Caveat: Tree #1113

This tree saw something quite unexpected: a ray (just one ray during the whole day) of sunshine.
Arthur has traveled, on his own, to Anchorage because he needs technical help with his hearing aids and of course no one in Southeast Alaska can do that – so the VA is sending him to Anchorage, at their expense, to try to solve the problem. Some people have expressed concern about Arthur traveling alone. I suppose I share that concern, but I just hope for the best and think he’ll muddle through. Strangers are mostly helpful and kind, and all of Alaska is basically just a small town that happens to take up a lot of land, such that the “city bus” is run by an airline.

I got a phone call from Arthur to confirm his arrival in Anchorage. Apparently Arthur got off the plane at Juneau, thinking he’d arrived in Anchorage. He got as far as the baggage carousels before realizing he was in the wrong airport. Fortunately the plane (which takes off and lands multiple times in its island-hopping journey from Seattle to Anchorage, and has the atmosphere of an intercity bus) waited for him to realize his error and so he was able to reboard.
picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km; dropping Arthur at airport, 2hr]

Caveat: The Age of Hypochondria

A half-formed thought.

Conspiracy-thinking is a type of hypochondria at the level of society, instead of at the level of the individual. It’s an apophenic search for meaning where meaninglessness is the more rational explanation, and a kind of default assumption of malignancy. That said, between the excessive reactions to COVID on the one hand, and the explosion of conspiracy theorizing on both the left and right in our political space, I would dub our current era the “Age of Hypochondria.”

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