Caveat: Tree #1009 Friday - 2021-10-22, 21:01 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 A Daily Tree / My Photos This tree has more to show, higher up, out of the picture’s frame. [daily log: walking, 1km]
Caveat: A jellyfishpocalypse Friday - 2021-10-22, 14:44 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 Life in Alaska / My Photos I don’t quite get what these jellyfish are up to. They are all dying on our rocky beach.
Caveat: Poem #1909 “The easy path” Friday - 2021-10-22, 05:32 Wednesday - 2023-03-22 A Daily Poem / Book 3 / Haikuish Objects / My Poetry & Fiction ㅁ Upon awaking I heard the hard rain and winds so I stayed inside. – a pseudo-haiku.