Caveat: Links #113

Here are some links I found interesting- with minimal comment.

  • Cup runneth over
  • Substack is horrible. I already knew this. Just to be clear – I sporadically read 100s of blogs on the substack platform. Because that’s where many of the good blogs are, these days. But you will never see me give a dollar to anyone through the substack platform. If I really like someone who publishes on substack, and want to donate to support them, I find alternate pathways to donate.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“Remember, if you’re ever feeling down, free will means you can just eat a whole block of cheese anytime you want.”

A stray thought.

I feel like most people believe very strange things about sleeping surfaces. I sleep on the actual floor – the hard floor, with just a blanket under me – and I have no issues with it. It works fine. Humans didn’t evolve to sleep on mattresses. ‘Big Mattress’ has everyone hoodwinked. Is this a conspiracy theory?

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