This tree saw some clouds in the morning, but fewer clouds than yesterday.
After working at the store for a bit in the morning, I drove around running errands (buying gas, which requires a special drive over to Klawock, since Craig has no gas station these days). Then I came home and since it wasn’t raining, I worked outside, on that “last six feet” of my electrical conduit on lot 73, at the top of the driveway, connecting to the little well-house there. It was brutal work, but I exposed the previous conduit (a stub I’d put in 3 years ago, determined now to be the wrong size), pulled it out, and put in a new piece of larger-diameter conduit. I now need to expose the water pipe because there’s a rather bad leak on connector to the down-the-hill line of water pipe – I never was able to test the water pipe before, since it’d just been a stub, but when Richard helped install all the downstream faucets and connectors back in August, I had a chance to test it all, and sadly, there was a leak at the uphill end of everything. So that can be a project for the next few days – when it’s not raining again next.
[daily log: walking, 4.5km; retailing, 3hr; ditch-digging, 2hr]