Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.
- The Zvi on recent, viral, AI-written fiction
- Useful reporting about the intersection of crypto and drumpism
- The new Utsonomiya tram (宇都宮ライトレール)
An illustration from the internet (a few months late, sorry).
(Transcription and translation: 혹시 파트너 소개팅방 관심있으세요? / 내란수괴 윤석열은 퇴진하라 / 퇴진하라 … Are you interested in “partner blind date rooms” [sex chat]? / The coup-leader, [President] Yoon Seok-yeol, must resign / resign)
A quote.
“Ignorance is rarely an accident. It operates with precision, lurking in classrooms where history is selectively taught, in courtrooms where justice bends under the weight of wilfull blindness, and in cabinets of power where silence is often the most strategic policy. It is not simply the absence of knowledge but the calculated absence of knowledge, forged to serve particular ends.” – Colin W P Lewis