Caveat: Poem #1412 “A diagram of my garden”

small carrots    growing radishes    expansionist lettuce
bold vegetables

black soil    damp sand    mildewy stones
fertile earth

buzzing bees    hovering gnats    stealthy mosquitoes
industrious worms

the greenhouse
the young plants
and provides
a space
to grow
and flourish

still air    hanging sun    passing clouds
coming rain

– a quennet.

Caveat: Radish #4.5

Arthur likes to make grilled cheese sandwiches with pickles. Normally he uses a spicy sweet pickle, like the Famous Dave’s brand that he prefers.
Tonight, however, he used my home-made radish pickles. And happily, they were actually pretty good on grilled cheese. Here is a pale pink radish pickle on the grilled cheese – I opened it for the photo op.

Caveat: Tree #525

One of these trees is a rebel. I’m worried that I posted it before. But if I did, just consider it the price of arboreal notariety.
[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

Caveat: Tree #524

These are two trees. Actually, only the middle part of two trees. But there was this fat-looking raptor lurking there on a branch. I wasn’t sure, but when I showed Art the picture, he said it was a fledging eagle. I could buy that based on appearance… but if a fledging, it’s a fat, well-fed one. It looked larger than its mama.
picture[daily log: walking, 1km]

Caveat: Art #44

This is another of that fantasy architectural series from 1988. Note the asemic writing at the bottom. I still do this in my doodles, quite often. I love asemic writing.

Caveat: Tree #523

This tree is… um, wait, which tree am I talking about?
picture[daily log: walking, 1km; fish-seeking, 30nm]

Caveat: Tree #521

The tree in the center of this photo is noticeable, stark against the horizon. We went out trying to catch fish this morning. Not much luck.
picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

Caveat: Tree #519

I didn’t take a picture of a tree today. I offer this tree from my past. I took this picture at a rest area in Arizona in 2012, during a visit back to the US from my home-at-that-time in Korea.
picture[daily log: walking, 1.5km]

Caveat: APT Time

When Arthur and I left to go to town, we found the road blocked by the APT guys, fixing a utility pole. “APT” is “Alaska Power and Telephone,” the local utility monopoly. They said “20 minutes,” so we waited.
It was more like 1 hour. They work at their own pace. That’s “APT Time.”
We did finally make it to town. I told a guy Doug in town that the traffic coming into town today was terrible.

Caveat: Tree #518

But the question is… if you needed to, could you pick this tree out of a lineup?
[daily log: walking, 2km]

Caveat: Radish #4

My garden was making radishes. So I decided to try an experiment. I made two jars of spicy pickled radishes, improvising a recipe found online. They look very nice.
How they taste… not sure yet. I’ll report later. Korea has pickled radishes, but they’re not spicy. Korea also has radish kimchi, called 깍두기 [kkakdugi], which is generally quite spicy. So I guess this recipe is kind of a meeting-in-the-middle of those two concepts.

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