Caveat: Links #61

Here are some links I found interesting- without comment.

An illustration from the internet.


A quote.

“Perhaps the real issue is that we have become a culture that highly values transgressiveness qua transgressiveness. There are no actual boundaries to the particular sort of transgressiveness that is valued, though of course each subculture will value some types and condemn others. Overall the pattern is seemingly a random distribution of transgression: e.g. marxism, trans politics and queerness on the left, fascism, racism and anti-vax attitudes on the right – there is no logic behind either of these: they are simply the particular chosen transgressions of two major subgroups, and there are plenty of people who pick and choose their preferred transgressions from either side or from other, less common types. It’s essentially a “Chinese menu” of transgression, but there are popular combinations.” – me

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