Caveat: Tree #1070 Wednesday - 2021-12-22, 19:50 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 A Daily Tree / My Photos This tree was near an eagle perched on a snowbank beside a road on the side of a mountain. [daily log: walking, 3.5km; retailing, 6hr]
Caveat: Poem #1970 “Tense” Wednesday - 2021-12-22, 05:05 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 A Daily Poem / Book 3 / Haikuish Objects / My Poetry & Fiction ㅁ I'm feeling burnt out. I think it's the bad commute: a near hour on ice. – a pseudo-haiku.
Caveat: Tree #1069 Wednesday - 2021-12-22, 05:01 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 A Daily Tree / My Garden / My Photos This tree was there as the greenhouse slowly tried to become an igloo. [daily log: walking, 3km; retailing, 6hr]