Caveat: Tree #568

This tree is a guest post from the past. I took this picture of a tree in Duluth, in November, 2009.

[UPDATE NOTE: This tree is the same as Tree #206. The past is omnipresent.]

picture[daily log: walking, 2.5km]

Caveat: Mosquito Epic

Not what you think. Though I have been dealing with mosquitoes, lately.
I was waxing nostalgic this morning, because while doing some routine maintenance on this here blog thingy™, I ran across this unexpectedly well-made video I put together while sitting in a hotel room in Japan in September, 2009 (below). The music aspect is from a kids musical about a mosquito that I had seen earlier that year, starring one of my students.
It occurs to me that most of these students are finished with college, now. I know this for a fact, as I’m still in touch with a few of them.
What I’m listening to right now.

Music: 극단 날으는 자동차, “워워워 (지구를 지켜라 : 100살 모기 소송사건).” Video by me. This is a re-post, but 11 years later.

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