Caveat: Tree #941

This tree decided to start out near this pile of rocks.

Meanwhile I added some greenhouse-fresh green poblano peppers to a batch of fish curry.

picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

Caveat: Corporate Epistemological Crisis (Why AT&T, Why?)

I took this screenshot on my phone a few weeks back, but I just now remembered I’d taken it with the intent to share it. AT&T is convinced that my phone is a “3G” phone, and they are trying very, very hard to get me to “upgrade.” The thing is… I don’t think their belief is accurate. See the screenshot from my phone, for clarification.


I’ve dealt with various people in their customer service multiple times, but they are unconvinceable.


Caveat: Poem #1841 “Storm”

A storm from the west presses the sea.
The sea leaps up and climbs the rocks.
It pushes the dock up, down,
and rocks the little boat,
which pulls at its ropes.
Flecks of white foam
line the beach.
The trees

– a nonnet.

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