Caveat: Fish after 3 days

There’s always going to be a trade-off. There can be a houseguest who thinks they are being helpful, but in fact they make more work for you. They cook a delicious meal for you, but leave little messes everywhere and never turn off any lights and even forget to turn off the oven, and leave swathes of chaos in the fridge. There are constant decisions that have to be made, when your houseguest has different standards of neatness and cleanliness than you do. Should you go around cleaning up after them, and resent it? Or should you just live with that different standard of neatness and cleanliness for a while, and resent that, instead? Inevitably, it’s some combination of those two, and a constant effort to avoid building up resentment.

Venting online into the void is super helpful, of course.

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