeonggwang this weekend.  But I lost my momentum, as has often happened with me lately.  So I didn't go.

Just not in the mood to travel, right? I haven't felt like traveling since I moved back up here to Ilsan in May, frankly. Even weekend trips seem like more than I'm wanting to do. I'm perfectly content to tool around Ilsan, such as it is, and be a sort of homebody.

I ended up going into work on Saturday, after all. I had been procrastinating on posting my monthly grades all week, and they're due start-of-work Monday. So I came home early on Friday night, and went in yesterday, instead.

I derive a lot of feeling of accomplishment from recognizing 100+ student names (in Korean), associating faces with the names, and writing personalized progress comments for each one.

To be  truthful, lately my only sense of accomplishment has been coming from work – my other projects, as I've remarked elsewhere, are going badly, or not at all.

Last night, after work, it was cold, walking home in the dusk. Maybe 2 or 3 C (36-40 F).  The rain was clearing, and you could feel the Siberian cold approaching. Last night, it got solidly below freezing, and I discovered an annoyance with my apartment – really, the first truly annoying thing I've found about it: the windows sweat, when it gets that cold. The condensation collects on the inside window-sills, and makes things sitting on them wet. Yeargh.

This morning, I woke up with a snap of insomnia, at 6 am sharp. Not able to go back to sleep, I made split pea soup and read random articles in the wikithing.

Life goes on. I'm watching things on my computer, and killing time reading a bad novel.

Caveat: Waking Life

How strange is it, to be quizzed by a group of sixth graders about the idea of lucid dreaming?  They didn’t remember the terminology, so the first several minutes of discussion required them explaining it to me, with their imperfect English. In and of itself, that was interesting, too – a lucid-dreaming-style sort of coming-to-awareness of the fact that the topic that we were attempting to discuss was, in fact, lucid dreaming. Hmm… I’m making it sound a little bit eerie, and it wasn’t.

It was just an interesting and engaging discussion such as rarely happens with my students, but that is deeply pleasing when it does.  

And then I came home and I somewhat spontaneously (but perhaps prompted at some subconscious level?) decided to watch a movie I saw when it first came out, and that I’d recently re-downloaded: “Waking Life.” Which is all about lucid dreaming. Among other existential and vaguely gnostic themes. And don’t forget Pedro Páramo.


“We are asleep. Our life is a dream. But we wake up, sometimes, just enough to know that we are dreaming.”- Ludwig Wittgenstein

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Caveat: I wasn’t, actually, a very good programmer

xkcd explains why quite succinctly:

The General Problem

Last night I had one of my increasingly infrequent "coding nightmares" – dreams that consist mostly of a sort of montage of SQL programming code, where I haven't got a clue what's going on.  While I acknowledge that, if it became financially necessary for me to return to programming, I would, I find it less and less appealing the longer I spend away from it.

Caveat: Natural-Born Pretenders

I had a really awesome debate class, today.  The group of 7th and 8th graders debated Korean education, informally, as we sat in a circle.  They actually opened their mouths and expressed intelligent opinions, in often comprehensible English.

The best was when a girl named Jiwon said, “Koreans are natural-born pretenders.”  She elaborated (I will paraphrase):  Korean schools and teachers pretend to teach, Korean students pretend to learn, Korean hagwon (after-school academies) pretend to help, Korean parents pretend to care. And the Korean government pretends everything is fine.”

Pretty dark and cynical, yet she is one of the brightest, most cheerful students I know, in a somewhat unmotivated way.  I was, needless to say, impressed, both with the depth of her analysis and her evident interest in the topic.

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Caveat: Pepero Day Eve

pictureYesterday, some of my students gave me Pepero (빼빼로).

I said, “but Pepero Day is tomorrow, not today.”

“Today is Pepero Day Eve,” answered one of the students, creatively. We had recently discussed the fact that Halloween comes from Hallow’s Eve, meaning the day before All Saint’s Day (November 1).

Actually, today must be some kind of “Pepero Millenium” as one of my students put it. I would like to coin the term Peperocalypse: 11/11 in the year 2011. That’s 11/11/11, right?

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Caveat: Org Chart

Curt drew a Karma Org Chart on the blackboard of the staff room last night. He didn’t know to call it an “org chart” – I taught them that term, from my years of working in business. Here’s the picture.


The arrows represent not lines of authority but rather “lines of complaint.”  It all seems more or less accurate. Some of the other teachers added some lines.

Yesterday was one of those days where I start out feeling truly horrible, but the kids are entertaining and lift my spirits so that by the end of the day I’m feeling OK about life. One of the reasons why being a teacher “works” for me, from a psychological standpoint.

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