This tree saw that I had helped Richard this morning, as we installed a brand new drainage culvert across the road on lot 73. The thinking is that this might help relieve the flooding problem at the main culvert at the top of Arthur’s driveway. You can see the outlet of the new culvert in the right center bottom of the photo. To the lower left is my famous pile-o-rocks.
[daily log: walking, 3km]
Month: November 2020
Caveat: Poem #1583 “Dry”
Caveat: Tree #682
Caveat: Poem #1582 “Flat”
Caveat: Tree #681
Caveat: Poem #1581 “Winterscape”
Caveat: Tree #680
This tree is barely visible, backlit by the rising moon, photographed by my lousy cellphone camera.
[daily log: walking, 4km; retailing, 6hr]
Caveat: Poem #1580 “Only today, though”
ㅁ they gave thanks broadly to the trees and stones and sea their minds thanked the world
Caveat: Tree #679
This tree is hard to see, so I circled it – it has been installed as a hood ornament for an old Dodge pickup truck.
[daily log: walking, 3km; turkey-gobbling, 2hr]
Caveat: Poem #1579 “Transitory”
ㅁ headlights evoke memory, as cars pass... the flowing grass, silver sea, night falling... heading home, free.
Caveat: Tree #678
This tree is made of fabric and is for sale at the gift store for $5.50.
[daily log: walking, 2.5km; retailing, 8hr]
Caveat: Poem #1578 “White”
Caveat: Tree #677
This tree is near some mountains and the sea in downtown Klawock, where I was the other day. Just out of frame is the Catholic church, to the right. I’m standing on the main highway on the little isthmus between the sea and Klawock River estuary.
[daily log: walking, 3km; retailing, 8hr]
Caveat: Poem #1577 “Banal undarkness”
Caveat: Tree #676
This tree (these trees) has (have) been featured before. They’re at the pond at 8.5 mile.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km]
Caveat: λP[λQ[∼∃x[P(x)∧Q(x)]]]
Two jokes.
First joke:
A: I said, λP[λQ[∼∃x[P(x)∧Q(x)]]]
B: Huh?
A: What part of “no” don’t you understand?
(This joke only works if you’ve studied formal modal logic.)
Second joke:
A: What sport do you play with a wombat?
B: Wom.
Lo que escucho ahora.
José José, “El Triste.” Me acuerda de viajes en autobuses de tercera clase en el México rural de los 80.
Que triste fue decirnos adios
Cuando nos adorabamos mas
Hasta la golondrina emigro
Presagiando el final
Que triste luce todo sin ti
Los mares de las playas se van
Se tiñen los colores de gris
Hoy todo es soledad
No sé si vuelva a verte despues
No sé que de mi vida será
Sin el lucero azul de tu ser
Que no me alumbra ya
Hoy quiero saborear mi dolor
No pido compasíón ni piedad
La historia de este amor se escribió
Para la eternidad
Que triste todos dicen que soy
Que siempre estoy hablando de ti
No saben que pensando en tu amor
En tu amor
He podido ayudarme a vivir
He podido ayudarme a vivir
Hoy quiero saborear mi dolor
No pido compasíón ni piedad
La historia de este amor se escribió
Para la eternidad
Que triste todos dicen que soy
Que siempre estoy hablando de ti
No saben que pensando en tu amor
En tu amor
He podido ayudarme a vivir
He podido ayudarme a vivir
Caveat: Poem #1576 “Unreadable signs”
ㅁ Freezing rain attacked the road. Or was it frozen, moonlit flakes that snowed, mapped a hieroglyphic code.
Caveat: Tree #675
This tree existed in Ilsan, Korea, exactly 7 years ago, when I took this picture.
[daily log: walking, 2.5km]
Caveat: Geget sa, niminwendam
Zhingwaak gaa-ozhibii’aan Zhingwaak! Zhingwaak! Ingii-ikid, Weshki waabamag zhingwaak Dagoshinaan neyab, endanakiiyaan. Zhingwaak, zhingwaak nos sa! Azhigwa gidatisaanan Gaagige wezhaawashkozid. Mii sa naa azhigwa dagoshinaang Bizindamig ikeyaamban Geget sa, niminwendam Miinwaa, waabandamaan Gii-ayaad awiiya waabandamaan niin Zhingwaak, zhingwaak nos sa! Azhigwa gidatisaanan. Gaawiin gego, gaa-waabanda’iyan Dibishkoo, ezhi-naagwasiinoon Zhingwaak wezhaawashkozid Wiin eta gwanaajiwi wi Gaagige wezhaawashkozid. - Jane Johnston Schoolcraft AKA Bamewawagezhikaquay (Ojibwe poet, 1800-1842) To the Pine Tree Pine! Pine! I said, The one I see, the pine I return back, to my homeland. The pine, the pine my father! Already you are colored Forever you are green So we already have arrived Listen in that direction Certainly I am happy And I see He was there I saw it myself The pine, the pine my father! Already you are colored. Nothing, you did show me Like that, the way it looks Pine he is green. He is beautiful Forever he is the green one. - translated by Margaret Noodin
Published 2020 by in their Poem-a-day feature.
What I’m listening to right now, as snow falls outside.
Arvo Pärt, “Salve Regina.”

Caveat: Poem #1575 “Circular, empty channels”
ㅁ I awoke from a dream in which I was dreaming that I couldn't remember a dream I'd dreamt. The pencil hovered on the notepad but both were empty.
Caveat: Tree #674
Caveat: Poem #1574 “Time’s guiding hand”
Caveat: Tree #673
Caveat: Poem #1573 “A rainline”
Caveat: Tree #672
Caveat: Poem #1572 “Clarification”
ㅁ Some snow was falling. Piles appeared on branches, rocks. Then it turned to rain.
Caveat: Tree #671
Caveat: Poem #1571 “Spirited eagle”
ㅁ Some ravens and an eagle jumped to flight along the road to town, as if at play. The eagle fled ahead and found a tree, and perched there calmly looking down, askance. I saw the eagle's breath rise up like steam. I'd never seen that, till that morning's trip.
Caveat: Tree #670
Caveat: Poem #1570 “Thirtieth stanza”
ㅁ Kiamon couldn't help asking the ghosts. Late in the night they would lurk on the coast, drifting along the wide lake's rocky shore, helpless and hoping to not be ignored.
Caveat: Tree #669
Caveat: Poem #1569 “Twenty-ninth stanza”
ㅁ Kiamon sat there and looked at the crowd. Tables were packed and the cafe was loud. Still, down inside, she felt empty as wind. Nothing was true. Her mood was chagrined.