I got home from work, he had the couch turned over on its back, I guess he was trying to find it. I spent another solid hour searching high and low. I’m actually skeptical that the hearing aid was lost in the way he claims – that he was trying to put it in his ear and dropped it. Not that I think he’s confabulating – I just think his memory and grip on reality are such that he could have been doing who knows what and the hearing aid ended up missing. I can’t figure out where it went. For all I know it got flushed down the toilet.
That makes the third one lost. This one cost a lot more than the previous two lost – not just in money but in the time and effort it took to make a special trip to Portland to get the new pair. I’m pretty sure we can sweet-talk the VA into another pair, but given the delays, and given the fact they won’t “fit” them unless we show up in person, that means no new hearing aids until at least November (when we’re next scheduled to travel there).
I feel like that at some weird subconscious level Arthur prefers being deaf. Maybe this is uncharitable, but the resistance he’s put up to using and having hearing aids, at every turn, starts feeling quite willful.
I should just drop it. My problem isn’t that I harbor any concern for him or his comfort at all – for all I care, let him be deaf. My problem is that I very much dislike yelling at the top of my lungs and repeating myself 4-5 times for every single utterance when trying to communicate with him. It’s exhausting. I told him tonight (yelling, and repeating), that I might just give up talking. I swear he was pleased at the idea.
It’s not as if it’s been smooth sailing since getting back home after Portland, 3 weeks ago. Other issues have arisen.
Arthur has developed a new, difficult-to-cope-with habit: when his arthritis pain is acting up, he throws a tantrum. A perfect 4-year-old “I hurt myself and it’s definitely not my fault” tantrum. He pounds on the table, kicks at the table-legs or the floor, and flounces around like a miserable toddler.
I much preferred the stoic Arthur. And I have no way of coping with this either, except to leave the room. Which emotionally feels like abandoning him in a moment of pain. But what can I do? He has some pain meds, but my impression is that they don’t work very well, if at all. The doctors aren’t going to prescribe him hardcore pain meds for arthritis, I don’t think. My uncharitable theory is that his pain hasn’t actually gotten worse, it’s only that his coping mechanisms are continuing to devolve.
I was quite naive in signing up for this.