I took this picture of a tree next to the garish pink Federal Building in downtown Ketchikan in November, 2009.
[daily log: walking, 2km; retailing, 8hr]
Day: August 12, 2020
Caveat: Sasquatches!
In my new job, I am working in retail. So I get to talk to customers.
A man came in the store today and told a breathless, insistent story about a family of sasquatches that live near a sandy beach northeast of Thorne Bay, on the island. I tried to listen empathetically. He talked about how they never bother any one. How they have their own language, “not quite human.” Then that segued (somehow) to how the government took his land, long ago.
He bought a trinket for his granddaughter.
Caveat: Poem #1473 “Language overtakes”
ㅁ Behold the novel impermanence that post-modernity grants us: culture's spinning, mindless wheels; entrained electrons' songs; epistemic games rendered raptures by thrumming, humming words.