Caveat: Tree #963

This tree saw a shell on the railing that a raven had left behind.

picture[daily log: walking, 2km; boating, 15km]

Caveat: Fishing Report #(n + 29)

We left the dock at 7:30.


The sea was calm when we started out. Based on the marine forecasts, I was trying to hit a “hole” between two fronts of the storms we’ve been having, and it seems like I did it right. Tomorrow is supposed to see “gale” conditions on Bucarelli Bay.

We went out and started trolling along Cemetery Island, just outside the north entrance to Port Saint Nicholas.

In fact, it felt like Arthur’s heart wasn’t in it. He didn’t want to go out farther, so we turned around and trolled southward, back past the north entrance, along the Coronados to the south entrance. And having caught nothing, Arthur started pulling in the lines without even commenting. It was like the whole fishing trip was just “going through the motions.”

We returned to the dock at around 9:45.

“Skunked” – though I’d call this a self-goal, to a certain extent.

With so much of the day still remaining, I decided it was a good time to check the running condition of the GDC (my RV camper). Its battery was dead. So I’ve been charging it.


Year-to-date totals:

  • Coho: 15
  • Kings: 0
  • Halibut: 10
  • Muy Grande Halibut (> 50lbs): 2
  • Other: 3
  • Too-small fish sent home to mama: 28
  • Downrigger weights left on the bottom of the sea: 1


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